President Obama wants to save the planet, but not if it interferes with something more important.

Der Spiegel, the highly-respected German magazine, has gotten hold of recordings of some “private” conversations between world leaders. And it looks like Obama definitely wanted to change the world, but not if it required him to, you know, like inconvenience himself.

barack obama copenhagen
"We are here to save the...oh, hell, look at the time. I'd love to talk more, but I'm taking Michelle to dinner tonight."

Believe it or not, there’s new news from the Copenhagen Climate Climate Summit & Circle Jerk that took place last year.

But first, let’s review what the President said before the summit that was billed as “our last chance to save the world.”

Few challenges facing America – and the world – are more urgent than combating climate change. The science is beyond dispute and the facts are clear. Sea levels are rising. Coastlines are shrinking. We’ve seen record drought, spreading famine, and storms that are growing stronger with each passing hurricane season….

Once I take office, you can be sure that the United States will once again engage vigorously in the [climate] negotiations, and help lead the world toward a new era of global cooperation on climate change…

Delay is no longer an option. Denial is no longer an acceptable response. The stakes are too high. The consequences, too serious.

Now here’s the new news. Der Spiegel, the highly-respected German magazine, has gotten hold of recordings of some “private” conversations between world leaders. And it looks like Obama definitely wanted to change the world, but not if it required him to, you know, like inconvenience himself.

President Barack Obama at the Copenhagen summit, in leaders’ conversations “accidentally” recorded and now published in Der Spiegel:

In response to Sarkozy, Obama makes it clear that he is not prepared to stay beyond a few hours. “Nicolas, we are not staying until tomorrow. I’m just letting you know. Because all of us obviously have extraordinarily important other business to attend to.”

Who knew that hope and change meant “Hope I don’t have to change my flight.”

H/T: Andrew Bolt

CNN’s Jack Cafferty calls Pelosi “a horrible woman.” Why must he continue to understate the facts?

Democrats’ support among leftist allies is fading faster than the tan President Obama picked up on his Hawaiian vacation. CNN’s Jack Cafferty calls Pelosi “a horrible woman.” Why must he continue to understate the facts?

Democrats’ support among leftist allies is fading faster than the tan President Obama picked up on his Hawaiian vacation.

CORRECTION: Harry Reid just called in to remind us that President Obama is a negro and that’s not a tan. Our mistake. Thanks, Harry.

Corruptocrats do Copenhagen: American entourage spent small fortune on global warming boondoggle

Lord almighty! Katie Couric and CBS News have actually done a hard-hitting report on congress’ profligate spending at the recent Copenhagen global warming confab. And it came perilously close to actually slamming Democrats.

Lord almighty! Katie Couric and CBS News have actually done a hard-hitting report on congress’ profligate spending at the recent Copenhagen global warming confab. And it came perilously close to actually slamming Democrats.

Of course, the entourage was lead by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who also had the final decision on who could attend. The guest list included House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer. And embattled noted corrupt negro Congressman Charles Rangel.

They were joined by Democrats Waxman, Miller, Markey, Gordon, Levin, Blumenauer, DeGette, Inslee, Ryan, Butterfield, Cleaver, Giffords, and by Republicans Barton, Upton, Moore-Capito, Sullivan, Blackburn.

(For the record, let’s point out that that’s a total of 15 Democrats and only 5 Republicans. And shame on the Republicans.)

The corruptocrat delegation was so large that it required three military jets — two 737’s and a Gulfstream Five — to haul their fat asses across the Atlantic in luxury.

Throw in a few Senators and a passel of staffers (most of whom were forced to endure the indignity of flying commercial at up to $2000 each) and CBS News figures there were at least 101 Congress-related attendees. They booked more than 321 total nights in Copenhagen’s luxurious 5-star Marriott Hotel.

We’re not sure if it’s caused by global warming, but we’re starting to get a little hot under the collar.


If you thought hanging chads were bad, wait until you see hanging polar bears

The greens are distraught over the circus that was Copenhagen. As the Brisbane Courier-Mail reports, Aussie greens have resorted to lynching polar bears

hanging-bear The greens are distraught over the circus that was Copenhagen. As the Brisbane Courier-Mail reports, Aussie greens have resorted to lynching polar bears:

Copenhagen was the anti-climax of the century and the feeling of disappointment, anger and frustration from those who wanted more is palpable. In Brisbane, campaigners tied nooses around the necks of giant soft toy polar bears and threw them off balconies and bridges.

Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Director of the Centre for Marine Studies at the University of Queensland, said the political leaders were putting a “brave face on total failure”, declaring it “a triumph for the fossil fuel lobby.” The usually understated Dr John Church, principle research scientist in CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research and a world authority on sea-level rise, said: “Continued failure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions commits the world to metres of sea-level rise, with severe consequences for many millions of people and the natural environment.”

Damn, these people are hilarious. Who the hell are we going to laugh at when they are finally forced to abandon the global warming scam?

Source: Brisbane Courier-Mail

Don’t you hate it when communists start sounding like conservatives?

When it comes to the subject of Barack Obama, communists are starting to sound just like conservatives.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez called President Obama "arrogant" and "undemocratic"
Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez called President Obama "arrogant" and "undemocratic"

When it comes to the subject of Barack Obama, communists are starting to sound just like conservatives.

The Associated Press had this report on Cuba’s reaction to President Obama’s performance at the UN Climate Conference:

Cuba’s foreign minister called President Barack Obama an “imperial and arrogant” liar Monday for his conduct at the U.N. climate conference, a reflection of the communist island’s increasingly fiery verbal attacks on the U.S. government.

Bruno Rodriguez spent an hour and a half lambasting Obama’s behavior in Copenhagen, telling a news conference, “at this summit, there was only imperial, arrogant Obama, who does not listen, who imposes his positions and even threatens developing countries.”

He called the summit “a fallacy, a farce” and said Washington used back-room deals and strong-arm tactics to foist on the world a deal that he labeled “undemocratic” and “suicidal” because it urges – but does not require – major polluters to make deeper emissions cuts.

Rodriguez also said Cuba and other poor nations have refused to recognize the agreement because they weren’t permitted to participate in its development.

Arrogant? Didn’t let others participate? Doesn’t listen? Backroom deals?

House Minority Leader Mitch McConnell called President Obama "arrogant" and "undemocratic"
House Minority Leader Mitch McConnell called President Obama "arrogant" and "undemocratic"

Hey, you communist son of a bitch, nobody describes our president that way. Except that Rodriguez sounds like he’s pulling a Joe Biden by copying comments by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell about ObamaCare “negotiations.”

The Wall Street Journal reported:

“It was quite arrogant: ‘We know best. You all sit down and shut up—meaning the American people. And Republicans, we don’t need to deal with you. You just sit down and shut up and we’ll take care of this for you.’ Very arrogant,” McConnell said of Democrats. “The President and the leadership said, ‘Make history.’ Well, that’s what you talk about when you don’t have the polls on your side. And of course, a lot of things that have happened in history have not been good.”

…The rushed, secretive way that a bill this destructive and unpopular is being forced on the country shows that “reform” has devolved into the raw exercise of political power for the single purpose of permanently expanding the American entitlement state. An increasing roll of leaders in health care and business are looking on aghast at a bill that is so large and convoluted that no one can truly understand it, as Finance Chairman Max Baucus admitted on the floor last week. The only goal is to ram it into law while the political window is still open, and clean up the mess later.

We say give this guy another Nobel Peace Prize. Anyone who can unify communists and conservatives really deserves one.

Source: Associated Press, Wall Street Journal

Barack Obama just condemned you to a slow miserable death. And we’re not talking about healthcare.

If news reports are to be believed, Copenhagen is a Danish word that means “You’re screwed.” That’s the only way to interpret these conflicting news reports.

Think of yourself as the polar bear, tenuously clinging to life on a dying planet. Waaaaa.
Think of yourself as the polar bear, tenuously clinging to life on a dying planet. Waaaaa.

If news reports are to be believed, Copenhagen is a Danish word that means “You’re screwed.” That’s the only way to interpret these conflicting news reports.

The Guardian UK reports the results of the two-week Copenhagen circle jerk:

After eight draft texts and all-day talks between 115 world leaders, it was left to Barack Obama and Wen Jiabao, the Chinese premier, to broker a political agreement. The so-called Copenhagen accord “recognises” the scientific case for keeping temperature rises to no more than 2C but does not contain commitments to emissions reductions to achieve that goal.

Hold on just a darn sec. Haven’t we been told that a two degree rise in temps would wreak devastation the world over?

Prior to Copenhagen, here’s how Reuters answered the question “What happens if temperatures rise by 2 celsius?”

Hundreds of millions of people would be exposed to increased stress on water supplies, according to the IPCC in its last major report in 2007, based on research by 2,500 experts. It says more people would suffer from malnutrition, some infectious diseases and there would be more deaths from heatwaves, floods and droughts. Up to 30 percent of species of animals and plants would be at increasing risk of extinction. Coral reefs would be damaged. Cereals production would decline in tropical areas but, in one benefit, would improve nearer the poles. Coasts would suffer increased damage from floods and storms.

Now if that hasn’t scared the bejeebers out of you, the Yale Climate Media Forum will:

The Real Climate scientist bloggers strongly articulate that cautionary view: “We feel compelled to note that even a ‘moderate’ warming of 2 degrees C stands a strong chance of provoking drought and storm responses that could challenge civilized society, leading potentially to the conflict and suffering that go with failed states and mass migrations.”

MIT climate scientist Kerry Emanuel said in an e-mail exchange with The Yale Forum that 2 degrees is a “delicate compromise between what is desirable and what may be feasible.” He said there is bound to be debate on such a big issue.

“Any number much above 1 degree involves a gamble, and the odds become less and less favorable as the temperature goes up,” Emanuel wrote.

The Yale Climate Media Forum’s was just getting started:

James McCarthy, professor of biological oceanography at Harvard University and the current President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, said that the closer the planet comes to a global average rise of 2 degrees Celsius, the less likely we are to be able to avoid climbing to even higher temperatures.

“As we approach 2 degrees, many models suggest that tipping points will be reached with respect to summer sea ice and these large masses of glacial ice,” McCarthy told The Yale Forum in an e-mail interview. “Either will result in strong reinforcing (positive) climate feedbacks, not to mention dramatic changes in the Arctic ecosystem and enhanced sea level rise.”

Models also suggest that feedback cycles could afflict both the tundra – where scientists fear a massive carbon release – and the Amazon forest ecosystem, which could rapidly dry up, McCarthy noted.

So on one hand, they want us to believe that a 2-degree rise in temperatures will seal our doom. On the other hand, they want us to believe that the world’s leaders just agreed to a 2-degree rise in temperatures.

Back in the horse and buggy days, before the invention of the internal combustion engine, scientists feared that the world would end up being buried in horse manure. Now, after two weeks of Copenhagen, everyone should realize that we’re far more likely to end up being buried in bullshit.

Sources: Guardian UK, Reuters, Yale Climate Media Forum

Rachel Maddow brought back to reality by Andrea Mitchell

Our hearts go out to Rachel Maddow. She starts this report by attempting to glorify the accomplishments of President Obama in Copenhagen, but ends it shaken by the reality of a report of Obama’s failures by Andrea Mitchell.

Our hearts go out to Rachel Maddow. She starts this report by attempting to glorify the accomplishments of President Obama in Copenhagen, but ends it seeming almost shaken by reality.

What caused the sudden change of heart? A report by NBC Foreign Correspondent Andrea Mitchell, who gives a remarkably honest review of Obama’s failures at the Copenhagen circle jerk.

It’s no wonder Maddow was surprised. Because there’s certainly no reason to think Obama would fail in Copenhagen when he’s been so successful in everything else he’s done.

Oh, my god, sometimes we just crack ourselves up.

The Great Unraveling: Now Russians accuse Brits of faking global warming data

Russia has accused British climate researchers of picking and choosing temperature data from Russian weather stations. Oddly enough, they picked only data that supported anthropogenic global warming and ignored any data that inconveniently disagreed with their dandy little theory.

Here’s another story for delegates to ignore at the Copenhagen Global Warming & Interational Bribery Conference:

Russia has accused British climate researchers of picking and choosing temperature data from Russian weather stations. Oddly enough, they picked only data that supported anthropogenic global warming and ignored any data that inconveniently disagreed with their dandy little theory.

According to the Russians, the British “scientists” only used data from urban weather stations and intentionally deleted colder rural stations.

The science is settled! The science is settled! The science is settled!

Source: Gateway Pundit

Tears for fears: Glenn Beck goes mano a mano with Nancy Pelosi

Glenn Beck turns the tables on Nancy Pelosi and contrasts the violence of leftists in Copenhagen to the “rhetoric” of the Tea Partiers that was once of such great concern to the Speaker.

Glenn Beck turns the tables on Nancy Pelosi and contrasts the violence of leftists in Copenhagen to the “rhetoric” of the Tea Partiers that was once of such great concern to the Speaker.

Al Gore runs from question like little girl (our apologies to any little girls offended by the comparision)

Journalist, filmmaker and global warming skeptic Phelim McAleer has the effrontery to ask Al Gore a question about “Climategate’” at the UN Climate Change Conference. Then he watched Al run.

Journalist, filmmaker and global warming skeptic Phelim McAleer has the effrontery to ask Al Gore a question about “Climategate’” at the UN Climate Change Conference.

Gore’s response? To get away from McAleer as quickly as he can. Even worse, Gore’s Press Secretary grabs McAleer’s microphone and then a U.N. security guard pulls out its cable.

You can run, Al, but you can’t hide.


Copenhagen’s prostitutes giving it away this week, but global warming whores still charging big bucks

Copenhagen’s prostitutes giving it away this week, scientific whores still charging big bucks

prostitute Danish Prostitutes to Offer Free Services for Copenhagen Summit Delegates
Source: Daily Contributor

Mann’s Mad Money
Source: American Spectator

ClimateGate: Follow the Money
Source: Wall Street Journal

You’re going to die. World leaders admit no global warming treaty will be passed.

Copenhagen, we were told, was our last chance to save the world from global warming. That was then. This is now. And world leaders now agree that no meaningful agreement will be arrived at in Copenhagen.

Gordon Brown demonstrates the liberal masturbation that is global warming.
Gordon Brown demonstrates the liberal masturbation that is global warming.

Copenhagen, we were told, was our last chance to save the world from global warming.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown set the ominous tone a few weeks ago when he said we had just 50 days to save the world. “If we do not reach a deal at this time,” Brown warned, “let us be in no doubt: once the damage from unchecked emissions growth is done, no retrospective global agreement, in some future period, can undo that choice….”

“… the Copenhagen agreement is almost certainly the world’s last chance to put global emissions onto a trajectory that can keep us out of the danger zone,” European Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas added.

That was then. This is now. And world leaders now agree that no meaningful agreement will be arrived at in Copenhagen. It hasn’t even come up for debate in the United States Senate. China and India want us to give them billions of dollars so they can continue their wicked ways. And the people of the world don’t believe a word of this nonsense.

There’s only one thing to do:

Call an attorney. Get a will written. Make sure your affairs are in order. And buy some future beachfront property in Denver. Because if the socialists of the world weren’t lying, the oceans will soon be lapping at your feet.

Gordon Brown and Stavros Dimas said so.

Obama concedes defeat on global warming. In his own weasely way.

meeting is a waste of time,” but his actions said it loud and clear.

But President Obama, the polar bears are counting on you!
But President Obama, the polar bears are counting on you!

He didn’t actually say, “The whole damn Copenhagen global warming meeting is a waste of time,” but his actions said it loud and clear.

Here’s how the Times UK tells the story:

President Obama will almost certainly not travel to the Copenhagen climate change summit in December and may instead use his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech to set out US environmental goals, The Times has learnt.

With healthcare reform clogging his domestic agenda and no prospect of a comprehensive climate treaty in Copenhagen, Mr Obama may disappoint campaigners and foreign leaders, including Gordon Brown and Ed Miliband, who have urged him to attend to boost the hopes of a breakthrough.

The White House would not comment on Mr Obama’s travel plans yesterday, but administration officials have said privately that “Oslo is plenty close” — a reference to the Nobel ceremony that falls on December 10, two days into the Copenhagen meeting.

The White House confirmed that the President would be in Oslo to accept the prize, but a source close to the Administration said it was “hard to see the benefit” of his going to Copenhagen if there was no comprehensive deal for him to close or sign. Another expert, who did not want to be named, said he would be “really, really shocked” if Mr Obama went to Copenhagen, adding that European hopes about the power of his Administration to transform the climate change debate in a matter of months bore little relation to reality. The comprehensive climate change treaty that for years has been the goal of the Copenhagen conference was now an “unrealistic” prospect, Yvo de Boer, the UN official guiding the process, said last week.

Please allow us to translate President Obama’s actions into words:

“Hell, man, I’m not going to Copenhagen unless I can claim credit for its success and look like the conquering hero I am in my own mind. This thing’s going down in flames, so maybe I’ll send Hillary.”

Or words to that effect.

Source: Times UK

Uh-oh! Smartest White House Ever makes another diplomatic blunder

If the Bush White House had issued this press release, the left would have used it as proof that everyone in the administration was an idiot. Especially George Bush.

Anders Fogh Rasmussen. Or Lars Løkke Rasmussen. Or some other Rasmussen.
Anders Fogh Rasmussen. Or Lars Løkke Rasmussen. Or some other Rasmussen.

When the President flew into Copenhagen last week to save Chicago’s bid for the Olympics, he hastily added a few extra diplomatic tasks to his itinerary.

The White House followed long-standing procedure and issued a press release to let the media know the president’s schedule for the day.

If the Bush White House had issued this press release, the left would have used it as proof that everyone in the administration was an idiot. Especially George Bush. But we’ve yet to see that argument made about the Obama White House press release.

Here’s what the press release said:

The President will arrive in Copenhagen, Denmark in the morning. The arrival at Copenhagen Airport, Kastrup is open press.

The President and the First Lady will then travel to Christiansborg Palace. They will be greeted by HM Queen Margrethe II and HRH Prince Consort Henrik. There will be a travel pool spray. The President will meet Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen. There will be a pool spray at the top of the meeting.

Don’t look now, Mr. President, but that the wrong Rasmussen. Lars Løkke Rasmussen is the Prime Minister of Denmark. Anders Fogh Rasmussen is Secretary-General of NATO.

But you know how it is. All those Danes look alike.


The International Olympic Committee is raaaaaacist!

Chicago lost? After the President, the First Lady and Oprah Winfrey endorsed the city? There’s only one answer. The International Olympic Committee is raaaaacist!

Chicago lost? After the President, the First Lady and Oprah Winfrey endorsed the city? There’s only one answer. The International Olympic Committee is raaaaacist!


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