British politician’s hilarious denunciation of Prime Minister Gordon Brown

We need more politicians like Daniel Hannan, a British Conservative and Member of the European Parliament.

He spoke about Gordon Brown, the embattled British Prime Minister, the night that leftists were thrashed in elections all across Europe. Brown’s Labor Party finished a dismal fifth in the British elections. It’s as if the Democrats tallied fewer votes than Ralph Nader and the Peace and Freedom Party.

Hannan describes Brown’s dying administration like this, “It’s like the closing scenes of Terminator. However clearly you blow the thing up, the flames clear and then the claw comes out and you see the eyes going on and you see the creature pulling its way forward.”

But the highlight is when he quotes his three-year old son’s favorite author to demand that Gordon Brown resign now.

Why can’t there be just one American politician who speaks this bluntly, this clearly, this hilariously?

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