First Gordon Brown didn’t want the DVDs, now he can’t play the DVDs. Thanks, Mr. President.

One British wit asked if "Clueless" was one of the 25 DVDs.
One British wit asked if "Clueless" was one of the 25 DVDs.

The DVDs President Obama gave British Prime Minister Gordon Brown are the gifts that just keep on giving. At least they keep giving us new stories.

First, the Prime Minister was offended that he had been given a gift he could get down at the corner Blockbuster. Then, the was offended that the Obama administration hadn’t bothered to learn that he’s not a film fan.

End of story, right? Wrong.

One night last week, Brown got home from a long day of doing whatever it is the British Prime Minister does, plopped down in his comfiest chair, and popped “Psycho” into his DVD player.

Instead of seeing Janet Leigh in the shower, he saw the words “Wrong Region” on his TV screen.

Turns out the diplomatic and technological geniuses in the Obama administration didn’t know the DVD format in the United States is different than in England. So those 25 DVDs Obama gave Brown were not only insulting, but worthless.

(As an aside, we didn’t know about the format difference, either. But we’ve never held ourselves out as glittering geniuses. Glittering smartasses, perhaps, but not glittering geniuses.)


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