Big, fat Ed Schultz lays a big, fat egg at One Nation

MSNBC’s Ed Schultz went on the air after Glenn Beck’s 8/28 rally and said that if he held a rally, he could draw more than 300,000 people. Didn’t quite turn out that way.

MSNBC’s Ed Schultz went on the air after Glenn Beck’s 8/28 rally and said that if he held a rally, he could draw more than 300,000 people. Didn’t quite turn out that way. Not even close, even with the support of every left wing-union-environmentalist wacko organization in the country.

Sorry, Ed. You tried to make it sound like this was your rally, but One Nation’s socialist and communist organizers refused to give you anything but the opening slot.

It’s not seen on this clip, but one of the idiot lefties who introduced Schultz said (and this is verbatim), “We want a clean environment, so our children will never have to report to drinking water, breathing air and staying healthy.”

Four notes on Ed’s dismal screaming.

  • The crowd seems small compared to Beck’s, but that doesn’t factor in all the dead voters ACORN bussed in.
  • Early in his screed, Ed had a 70s flashback and actually screamed, “Power to the people.”
  • We think we heard a couple crickets chirping after Ed screamed, “Do you love America?”
  • He may call Chris Christie “a fat slob,” but it’s been a while since Ed shopped for suits anywhere but the portly department.

Great news! Most union members now work for the government.

Federal, state, local. Add ‘em all up and you discover that a majority of union members now work for the government. At least that’s what a new report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows.

Federal, state, local. Add ‘em all up and you discover that a majority of union members now work for the government. At least that’s what a new report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows.

government union workersOf course, since the report comes from the BSA, it was probably produced by union members, so who knows how accurate it may be. lays out the depressing facts:

New data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) show that a majority of American union members now work for the government. The pattern of unions adding members in government while losing members in the private sector accelerated during the recession. The typical union member now works in the Post Office, not on the assembly line.

… The BLS’s annual report on union membership shows the labor movement’s decline in membership continued in 2009. While a full 23.0 percent of Americans belonged to labor unions in 1980, by 2008 only 12.4 percent did. In 2009, that figure dropped slightly to 12.3 percent.[2] There are now 15.3 million union members in the United States, 770,000 fewer than in 2008.

… What is newsworthy, however, is another figure reported by the BLS: 52 percent of all union members work for the federal or state and local governments, a sharp increase from the 49 percent in 2008. A majority of American union members are now employed by the government; three times more union members now work in the Post Office than in the auto industry.

That’s really only half the story, though.’s editor’s next door neighbor owns an engineering company that builds bridges. He’s a liberal who said his company wouldn’t be allowed to bid on government jobs (100% of his business, since there aren’t a lot of private bridges being built) if his workforce wasn’t unionized.

So it may be true that 52% of all union workers work for government, but that understates a significant number of private sector union members whose jobs are dependent on and mandated by the government.

Any questions as to why the unions support big government liberals?


Why we want to have Chris Christie’s baby

Christie held a town hall meeting and was confronted by a school teacher who got on Christie’s wrong side. After dressing her down, he gave a brilliant ad libbed explanation of what’s wrong with New Jersey’s teachers union and public employee unions in general.

Sure, we’re manly men. Perhaps the manliest men you’ve ever met. But damn, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie makes us hot in a way no women has ever been able to. A pure, beautiful, conservative way we’ve never felt before.

Christie held a town hall meeting and was confronted by a school teacher who got on Christie’s wrong side. After dressing her down, he gave a brilliant ad libbed explanation of what’s wrong with New Jersey’s teachers union and public employee unions in general.

Take us, Governor Christie. We’re yours.


“We don’t have a deficit problem. Every economist in the country knows that.”

AFL-CIO head honcho Richard Trumka actually called the deficit problem fiction and said, “We don’t have a deficit problem. Every economist in the country knows that.”

AFL-CIO head honcho Richard Trumka has apparently gone off his meds and needs to get back on them immediately.

He actually called the deficit problem fiction and said, “We don’t have a deficit problem. Every economist in the country knows that.”

No, Richard, what we have is a union problem. A moron problem. A head up our ass problem. A “I’m-gonna-say-something-really-stupid-and-the-liberal-media-outlet-won’t-have-enough-integrity-to-call-me-on-it problem.” A “What you talkin’ about, Willis?” problem. A lust for power problem. A socialist utopia problem. A problem dealing with reality problem.

That’s what we have.

Racial busing returns! Unions ship people of color to Arizona.

In an effort to rid California of the millions of illegals who sap the state’s dwindling coffers, SEIU, AFSCME and Teamsters union bosses have loaded people of color onto buses and sent them to Arizona. Their hopes are to not only help the Late Great State out of debt, but also to assist in promoting Arizona tourism.

In an effort to rid California of the millions of illegals who sap the state’s dwindling coffers, SEIU, AFSCME and Teamsters union bosses have loaded people of color onto buses and sent them to Arizona. Their hopes are to not only help the Late Great State out of debt, but also to assist in promoting Arizona tourism.

We salute you! Workers of the world unite!

THIS JUST IN: The preceding story was somehow misreported. We have learned that the Unions were shipping protesters to march against Arizona. Our mistake.

Source: Los Angeles Times

Hell freezes over! SEIU members campaign for Scott Brown!

While the SEIU leadership is working overtime to help Democrat Martha Coakley win the Massachusetts Senate seat, its members are out on the street rallying for Republican Scott Brown.

Looks like the leadership of SIEU is, shall we say, out of step with its rank-and-file members.

While the leadership is working overtime to help Democrat Martha Coakley win the Massachusetts Senate seat, its members are out on the street rallying for Republican Scott Brown.

Union leaders and union members going in opposite directions? Seems more than vaguely reminiscent of the Reagan revolution.


New York Times loves unions (unless they’re New York Times unions)

The New York Times is able to take both sides on an issue. Especially when its own financial interests lie on one of the sides.

The New York Times speaks with forked tongue
The New York Times speaks with forked tongue

The New York Times is able to take both sides on an issue. Especially when its own financial interests lie on one of the sides.

“The argument against unions–that they unduly burden employers with unreasonable demands–is one that corporate America makes in good times and bad. . . . The real issue is whether enhanced unionizing would worsen the recession, and there is no evidence that it would. There is a strong argument that the slack labor market of a recession actually makes unions all the more important.”
– New York Times editorial, December 29, 2008

“The New York Times News Service will lay off at least 25 editorial employees next year and will move the editing of the service to a Florida newspaper owned by The New York Times Company. . . . The plan for the news service calls for The Gainesville Sun, whose newsroom is not unionized and has lower salaries, to take over editing and page design.”
– New York Times, November 13, 2009

And the funniest thing about the Times hypocrisy is that it was reported by the New York Post.

Source: New York Post via Best of the Web

Abbott & Costello explain how the government employees union works

Abbott & Costello explain how the government employees union works. Who’s on first? What’s on second? And Barack Obama’s on TV. Some things never change.

Who’s on first? What’s on second? And Barack Obama’s on TV. Some things never change.

Uh-oh. Another bad day for President Obama at Rasmussen Reports

From unions to healthcare, the trend is not President Obama’s friend. According to, things are going south faster than a duck in December.

The trend is not President Obama’s friend. According to, things are going south faster than a duck in December.

obama-sad “45% Say Unions Weaken America, 26% Disagree”

“47% Blame Global Warming on Planetary Trends, Not Humans”

“83% Say Proof of Citizenship Should Be Required to Get Government Health Aid”

“Daily Presidential Tracking Poll: Obama now at -11”

“51% Say Congress is Too Liberal, 22% Say It’s Too Conservative”

“68% Say Passage of Health Care Reform Will Increase Deficit”

Cambridge Police demand O-pology for “stupid” comment

Police unions in Cambridge, Massachusetts have come out in support of Sgt. James Crowley. They’re demanding an apology from President Obama for his statement that officers “acted stupidly” when they arrested black Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr.

Racist cops arresting Henry Louis Gates. Hey, wait. Isn't that a black officer in the foreground?
Racist cops arresting Henry Louis Gates. Hey, wait. Isn't that a black officer in the foreground?

Police unions in Cambridge, Massachusetts have come out in support of Sgt. James Crowley. They’re demanding an apology from President Obama for his statement that officers “acted stupidly” when they arrested black Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr.

This should be interesting. The President has been more than happy to jet around the world apologizing to anyone and everyone whether they deserve it or not.

Now let’s see how long it takes him to apologize to Americans for once.

Update 7/24/09: Henry Louis Gates Police Report

Henry Louis Gates Police Report page 1
Henry Louis Gates Police Report page 1
Henry Louis Gates Police Report page 2
Henry Louis Gates Police Report page 2
Henry Louis Gates Police Report page 3
Henry Louis Gates Police Report page 3


Sneak preview of the first car developed by Obama Motors (formerly General Motors)

(Originally published three weeks ago, we felt today would be an appropriate day to rerun it)

It’s sleek. Powerful. And comes with a remarkably fuel efficient ethanol engine. It’s the 2010 Czar Car from Obama Motors.

obama_motorsDesigned by well-known automotive designer Barack Obama, the Czar Car simultaneously protects the environment and the President’s union constituents.

The Czar Car runs on ethanol and gets a million miles per gallon. Once a decade when your gas tank gets low, just pull into the cornfield in your neighborhood and say, “Fill ‘er up.”

The 2010 Czar Car is currently just a prototype, but you’ll soon see if being driven by members of ACORN as they travel around the country performing census duties and counting people who don’t exist in Democratic districts.

Best of all, the Czar Car comes with a lifetime guarantee supplied by the government of the United States of America.

And since it comes from the same people who brought you the Post Office and the Department of Motor Vehicles, we suggest you keep that warranty handy at all times.

Liberal prayer breakfast beseeches the Lord to end secret ballots

Over the lips, through over the gums, watch out hypocrisy, here it comes. Amen.
Over the lips, through the gums, watch out hypocrisy, here it comes. Amen.

This is one of the most worst stories we’ve ever read. Really. One of the worst.

“Union leaders, clergy and liberal members of Congress gathered in the mostly empty U.S. Capitol Visitors Center early Tuesday morning,” according to, “to hear multicultural choir music, speeches from religious leaders–and to pray for the passage of the Employee Free Choice Act. The prayer breakfast was sponsored by Faith Leaders for Workplace Fairness–a coalition of liberal religious groups that was formed for the sole purpose of promoting the ‘card-check’ bill.”

Yes. You read that right. These people prayed for the end of the secret ballot in union elections.

Why stop there, you slackers? Why not pray for the end of democracy? Pray that Jimmy Carter will fly in to monitor all future American elections. Pray that Obama takes over every industry he hasn’t yet taken over. Pray that Joe Biden becomes intelligent.

Nah, even God couldn’t pull that one off.


Minneapolis newspaper supports unions. Unless it’s their workers’ union.

support_unions_stickerThe Minneapolis Star Tribune loves the working class. They love big labor. Until it comes to its own workers and their union.

The struggling Star-Trib wants a bankruptcy court to void its contract with the printer’s union so the newspaper can save $3.5 million a year in labor costs.

In a written statement, the Star-Tribune’s management said, “Yes, we are hypocritical boneheads whose political philosophy has guided us to the verge of bankruptcy. We humbly apologize for all the poorly conceived pro-labor editorials we’ve written over the years.”

To be entirely truthful, the Star-Tribune didn’t really say anything remotely resembling that previous paragraph.

But don’t you think they should have?

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