MSNBC hosts protest Republicans’ swinophobic comments

Prejudiced scientists say swine flu was passed from pigs to humans. How are we to know it wasn't the other way around?
Prejudiced scientists say swine flu was passed from pigs to humans. How are we to know it wasn't the other way around?
Pig rights advocates are furious that conservatives continue blaming the porcine community for the spread of so-called Swine Flu. They are expected to air their complaints on MSNBC next week.

“These swinophobic comments are very hurtful,” one distraught pig supporter will say. “All we want is the right to be sick like everyone else.”

“This flu isn’t a choice,” another protester will say, “It’s genetic.”

Perez Hilton will also come to the defense of the pigs, saying, “Anyone who blames this on the pigs is a stupid sow.”

MSNBC’s primetime schedule will be filled next week with programs supporting the oppressed swine minority in their battle for equality.

“Anyone who criticizes pigs,” Keith Olbermann is expected to hiss, “is a Nazi.”

“I support the swine,” Chris Matthews is predicted to say. “So from now on, Obama is only going to give me thrills up the hamhock.”

“I’m behind the pigs all the way,” Rachel Maddow is expected to say. “And I’ll support them as soon as I’m done with all my teabagging puns.”

And Ed Schultz will say…ahhh, crap, who cares what Ed Schultz might say.


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