ClimateGate 101: Berkeley professor explains the real scandal

We didn’t know there were any rogue academics willing to risk their careers by speaking out against ClimateGate. We were wrong.

We didn’t know there were any rogue academics willing to risk their careers by speaking out against ClimateGate. We were wrong.

Here’s Professor Richard A. Muller – from Berkeley, of all places – explaining the real problem with Michael Mann’s “hide the decline trick” and the ClimateGate emails.

Climategate Update: Penn State guilty of blue and whitewash

According to the Inspector General, Penn State is guilty of a whitewash of an investigation into Climategate and one of the scandal’s central figures, Michael Mann.

When it comes to independent inquiries, a federal Inspector General thinks that Penn State has an interesting take on the concept. “Independent” appears to mean totally not independent and “inquiry” seems to mean a way to avoid any type of investigation.

These Penn State girls are not - repeat, not - cheering for Michael Mann

According to that Inspector General, Penn State is guilty of a whitewash (or, in keeping with the school’s colors, a blue and white wash) of an investigation into Climategate and one of the scandal’s central figures, Michael Mann.

Penn State is being thrown to the Nittany Lions on a couple of things for its “independent” inquiry. Specifically, the school never interviewed a key witness who could corroborate – or not – the fact that Mann hid data that might disprove global warming theories. They also never asked whether Mann deleted or asked anyone else to delete the data.

While the official report on the inquiries hasn’t been released, early indications are that the school’s Happy Valley nickname may need to be revised.

Haphazard Valley? Crafty Valley?


James Cameron: Writer, producer, director, global warming alarmist and, of course, hypocrite

When James Cameron says “We’re going to have to live with less,” what he really means is “You’re going to have to live with less while I live with more.”

James Cameron, director of Titanic and Avatar, said, “I wanted to make an environmentally conscious mainstream movie … It will be a dying world if we don’t make some fundamental changes about how we view ourselves and how we view wealth … We’re going to have to live with less.”

Of course, when he says “We’re going to have to live with less,” what he really means is “You’re going to have to live with less while I live with more.”

We don’t begrudge anyone living the lifestyle their income allows them to live. What we begrudge is their hypocrisy.

H/T: Andrew Bolt

Oh, sure, now the IPCC thinks scientists ought to avoid reporters

Times have changed and now the IPCC wants scientists to avoid the press as if they have some horrible global warming-caused disease.

carr ipcc media global warming
Edward R. Carr is talking to the media about the fact that the IPCC doesn't want him talking to the media

Remember the good ol’ days when climate scientists were encouraged to spread the word about global warming?

You know, back before ClimateGate and news about the glaciers not melting and the coral not bleaching and the sea levels not rising and the rain forests not disappearing. Ahhh, those were the days.

But times have changed and now the IPCC wants scientists to avoid the press as if they have some horrible global warming-caused disease.

The New York Times has the story:

The 831 researchers who will contribute to the next round of assessments of climate science and policy options by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have been sent a letter admonishing them to “keep a distance from the media” and send any press inquiries about the work of their author groups to supervisors.

On Friday, one recipient of the letter, Edward R. Carr, an associate professor of geography at the University of South Carolina who will work on the assessment of climate impacts and adaptation options, complained about the letter in a post on his blog under the heading “ Apparently we have learned nothing….”

He warned that the panel appears stuck in a “bunker mentality” that will do little to build its credibility after a trying year of attacks by foes of restrictions on greenhouse gases and skeptics of climate science. In an e-mail message alerting me to Carr’s post, Mickey Glantz, a University of Colorado specialist in climate impacts in poor regions who has been an author on previous panel reports, said he agreed with Carr, adding: “I think the I.P.C.C. is on the wrong path.”

Polar bears are also being encouraged to avoid the media, lest children find out they really aren’t dying out.

Source: New York Times

Uh-oh. ClimateGate scientist admits “unprecedented” temps aren’t all that unprecedented

Phil Jones, one of the “scientists” implicated the infamous ClimateGate scandal, admits in a new paper (written with six other scientists) that Earth’s current temperature is mumble-mumble-mumble. What’s that, Phil? Did you admit that “unprecedented” may be too strong a word?

Minnesota Vikings cheerleaders
We were going to illustrate this story with an image of Vikings, but we got distracted when we ran across this photo of Viking cheerleaders

Phil Jones, one of the “scientists” implicated the infamous ClimateGate scandal, admits in a new paper (written with six other scientists) that Earth’s current temperature is mumble-mumble-mumble. What’s that, Phil? Did you admit that “unprecedented” may be too strong a word? takes the “un” out of unprecedented for us:

In the words of the seven scientists, “temperatures during the warmest intervals of the Medieval Warm Period,” which they defined as occurring “some 900 to 1300 years ago,” “were as warm as or slightly warmer than present day Greenland temperatures.”

What it means

As for what this result implies, the researchers conditionally — and rather amusingly — state that further warming of present day Greenland climate “will result in temperature conditions that are warmer than anything seen in the past 1400 years.” But, of course, their work more directly and unconditionally implies that late 20th-century and early 21st-century weather has not yet been warm enough to confer “unprecedented” status upon Greenland air temperatures. What is more, Vinther et al. readily admit that the independent “GRIP borehole temperature inversion suggests that central Greenland temperatures are still somewhat below the high temperatures that existed during the Medieval Warm Period.”

The envelope please…And the 2010 Chicken Little Award for Creative Panic Mongering goes to … Phil Jones.


The pseudo-science is settled! New hockey stick graph shows unprecedented rise in global warming skeptics

Here’s the most accurate global warming graph ever constructed. Ever. Congrats to Zombie over at Pajamas Media for sharing the results of this peer-reviewed scientific study. It was peer-reviewed, wasn’t it?

Here’s the most accurate global warming graph ever constructed. Ever. (CLICK TO ENLARGE.) Congrats to Zombie over at Pajamas Media for sharing the results of this peer-reviewed scientific study. It was peer-reviewed, wasn’t it?

Source: Pajamas Media

Donald Trump doesn’t want to work in Hollywood anymore

Donald Trump thinks Al Gore should be stripped of his fraudulently-obtained Nobel Peace Prize, an opinion that will not endear him to any of Hollywood’s greenies.

Donald Trump thinks Al Gore should be stripped of his fraudulently-obtained Nobel Peace Prize, an opinion that will not endear him to any of Hollywood’s greenies.

Naturally, the love Al Gore in the land of make believe. So a couple more comments like this one and they’ll run the star of television’s “The Apprentice” right out of Tinseltown.

The New York Post reports Trump’s comments:

“With the coldest winter ever recorded, with snow setting record levels up and down the coast, the Nobel committee should take the Nobel Prize back from Al Gore,” the tycoon told members of his Trump National Golf Club in Westchester in a recent speech. “Gore wants us to clean up our factories and plants in order to protect us from global warming, when China and other countries couldn’t care less. It would make us totally noncompetitive in the manufacturing world, and China, Japan and India are laughing at America’s stupidity.” The crowd of 500 stood up and cheered.

Next time you’re out in Hollywood, Donald, maybe you could suggest that Gore return his Oscar, too.

Source: New York Post

Al Gore loses horse race by six-and-one-half lengths

A long-shot filly named GlobalWarmnSceptic won the first race of her hopefully long and fruitful career by six lengths. She paid 7-1/2 to one.

You’d have made a small fortune if you’d been at the thoroughbred horse races in the lovely little town of Naracoorte, South Australia the other day. Because you would have mortgaged your house to get enough money to bet on one horse in the second race.

A long-shot filly named GlobalWarmnSceptic won the first race of her hopefully long and fruitful career by six lengths. She paid 7-1/2 to one.

The only way it could have been better is if the second place horse had been named Algore.

Go, Sceptic, go.

Source: Tim Blair

The Descent of Mann (with apologies to Charles Darwin)

If you want an accurate forecast on global climate change, you need to stick your head somewhere else – like a Michael Mann lecture.

Michael Mann has learned that several feet of snow trumps several years of bullshit

If you want an accurate weather forecast, just stick your head out the window.

If you want an accurate forecast on global climate change, you need to stick your head somewhere else – like a Michael Mann lecture.

Except when frigid temperatures (the result of global warming) and record amounts of snow (also the result of global warming) cancel the performance…uhhhh… the colloquium on climate change.

Mann, Penn State climatologist and lead suspect in the ClimateGate controversy, was slated to tell students at the University of Penn how the world was growing hotter. But according to an email to Instapundit, Mann’s colloquium has been cancelled for the most ironic of reasons:

“Today, Michael Mann was scheduled to give a colloquium on climate change at the University of Pennsylvania, where I am a graduate student. As you may know, Philadelphia has been hit by multiple snowstorms in the past week. Today, for what I am told is the first time since the mid-1990s, the university suspended normal operations due to snow, and his colloquium on climate change has been postponed.”

University officials are currently beseeching Gaia for mercy so that they can re-schedule the lecture.

Source: Instapundit

– Written by Sven Waring

Global warming update: Hypocrite Prince Charles calls opponents liars

Prince Charles isn’t quite the global warming hypocrite Al Gore is. But he’s working on it. The un-peripatetic prince traveled to Manchester to give a global warming speech aboard the Royal Train, pulled across the British countryside by a pollution-spewing, coal-fired steam locomotive.

Prince Charles isn’t quite the global warming hypocrite Al Gore is. But he’s working on it.

The un-peripatetic prince traveled to Manchester to give a global warming speech aboard the Royal Train, pulled across the British countryside by a pollution-spewing, coal-fired steam locomotive.

Rather than bore you with the details, here are a few quotes pulled from the story:

“I have watched with growing dismay and alarm the glee with which the sceptics have leapt upon the recent news stories that question the science that climate change is man-made and suggesting it is nothing more than a myth.”

“Well, if it is but a myth, and the global scientific community is involved in some sort of conspiracy, why is it then that around the globe sea levels are more than six inches higher than they were 100 years ago?”

“This isn’t an opinion – it is a fact.”

“And, ladies and gentlemen please be in no doubt that the evidence of long-term and potentially irreversible changes to our world is utterly overwhelming.”

“But I trust we do all know that these wonderful innovations [steam engines] carried with them a long-term cost that nobody at the time could possibly have foreseen.”

“I don’t know about you, ladies and gentlemen, but I happen to mind very much about the sort of world in which my children and grandchildren – and yours – will be living.”

“For all of them, I believe we have a great responsibility to do the right thing by them and so I, for one, am not prepared to play some sort of Russian roulette with their futures.”

Charles has had a busy year saving the world. He was busted in early 2009 for chartering multiple private jets to fly his entourage to the Amazon for one of his hypocritical global warming lectures. And a few weeks ago he upped the ante by once again chartering private jets fly to the Copenhagen Global Warming Circus & Freak Show.

Prince Charles, King of Hypocrites. Whoever invented the phrase “royal pain in the ass” must have been thinking of this guy.

Source: Daily Express UK via

Love ClimateGate means never having to say
you’re sorry

The Guardian UK has the story of Rajendra Pachauri, head of the IPCC, which got caught flat out lying about the fate of the world’s glaciers

Rajendra Pachauri
Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the IPCC and congenital liar

The make believe world of global warming doesn’t work like the rest of the world. Not at all.

In the real world, you get fired from your job if it’s discovered that all the reports you’ve written are nonsense. But in the FantasyLand of global warming, you keep your job and attack those who reveal your perfidy.

The Guardian UK has the story of Rajendra Pachauri, head of the IPCC, which got caught flat out lying about the fate of the world’s glaciers:

The embattled chief of the UN’s climate change body has hit out at his critics and refused to resign or apologise for a damaging mistake in a landmark 2007 report on global warming.

In an exclusive interview with the Guardian, Dr Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said it would be hypocritical to apologise for the false claim that ­Himalayan glaciers could melt away by 2035, because he was not personally responsible for that part of the report. “You can’t expect me to be personally responsible for every word in a 3,000 page report,” he said.

The IPCC issued a statement that expressed regret for the mistake, but Pachauri said a personal apology would be a “populist” step.

“I don’t do too many populist things, that’s why I’m so unpopular with a certain section of society,” he said.

Of course, that “certain section of society” to which Pachauri refers includes all honest people who aren’t ripping off the world’s taxpayers for billions of dollars.

Source: Guardian UK

And the award for worst weather forecast of the decade goes to…

British meteorologist David Viner predicted back in 2000 that “Britain’s winter ends tomorrow.” He was from climategate’s University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit.

100% of Great Britain is now covered with that cold, white stuff that was supposed to be a thing of the past

If you’re anything like us, you watch the daily weather forecast and wonder how your local weatherman can get it wrong so often? You also think to yourself, “My boss would fire my butt if I did my job as poorly as that guy does.”

With that in mind, take note of what one noted British meteorologist predicted back in 2000.

Britain’s winter ends tomorrow with further indications of a striking environmental change: snow is starting to disappear from our lives.

Sledges, snowmen, snowballs and the excitement of waking to find that the stuff has settled outside are all a rapidly diminishing part of Britain’s culture, as warmer winters – which scientists are attributing to global climate change – produce not only fewer white Christmases, but fewer white Januaries and Februaries.

In light of the fact that all of Britain is now buried under several feet of global warming (formerly known as snow), you might wonder what kind of lunatic made that prediction.

According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”.

“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said.

Yes, the same East Anglia Climate Research Unit currently embroiled in the ClimateGate scandal.

So how has this incompetent boob been dealt with? Surely, you might think, his career is in ruins. Well, you’d be incorrect, because he is now head of the British Council’s Climate Change Programme.

Nice to see that gross incompetence is no reason to hold down a man’s career.

Source: Tim Blair

British government’s global warming guru makes more money than nation’s prime minister

In this interview, BBC host Andrew Neal absolutely puts global warming proponent and Met Office chief John Hirst on the hot seat for his office’s abysmal weather forecasting record and outrageous salaries.

Back during the Depression, a newspaper reporter asked Babe Ruth how he could justify making more money than the president of the United States. Ruth responded, “I had a better year than he did.”

Unfortunately, that explanation won’t work for top British government climate guru John Hirst. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has had an awful year, but it shines in comparison to Hirst’s.

In this interview, BBC host Andrew Neal absolutely puts the global warming guru on the hot seat for his office’s abysmal weather forecasting record and outrageous salaries.

It’s almost laugh-out-loud-funny to watch Hirst squirm while trying to answer questions such as, “Since you can’t the summer or the winter right in your forecasts, why should we give any credence to your forecast to what the temperature will be in the 2050 or 2020, which is what you do.”

Thanks for our friends over at for finding this gem.


Baby, it’s cold outside. Freezing ass, bone chilling cold.

So many freezing ass, record cold and record snow stories we can’t cover them all.

So many freezing ass, record cold and record snow stories we can’t cover them all.

While you read some of the headlines from around the world and laugh at Al Gore and ClimateGate, listen to Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Jordan with their rendition of the new global warming theme song.

Snowstorm squelches climate change protest
Source: Salt Lake Tribune

French Constitutional Court Rejects Carbon Tax
Source: Reuters

No Rise of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Fraction in Past 160 Years, New Research Finds

Cold weather kills scores in India
Source: IOL

Once in a generation cold snap forecast for NC

U.S. East Coast Faces Deep Freeze; Florida Oranges Threatened
Source: Bloomberg

Heavy snow brings Beijing to standstill
Source: Reuters

Let’s take a break from the headlines to take a look at a chill map of the United States. Good luck to all of you who don’t live in California.

And now, back to the headlines:

Britain facing one of the coldest winters in 100 years, experts predict
Source: Telegraph UK

Winter Could Be Worst in 25 Years for USA

Source: Express UK

Vermont sets ‘all-time record for one snowstorm’

Iowa temps ‘a solid 30 degrees below normal’
Source: Des Moines Register

Seoul buried in heaviest snowfall in 70 years
Source: Associated Press

Historic ice build-up shuts down NJ nuclear power plant

Beijing — coldest in 40 years
Source: The Age

Miami shivers from coldest weather in decade

Al Gore has problems with bugs. And not just in his computer models.

Woe is Al. The Goracle has been nailed with another inconvenient untruth by epidemiologist Paul Reiter. Mosquitos.

There's nothing worse than hearing the buzzing of a mosquito in the middle of the night. Except maybe the droning of Al Gore.
There's nothing worse than hearing the buzzing of a mosquito in the middle of the night. Except maybe the droning of Al Gore.

Woe is Al. The Goracle has been nailed with another inconvenient untruth by epidemiologist Paul Reiter. Here’s how the Spectator UK reports the buzz:

I am a scientist, not a climatologist, so I don’t dabble in climatology. My speciality is the epidemiology of mosquito-borne diseases. As the film [An Inconvenient Truth] began, I knew Mr Gore would get to mosquitoes: they’re a favourite with climate-change activists. When he got to them, it was all I feared.
In his serious voice, Mr Gore presented a nifty animation, a band of little mosquitoes fluttering their way up the slopes of a snow-capped mountain, and he repeated the old line: Nairobi used to be ‘above the mosquito line, the limit at which mosquitoes can survive, but now…’ Those little mosquitoes kept climbing.

The truth? Nairobi means ‘the place of cool waters’ in the Masai language. The town grew up around a camp, set up in 1899 during the construction of a railway, the famous ‘Lunatic Express’. There certainly was water there — and mosquitoes. From the start, the place was plagued with malaria, so much so that a few years later doctors tried to have the whole town moved to a healthier place. By 1927, the disease had become such a plague in the ‘White Highlands’ that £40,000 (equivalent to about £350,000 today) was earmarked for malaria control. The authorities understood the root of the problem: forest clearance had created the perfect breeding places for mosquitoes. The disease was present as high as 2,500m above sea level; the mosquitoes were observed at 3,000m. And Nairobi? 1,680m.

Al, there’s a mosquito on your face. Let us slap it.

Source: Spectator UK

How the global warming cult took control of Wikipedia

No one’s ever accused Wikipedia of being impartial nor even particularly accurate. But Lawrence Solomon’s story in the National Post reveals how one global warming cultist, William Connolley, ingle-handedly twisted the truth in more than 5,000 Wikipedia articles on global warming.

Rule of Life #1: Never trust a pony-tailed scientist who carries a teddy bear in his backpack
Rule of Life #1: Never trust a pony-tailed scientist who carries a teddy bear in his backpack

No one’s ever accused Wikipedia of being impartial nor even particularly accurate. But Lawrence Solomon’s story in the National Post reveals how one global warming cultist, William Connolley, (PHOTO, RIGHT) single-handedly twisted the truth in more than 5,000 Wikipedia articles on global warming:

Connolley took control of all things climate in the most used information source the world has ever known – Wikipedia. Starting in February 2003, just when opposition to the claims of the band members were beginning to gel, Connolley set to work on the Wikipedia site. He rewrote Wikipedia’s articles on global warming, on the greenhouse effect, on the instrumental temperature record, on the urban heat island, on climate models, on global cooling. On Feb. 14, he began to erase the Little Ice Age; on Aug.11, the Medieval Warm Period. In October, he turned his attention to the hockey stick graph. He rewrote articles on the politics of global warming and on the scientists who were skeptical of the band. Richard Lindzen and Fred Singer, two of the world’s most distinguished climate scientists, were among his early targets, followed by others that the band especially hated, such as Willie Soon and Sallie Baliunas of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, authorities on the Medieval Warm Period.

All told, Connolley created or rewrote 5,428 unique Wikipedia articles. His control over Wikipedia was greater still, however, through the role he obtained at Wikipedia as a website administrator, which allowed him to act with virtual impunity. When Connolley didn’t like the subject of a certain article, he removed it — more than 500 articles of various descriptions disappeared at his hand. When he disapproved of the arguments that others were making, he often had them barred — over 2,000 Wikipedia contributors who ran afoul of him found themselves blocked from making further contributions. Acolytes whose writing conformed to Connolley’s global warming views, in contrast, were rewarded with Wikipedia’s blessings. In these ways, Connolley turned Wikipedia into the missionary wing of the global warming movement.

Who is Connolley? Here’s what Wikipedia says about him:

Connolley holds a Bachelor of Arts in mathematics and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Oxford for his work on numerical analysis. Connolley has authored and co-authored many articles in the field of climatological research.

Connolley served as a parish councillor in the village of Coton (near Cambridge, England) until May 2007. He stood as a Green Party candidate for either South Cambridgeshire District Council or Cambridgeshire County Council every year from 2001 to 2005.

Of course, Connolley probably wrote his own Wikipedia bio, so we have no idea if any of it is true.

Source: National Post

The Great Unraveling: Now Russians accuse Brits of faking global warming data

Russia has accused British climate researchers of picking and choosing temperature data from Russian weather stations. Oddly enough, they picked only data that supported anthropogenic global warming and ignored any data that inconveniently disagreed with their dandy little theory.

Here’s another story for delegates to ignore at the Copenhagen Global Warming & Interational Bribery Conference:

Russia has accused British climate researchers of picking and choosing temperature data from Russian weather stations. Oddly enough, they picked only data that supported anthropogenic global warming and ignored any data that inconveniently disagreed with their dandy little theory.

According to the Russians, the British “scientists” only used data from urban weather stations and intentionally deleted colder rural stations.

The science is settled! The science is settled! The science is settled!

Source: Gateway Pundit

Sociologists and archeologists 1000 years from now reconstruct the past. Much like global warming scientists do today. And just as accurately.

Scientists 1000 years in the future took reconstruct the history of the Beatles with all the amazing accuracy of today’s global warming “experts.” Where’s that damn hockey stick?

Scientists 1000 years in the future took reconstruct the history of the Beatles with all the amazing accuracy of today’s global warming “experts.”

Where’s that damn hockey stick?

East Anglia CRU: Not just liars, but incompetent liars

John Graham-Cumming, A UK computer programmer but not a global warming skeptic, took a closer look at the programming code for CRU’s computer modeling. His assessment? The code is so far below standard that it renders the resulting climate models worthless.

Turns out fraud may be the least of the problems exposed in the East Anglia CRU emails. Incompetence may be an even bigger issue for the gurus of global warming.

John Graham-Cumming, A UK computer programmer but not a global warming skeptic, took a closer look at the programming code for CRU’s computer modeling. His assessment? The code is so far below standard that it renders the resulting climate models worthless.

And in the words of Al Gore, “Hey, that’s good enough for me. Let’s spend billions of dollars. Want to hear my new poem?”

Source: Hot Air

2009’s ten stupidest ways to save the planet

The greenies would have you believe that they are superior in both mind and spirit. But based on these ideas to save the planet, maybe they should just concentrate on being superior of spirit.

We have to agree with Kermit. It's not easy being green.
We have to agree with Kermit. It's not easy being green.

The greenies would have you believe that they are superior in both mind and spirit. But based on these ideas to save the planet, maybe they should just concentrate on being superior of spirit.

10. Stay married. For better or worse.
Australian Senator Steve Fielding told a Senate hearing that divorce leads to a “resource-inefficient lifestyle” and that the planet would benefit if couples stayed married. Maybe that’s why the Clintons are still together.

9. Share a room with the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
According to an article in the Irish Times, “Ireland’s Catholic bishops … said the public should adopt a simpler lifestyle to help the planet.” Hey, wait just a darn sec. Doesn’t that contradict #10?

8. Sock it to global warming
During an interview on the BBC, sculptor Antony Gormley said, “Dispense with your socks … this is a time of global warming. Through our feet we can begin to feel it.” Walk a mile in Al Gore’s shoes.

7. Fido Stroganoff
Brenda and Robert Vale, a couple of whacked out New Zealand professors, suggest that you should swap your cats and dogs for pets you can eat. Chickens, for example. Or rabbits. You can find their outstanding advice is in their new book calledTime to Eat the Dog: The real guide to sustainable living. If we were smart, we’d get ahead of the trend and do a cookbook.

6. A new kind of green movement
An Iowa company called Wallypop introduced reusable cloth toilet wipes. We predict that their main competitor will be Sheryl Crow fans who believe in using just one square per…uhhh…session.

5. The sky’s the limit
According to the Daily Mail UK, “A Japanese airline has started asking passengers to go to the toilet before boarding in a bid to reduce carbon emissions. All Nippon Airways claims that empty bladders mean lighter passengers, a lighter aircraft and thus lower fuel use.” In other words, take a pee before you take off.

4. Rent your clothes. Seriously.
The geniuses at Britain’s Waste & Resources Action Program have come out against closets full of rarely worn clothes. It’s environmentally unacceptable, you should start renting your clothes instead of buying them. Yeah, but what happens if you don’t return your rented clothes. Do you get an eviction notice?

3. Kill Bill. And everyone else.
A group of Sydney academics published a paper that said, “This paper sets out, as a thought experiment, the possibility of humanity’s willing extinction as a solution to a growing ecological problem.” Please, be our guest Mr. Gore.

2. Better living through better batter
Brits Simon and Damiana Hare reveal that they’ll go through Britain’s predicted bitterly cold winter without heating their cottage. But if it gets too cold for their infant daughter, they say, “We can heat the house by making a second batch of pancakes.” Mmmmm. Ecological and delicious!

1. Greenpiece
According to an ITN News report, “A Berlin brothel is fighting climate change and the recession by offering a discount to those clients who arrive by bicycle.” Women who are used to peddling their asses are now pedaling them.

Source: Andrew Bolt

Uh-oh. Al Gore’s north pole predictions go south

Mr Gore, speaking at the Copenhagen climate change summit, stated the latest research showed that the Arctic could be completely ice-free in five years. He’s lying.

pinocchio1It’s been a bad couple weeks for Al Gore and it just got worse. A whole lot worse.

The global warming house of cards is falling down, but Gore decided to double down by making some frightening short term predictions about global warming. Bad move for the Goracle.

Here’s how the Times UK reports Al’s embarrassing story:

Mr Gore, speaking at the Copenhagen climate change summit, stated the latest research showed that the Arctic could be completely ice-free in five years.

In his speech, Mr Gore told the conference: “These figures are fresh. Some of the models suggest to Dr [Wieslav] Maslowski that there is a 75 per cent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during the summer months, could be completely ice-free within five to seven years.”

However, the climatologist whose work Mr Gore was relying upon dropped the former Vice-President in the water with an icy blast.

“It’s unclear to me how this figure was arrived at,” Dr Maslowski said. “I would never try to estimate likelihood at anything as exact as this.”

Mr Gore’s office later admitted that the 75 per cent figure was one used by Dr Maslowksi as a “ballpark figure” several years ago in a conversation with Mr Gore.

So poor Al got caught in two different lies. First he made up a scary quote and got nailed by the scientist he was supposedly quoting. Then he tried to cover his butt by claiming that the information came to him in “a conversation” several years ago, forgetting that he said in his Copenhagen speech that these were “fresh” numbers.

So let’s sum up all the details of the story to this point:

Gore is a liar.

That’s it. That’s the whole summation. What more do you need?

Source; Times UK

Harry Smith throws his panties and room key at Al Gore

In this video clip, Al Gore reads his awful global warming poem and Harry Smith does everything but invite Gore back to his dressing room after the show.

In this video clip, Al Gore reads his awful global warming poem and Harry Smith does everything but invite Gore back to his dressing room after the show.

Painful though it may be, please watch all the way to the end so you don’t miss Smith’s gushing overe the global warming fraud:

Smith: Wow. I’m so glad you read that. I was, really, I’m very happy…
Gore: Thanks for asking me.
Smith: I’m happy to hear it in your voice.
Gore: Well, thank you.

C’mon, Harry, that poem would get a “C” in a junior college English class. (Which, of course, would be better than any grade Gore ever got in college).

Can you imagine how quickly Smith would have laughed at this poem if Sarah Palin had written it?

Quite honestly, though, we’re not surprised that Smith prefers Gore. The former vice president is twice the woman Palin will ever be.


Al Gore runs from question like little girl (our apologies to any little girls offended by the comparision)

Journalist, filmmaker and global warming skeptic Phelim McAleer has the effrontery to ask Al Gore a question about “Climategate’” at the UN Climate Change Conference. Then he watched Al run.

Journalist, filmmaker and global warming skeptic Phelim McAleer has the effrontery to ask Al Gore a question about “Climategate’” at the UN Climate Change Conference.

Gore’s response? To get away from McAleer as quickly as he can. Even worse, Gore’s Press Secretary grabs McAleer’s microphone and then a U.N. security guard pulls out its cable.

You can run, Al, but you can’t hide.


Good lord. Lord Monckton reveals the ignorance of global warming advocates

What happens when Lord Christopher Walter Monckton talks global warming with a Greenpeace activist in Copenhagen? Let’s just say the Greenpeace activist and the global warming movement come out second best.

What happens when Lord Christopher Walter Monckton talks global warming with a Greenpeace activist in Copenhagen? Let’s just say the Greenpeace activist and the global warming movement come out second best.

The funniest part of the interview is that Monckton demolishes the activist in that very polite, very dignified way only an Englishman could pull off.


13 of your favorite Climategate Christmas hits! Now available in one great album!

Ahh, those wacky guys at Minnesotans For Global Warming have done it again. They’ve just released a new Christmas Album called “It’s A Climate Gate Christmas”.

Ahh, those wacky guys at Minnesotans For Global Warming have done it again. They’ve just released a new Christmas Album called “It’s A ClimateGate Christmas”.

Source: Minnesotans for Global Warming

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