Instead of calling it swine flu, maybe they should call it the WHO flu

No matter what WHO (the World Health Organization) wants to call it, this flu is far more political than pandemic.

Government officials collecting bodies of WHO flu victims. Or not.
Government officials collecting bodies of WHO flu victims. Or not.

No matter what WHO (the World Health Organization) wants to call it, this flu is far more political than pandemic.

As Forbes reports: “Nevertheless, because WHO dubbed this a “pandemic,” vaccination plans, emergency response measures and frightening predictions have been based on comparisons with true pandemics that by definition were especially severe. That includes the August report from the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology with its ‘plausible scenario’ of ‘30,000 – 90,000 deaths’ peaking in ‘mid-October.'”

Mid-October? We haven’t been out much lately. How high are the bodies piled up in the streets?

Source: Forbes

You’re going to die of swine flu this winter. Just like thousands of Aussies did.

Our friends down under have just come out of the Southern Hemisphere’s winter with the swine flu raging through the nation, decimating its people and destroying its economy everywhere…

The last living Australian takes a stroll on the beach before dying of swine flu
The last living Australian takes a stroll on the beach before dying of swine flu

Our friends down under have just come out of the Southern Hemisphere’s winter with the swine flu raging through the nation, decimating its people and destroying its economy everywhere from the Opera House to the Outback.

Or not.

The predictions had been that the swine flu would kill thousands, maybe tens of thousands of Aussies.

Back in April, the World Health Organization said “all humanity is under threat.”

Aussie Health Minister Nicola Roxon said flu could kill 6000 Aussies this flu season and put 80,000 in hospital. And that’s out of a total population of just 20 million.

Professor Raina MacIntyre, a member of the Government’s influenza advisory group, anticipated an even higher toll.

“If you look at deaths that are directly related to influenza and also to pneumonia, which is the most common complication of influenza,” she said, “we could be looking at anything in the ball park of 10,000 deaths, 10,000 to 20,000 deaths.”

None of it happened.

The actual number of Aussies who died from swine flu?

A mere 185.

As Aussie blogger Andrew Bolt said, “Add swine flu now to a notorious list of other great scare campaigns: bird flu, SARS, acid rain, the Y2K bug, Chernobyl, genetically modified food, impending famines … Oh, and global warming. “

Expect equally devastating results during our upcoming flu season.

Source: Andrew Bolt

Secretary of Health & Human Services teaches America’s ignorant children how to cough

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius actually showed students how to cough while speaking at Thurgood Marshall Elementary School in Philadelphia last week. Later, she demonstrated how to belch and fart and make embarrassing noises with her armpit.

What would we do without Big Brother? Or in this case, Big Sister?

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius actually showed students how to cough while speaking at Thurgood Marshall Elementary School in Philadelphia last week.

Later, she demonstrated how to belch and fart and make embarrassing noises with her armpit.

Well, at least it’s a step up from the days when Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders wanted to teach the the little darlings how to masturbate.

Strike One: You’re Malaysian. Strike Two: You have swine flu. Strike Three: You’re probably gay.

Malaysia’s government-run news service has carried an article by a Malaysian physician who claims homosexuality and masturbation make the body an easy target for swine flu.

Dr V.M. Palaniappan, who has developed one of the strangest medical theories of the new century
Dr V.M. Palaniappan, who has developed one of the strangest medical theories of the new century

The Malaysian government is pretty darn sure that homosexuality causes swine flu. 

Yes, you read that correctly. Malaysia’s government-run news service has carried an article by a Malaysian physician who claims homosexuality and masturbation make the body an easy target for swine flu.

Dr. V. M. Palaniappan, an eminent practitioner of complimentary therapy, claims the friction that develops during homosexual acts and masturbation causes the body to develop heat which results in the body becoming hyper-acidized.

“Thus,” according to the hypothesis, “the body becomes an easy target for H1N1 infection.”

The good news: According to his theory, sex between members of the opposite sex is absolutely safe.

Friction and all.


World Health Organization suffers because too few people are dying of swine flu

It’s panic time at the World Health Organization. Avian flu flopped. And SARS generated more headlines than deaths. WHO wants a pandemic. It needs a pandemic. So it got a pandemic even if it’s a phony one.

If the Swine Flu scam doesn't work, the World Health Organization will try more creative fundraising techniques
If the Swine Flu scam doesn't work, the World Health Organization will try more creative fundraising techniques

It’s panic time at the World Health Organization. Avian flu flopped. And SARS generated more headlines than deaths. WHO wants a pandemic. It needs a pandemic. So it got a pandemic even if it’s a phony one.

But what’s a blood-sucking bureaucracy supposed to do when its funding depends on fear and their best and brightest hopes for human death sputter out?

Michael Fumento explains:

In 2005 (WHO) rewrote the definition of “influenza pandemic,” which formerly required “enormous numbers of deaths and illness.” Under its new definition, a handful of cases and zero deaths can nonetheless constitute a “pandemic.” And that’s pretty much what we’ve seen. The term “influenza pandemic” has simply lost any truly useful meaning.

Thanks, WHO, for putting politics and self-interest above the interests of public health.

“WHO lied. No one died.”

More bumper sticker material from the day’s real news.

Source: Michael Fumento

Iranian TV reveals that swine flu was created by Donald Rumsfeld and Jewish co-conspirators

Next time NBC needs to import another comedy for its Thursday night line-up, may we suggest Iranian TV? Because these guys are hilarious.

In the embedded clip, the paranoid, neurotic, psychotic (are there any we’ve overlooked?) Iranians reveal a vast, heretofore unknown conspiracy between Donald Rumsfeld, evil Jewish pharmaceutical manufacturers, and the United States government to develop and spread swine flu. Even Barack Obama is involved in some cloudy way.

Included among the insane claims:

Rumsfeld is “an active an influential member on the board of directors of Gilead Sciences.” He’s not. Here’s the Gilead’s board of directors directly from its website.

“It should be noted that Gilead Sciences is a Jewish company…and all its shareholders are Zionists.” It’s actually a publicly held company with thousands of stockholders around the world. Donald Rumsfeld, for example, is Presbyterian, but we don’t even know if he owns stock in the company.

“It’s name in Hebrew means “holy place.” According to Wikipedia, it has several meanings in Hebrew, but none of them are “holy place.”

“It is interesting that last year (Rumsfeld) bought, if I’m not mistaken, 18 billion dollars worth of new Gilead stocks.” According to, Donald H. Rumsfeld is worth somewhere between $57,089,104 and $174,672,011. Maybe he bought it all on margin.

Don’t miss the Iranian ComedyFest. Coming to NBC on Thursday Nights this fall.


Killer stats: Flu kills five times more people, but AIDS gets double the money

A lot more money spent on AIDS, a lot more people killed by flu.
A lot more money spent on AIDS, a lot more people killed by flu.
Once again, the Federal government’s priorities are out of whack. Undoubtedly because the AIDS lobby is a lot more powerful than the flu lobby.

Here’s how CSNNews sums it up:

The federal government spent $6.1 billion on influenza-related programs in 2006, roughly half as much as the $13.7 billion dollars it spent on HIV/AIDS programs that year, according to figures provided to by the Department of Health and Human Services. During that same time, seasonal flu claimed 56,326 lives in the U.S., while AIDS-related deaths stood at 12,113.

The flu lobby tried to follow the AIDS lobby’s template this year. They did everything possible to convince us that swine flu was going to kill every man, woman and child on the face of the earth.

Want to save $19.8 billion dollars? Just follow this medical advice:

To avoid swine flu, don’t go south of the border geographically. To avoid AIDS, don’t go south of the border metaphorically.


Headline of the Day
“Afghanistan’s only pig quarantined in flu fear”

According to Reuters, “Afghanistan’s only known pig has been locked in a room, away from visitors to Kabul zoo where it normally grazes beside deer and goats, because people are worried it could infect them with the virus popularly known as swine flu.”

Swine flu may be widespread, but we don’t think it’s very popular.

Source: Reuters via

56,000 died from the flu in 2006 with no presidential hand-washing, no presidential hand-wringing

Swine Flu, the greatest threat to the future of mankind since the birth of the evil George Bush.
Swine Flu, the greatest threat to the future of mankind since the birth of the evil George Bush.
When Rahm Emanuel said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste,” we had no idea how far they’d dumb down the definition of the word crisis.

Apparently a crisis is now defined as anything important enough to wake Larry King up in the middle of his program.

Here’s how describes the reality of the croup du jour:

So far this year, only one person–a baby visiting from Mexico–has died of swine flu in the United States, but more than 56,000 people died from the flu in the United States in 2006, the most recent year for which data is available, according to the CDC. In 2005, the flu killed 63,001 people here. But the deaths did not merit presidential statements or admonishments on hand-washing.

But it’s a crisis, damn it. The World Health Organization is already predicting a second wave of scratchy throats and we’re already predicting a second wave of governmental crisis mongering.


Swine flu hogging all the headlines. The only cure is bigger government.

Hey, wasn’t everyone supposed to die of AIDS. Then SARS. Then some other disease du jour?

Now the world’s airways are being hogged by news of swine flu. But even the reliably liberal Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post isn’t buying this latest outbreak of headline coverage.

A Fierce Outbreak of Swine Flu Coverage

Sheer Extent of Attention Implies Full-Blown Crisis

“Of course we’re doing too much to scare people,” said Mark Feldstein, a former correspondent for NBC, ABC, and CNN who teaches journalism at George Washington University. “Cable news has 24 hours to fill, and there isn’t 24 hours of exciting news going on. If you scare people, they’ll tune in more.”

We’re all going to die. Unless Barack Obama can fly to his Fortress of Solitude and mix up an antidote made of rainbow kryptonite.

Source: Washington Post via

MSNBC hosts protest Republicans’ swinophobic comments

Prejudiced scientists say swine flu was passed from pigs to humans. How are we to know it wasn't the other way around?
Prejudiced scientists say swine flu was passed from pigs to humans. How are we to know it wasn't the other way around?
Pig rights advocates are furious that conservatives continue blaming the porcine community for the spread of so-called Swine Flu. They are expected to air their complaints on MSNBC next week.

“These swinophobic comments are very hurtful,” one distraught pig supporter will say. “All we want is the right to be sick like everyone else.”

“This flu isn’t a choice,” another protester will say, “It’s genetic.”

Perez Hilton will also come to the defense of the pigs, saying, “Anyone who blames this on the pigs is a stupid sow.”

MSNBC’s primetime schedule will be filled next week with programs supporting the oppressed swine minority in their battle for equality.

“Anyone who criticizes pigs,” Keith Olbermann is expected to hiss, “is a Nazi.”

“I support the swine,” Chris Matthews is predicted to say. “So from now on, Obama is only going to give me thrills up the hamhock.”

“I’m behind the pigs all the way,” Rachel Maddow is expected to say. “And I’ll support them as soon as I’m done with all my teabagging puns.”

And Ed Schultz will say…ahhh, crap, who cares what Ed Schultz might say.


Joe Biden takes foot out of mouth long enough to run to train station

By the time Joe Biden's brain catches up with his mouth, the train has usually left the station.
By the time Joe Biden's brain catches up with his mouth, the train has usually left the station.
Joe Biden is a national treasure. Any objective analysis would rank him up there with Mark Twain and Will Rogers as one of America’s greatest humorists. Only problem is that Joe never intends to say anything funny.

The day after telling the Today Show he’s warned his family not to travel on public transportation because of the swine flu, Joe hitched a ride on Amtrak from Washington to Delaware.

Chagrinned Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano later said, “If he could say that over again, he would say if they’re feeling sick, they should stay off of public transit or confined spaces.”

And if President Obama could say it all over again, he’d probably say, “Anybody but Biden.”


It wasn’t swine flu, it was wine flu

Wine flu symptoms include dizziness, upset stomach and a tendency to act stupid in public.
Wine flu symptoms include dizziness, upset stomach and a tendency to act stupid in public.
Fire and rescue units rushed two passengers off a flight from Mexico that landed at Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport on Tuesday night.

AirTran Airways Flight 85 from Cancun, Mexico radioed ahead that the two men had fevers and were sick to their stomachs. It was feared that they had the swine flu.

Luckily, it turned out they were suffering not from the swine flu, but the wine flu. In other words, they’d each had too much to drink while partying south of the border.

Last time we were in Cancun, the wine flu seemed to be an epidemic. Especially around the swimming pool.


Bird flu didn’t materialize so government works up new “bird strike” scare

The latest scare headline from the government is “Airplane ‘bird strikes’ have climbed dramatically, FAA records show.”

Is this really worth worrying about? Or have the number of incidents increased dramatically just because the number of flights has increased dramatically? And is the number of strikes really high enough to cause concern?

An article in the Los Angeles Times said:

Aircraft at Los Angeles International Airport struck birds or other animals in 940 instances from 1990 through 2008, according to data released Friday by the Federal Aviation Administration.

The strikes involved gulls, hawks, pigeons and other creatures hitting windshields, wings and stabilizer areas.

Only 36 of the incidents, or 3.8%, resulted in substantial damage, records show. There were no fatalities. At least five times, planes reported hitting foxes.

According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Air Transport World, there were 650,000 take offs and landings at LAX in 2007. The government bird strike report covers a 19-year period. That an average of just 49 animal contact incidents per year. (In addition to birds, the government report also included foxes and lizards but it’s highly unlikely that any of those animals got up in the air high enough to cause much engine damage).

That’s equal to one incident every 13,265 flights. And that doesn’t mean one bird-in-the-engine incident, because the report indicates that the impacts may well have been on the planes’ wings or stabilizers.

Although we’ll take 1 in 13,265 odds, liberals will not. They will demand that President Obama appoint a new government Bird Czar. He will call together a blue ribbon panel to study the matter and they will propose a new bird tax on all flyers to compensate the birds’ grieving families.

It won’t really solve the problem, but taxes liberal solutions never do.

Source: Los Angeles Times, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Air Transport World

Headline of the Day
“Scientists see this flu strain as relatively mild”

“Genetic data indicate this outbreak won’t be as deadly as that of 1918, or even the average winter.”

20,000,000 may have died worldwide from the Spanish Flu between 1918 and 1920. 35,000 died of regular flu in the United States last year. So far 7 have died of swine flu worldwide.

This doesn’t exactly square with the media bias that says this is the worst catastrophe since the election of George W. Bush.

Source: LA

Cowardly Joe Biden wants you to hide in your house to avoid swine flu

Joe Biden stuck his piggies in his mouth this morning while discussing the swine flu on the Today Show.

“I wouldn’t go anywhere in confined places now. I would tell members of my family, and I have, I wouldn’t go anywhere in confined places now. It’s not that it’s going to Mexico, it’s you’re in a confined aircraft when one person sneezes it goes all the way through the aircraft. That’s me. I would not be, at this point, if they had another way of transportation suggesting they ride the subway. If you’re out in the middle of a field and someone sneezes that’s one thing. If you’re in a closed aircraft or a closed container or closed car or closed classroom it’s a different thing.”

Of course, a couple hours later the Cheap Veep’s people issued a statement saying Biden didn’t mean what he said. That’s not surprising, since no one in this administration really means anything they say.

We strongly recommend that you follow Joe’s advice. Don’t do anything. Just sit at home in your underwear and surf the net all day. Just don’t go starting any smartass blogs. We don’t want the competition.

Source: NBC News

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