Arizona ballot fraud in action?

Arizona ballot fraud in action? Oh my, when’s this going to be investigated? Our guess is probably never.

Votes in Key Arizona County Are Being ‘Misread’

Votes in Key Arizona County Are Being ‘Misread.’ Well, here we go. Evidently, this is reportedly happening only in conservative areas, Katie Hobbs, who is running for governor, is in charge of the voting and won’t recuse. You figure it out. This sounds like election fraud to us

Biden administration to fill border wall gaps near Yuma, Arizona

Border Wall Gap

Biden administration to fill border wall gaps near Yuma, Arizona. It appears bussing illegal aliens to Washington, DC is having an effect. They should start bussing them to the hometowns of every Democrat in Congress, next.

It Looks Like Maricopa County Supervisors Could Soon Face Arrest as Arizona Senate Fast-Tracks Contempt Vote

It Looks Like Maricopa County Supervisors Could Soon Face Arrest as Arizona Senate Fast-Tracks Contempt Vote. What if we rigged an election and nobody came? We say fine if they nail these clowns, but it should have been done a long time ago.

Where have all the Biden supporters disappeared to?

Where have all the Biden supporters disappeared to? According to numerous polls, Biden is way ahead, yet few if any supporters show up? We call BS on the polls.

Post Election Thread – Crooked Democrat Vote Counters

Post Election Thread – Crooked Democrat Vote Counters. What the hell is going on in Florida’s counties of Broward and Palm Beach? They now have more votes than they reported on election night. Let’s add Arizona to this fiasco. Will Trump send in the FEC, FBI and DOJ?

Arizona governor throws down the gauntlet: Tells Obama to stop the jokes, secure the border

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is pissed off. Really pissed off. And the object of her pissoffedness is President Obama.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is pissed off. Really pissed off. And the object of her pissoffedness is President Obama.

She invited the Commander in Chief to come to Arizona and visit the Mexican border nearly a year ago, but he’s been very busy bankrupting the country and hasn’t been able to work it into his schedule. He did find time, however, to have the federal government sue Arizona for doing what the federal government wouldn’t – protect the border.

Brewer has huevos grandes, something this President is sorely lacking, so she put together this new commercial that challenges Obama to get off his duff, to stop making juvenile jokes about illegal aliens, and to perform his constitutionally mandated duties.

Hey, it’s a mandate, President Obama. You should love it.

Build it and they won’t come: Arizona governor authorizes state to erect a border fence

The good people of Arizona seem to understand a simple truth: If the federal government won’t do its job, the state will have to do it for them. In this case, the job in question is that of protecting the border against an invasion.

The good people of Arizona seem to understand a simple truth: If the federal government won’t do its job, the state will have to do it for them. In this case, the job in question is that of protecting the border against an invasion.

We haven't seen a glare like that since Dirty Harry said, "Feelin' lucky today, punk?"

CBS News has wall-to-wall coverage of the new wall:

A bill signed into law by Gov. Jan Brewer authorizes erection of a security fence along Arizona’s portion of the U.S.-Mexico border, either in a compact with other states or by itself.

Spokesman Matt Benson declined immediate comment Friday on why Brewer signed the bill Thursday and on whether she plans to invoke the authority.
The bill does not specify a cost or make an appropriation but says the state would use donations, inmate labor and private contractors.

Brewer recently asked President Barack Obama to extend the deployment of National Guard troops along the border and for more substantial border fences to block smugglers.

Our advice? Make it a do-it-yourself project, Jan. Send out a call for volunteers with hammers and nails and you’ll probably have about a million volunteers to help build that fence in no time at all.

Source: CBS News

Arizona doubles down: Slew of new illegal alien laws proposed

Must be something about the desert heat that causes Arizona Republicans to grow bigger balls. Hell, even the state’s Governor has bigger balls than most Republicans and she’s a woman.

Must be something about the desert heat that causes Arizona Republicans to grow bigger balls than their Eastern counterparts. Hell, even the state’s Governor has bigger balls than most Republicans and she’s a woman.

Here’s the latest news on Arizona’s new anti-illegal alien laws from the Associated Press:

The ACLU doesn't like Russell Pearce, which is probably the best political endorsement any Arizona politician could ever receive

The Senate Appropriations Committee that narrowly endorsed (Russell) Pearce’s latest bill on a 7-6 vote also approved others targeting automatic citizenship for U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants and requiring hospitals to report patients who cannot show they’re in the country legally…

It would make it a state crime with a 30-day minimum jail sentence to drive a vehicle while in the country illegally, and Republican Rick Crandall of Mesa said a provision allowing forfeiture of vehicles driven by illegal immigrants could prompt car rental companies to demand proof of legal status from tourists and other visitors.
“It’s the type of thing that completely undoes” a recently unveiled campaign to promote the state’s tourism industry, Crandall said.”

The measure allows for business licenses to be suspended if an employer doesn’t use the federal E-Verify system to check the work eligibility of new hires. Workers caught using a false identity to get a job would face mandatory six-month jail sentences.

Of course, the ACLU felt compelled to jump in against anyone defending the United States:

However, Alessandra Soler Meetze, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona, said, “This bill is miles beyond SB1070 in terms of its potential to roll back the rights and fundamental freedoms of both citizens and non-citizens alike.”

Commenter “WhiskeyRiver,” who tipped us to this story, sums it up nicely:

“Russell Pearce is the state Senator that got Arizona’s S.B. 1070 pushed through last year. Rick Crandell is a dipwad. I would have no problem, and will be glad to prove at any time, that I’m a citizen to rent a car. And Ms. Soler-Meetze? ACLU says it all.”

H/T: Whiskeyriver

Source: Associated Press

Disorder at the border: Arizona Govenor Jan Brewer sues Feds over failure to enforce the law

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer went to court on Thursday. She filed suit against the Obama administration over its failure to notice that we have a freakin’ border between the United States and Mexico.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer went to court on Thursday. She filed suit against the Obama administration over its failure to notice that we have a freakin’ border between the United States and Mexico.

Greta Van Susteren was there with her notepad and pen and GretaWire has the details:

You don't need glasses to see the problem on the Mexican border

Governor Jan Brewer just announced . . . . on behalf of the State of Arizona, she is suing the Federal Government.

There are 5 counts . . . . and here is a summary (my notes) from the press conference.

1. failure to achieve operational control over the Mexico/Arizona border.

2. failure to protect Arizona from invasion and Arizona says invasion not just limited to other countries to invade but applies to people and secured border.

3. failure to enforce immigration laws . . . . and their failure causes national security risks . . . abuse of discretion that Fed only enforce the law they want to and they should enforce all.

4. declaratory relief about reimbursement for Fed govt’s failure to pay for incarceration of prisoners (illegal).

5. under 10th amendment . . . powers not delegated to the Fed, are reserved to the people and while control of border is fed responsibility, when criminals cross border illegally and commit crimes, it is a state responsibility and the Feds are interfering with the state to fulfill its responsibilities.

As highly-trained legal experts, we can see two huge problems with this lawsuit – problems that ordinary people who lack our extensive legal training would probably overlook.

First, it assumes that the Obama administration actually recognizes the existence of a border. And second, it assumes that they recognize the authority of the Constitution.

H/T: GretaWire

Tom Brokaw says, “I would be nervous about going into a bar in Arizona”

C’mon, Tom, who do you think you’re kidding? You’d be nervous about going into any bar more than a half a mile from Manhattan’s upper east side.

C’mon, Tom, who do you think you’re kidding? You’d be nervous about going into any bar more than a half a mile from Manhattan’s upper east side.

But if you should someday happen to find yourself in a bar in Arizona, take our advice. Don’t order any of the foo-foo drinks you sissy elitists normally order.

No Kahlua and milk. No brandy and ginger beer. No piña colada with pink umbrellas. No white wine. No raspberry Fanta. No appletini. No tequila with a splash of cranberry juice. No Baileys over vanilla ice cream. No Japanese plum wine and soda. And no Pink Ladies. Definitely no Pink Ladies.

Well, not unless you’re drinking with Barney Frank and he’s dressed in his Village People cowboy costume and you’re in that special little bar he knows in Scottsdale.

One other tip: When you’re introduced to a man in a bar in Arizona, do not say, “Is that a six shooter in your pocket or are you just happy to see me.”


Is the Feds’ lawsuit against Arizona going south?

This is not a good week to be a Democrat. Nothing seems to be going their way. Not even their outrageous lawsuit against Arizona’s illegal alien law.

This is not a good week to be a Democrat. Nothing seems to be going their way. Not even their outrageous lawsuit against Arizona’s illegal alien law.

Here come da judge, there goes the Feds' argument

The Washington Post has the details:

Judge John T. Noonan Jr. grilled administration lawyers at a hearing before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit. He took aim at the core of the Justice Department’s argument: that the Arizona statute is “preempted” by federal law and is especially troublesome because it requires mandatory immigration status checks in certain circumstances.

“I’ve read your brief, I’ve read the District Court opinion, I’ve heard your interchange with my two colleagues, and I don’t understand your argument,” Noonan told deputy solicitor general Edwin S. Kneedler. “We are dependent as a court on counsel being responsive … You keep saying the problem is that a state officer is told to do something. That’s not a matter of preemption…. I would think the proper thing to do is to concede that this is a point where you don’t have an argument.”

Ouch. The Feds don’t have an argument now. They didn’t have an argument then. They won’t have one in the future.

Other than that, this lawsuit was a really good idea.

Source: Washington Post

Intentionally deceptive? Democrat Congressman’s TV commercial leads you to believe he’s a Republican.

How bad is it going to be for Democrats in November? So bad that Harry Mitchell, an incumbent Democrat Congressman from Arizona, is running intentionally deceptive TV commercials that might just lead viewers to believe he’s a Republican.

How bad is it going to be for Democrats in November? So bad that Harry Mitchell, an incumbent Democrat Congressman from Arizona, is running intentionally deceptive TV commercials that might just lead viewers to believe he’s a Republican.

The phrase “I’m a Republican” is repeated five times in the commercial, but it never quite gets around to actually explaining that Harry’s a Democrat.

For Harry’s sake, we hope this commercial fools more people than his comb-over does.

H/T: Weasel Zippers

Arizona gets 30 new troops on the border plus 15 bright, shiny new signs

A few weeks ago we reported that it may be months before the new troops Obama promised to station on the Mexican border actually show up. One Arizona sheriff is now steaming mad because the government is delivering signs almost as fast as it’s delivering troops.

A few weeks ago we reported that it may be months before the new troops Obama promised to station on the Mexican border actually show up. One Arizona sheriff is now steaming mad because the government is delivering signs almost as fast as it’s delivering troops.

arizona border sign

CNS News reports the details of the deficiency:

Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said requests by Arizona law enforcement personnel and Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) for 3,000 National Guard troops along the state’s border with Mexico have been answered so far with 1 percent of that number deployed there this week.

“We have a whopping 30 [National Guard troops] this week that are showing up,” Babeu told “It’s less than a half-hearted measure designed to fail.”

But the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has placed 15 signs along a 60-mile stretch of Interstate 8 that links San Diego with Phoenix and Tucson warning travelers of drug cartels and human trafficking operations.

We fully expect the Obama administration to announce that these signs cost $1,000,000 each and created or saved 53,000 jobs.

H/T: Bluegrass Pundit

Arizona sheriff says, “I have about as much regard for the U.N. as I do the vermin”

Dever is sheriff of Cochise County, which lies along the Mexican border. He told that he’s not happy that the U.S. State Department recently reported Arizona to the United Nations Human Rights Council. Not happy at all.

Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever knows vermin when he sees 'em

We’d say Arizona Sheriff Larry Dever is giving the U.N. more respect than it deserves, but far be it from us to let our personal opinions color our 100% impartial presentation of the news.

Dever is sheriff of Cochise County, which lies along the Mexican border. He told that he’s not happy that the U.S. State Department recently reported Arizona to the United Nations Human Rights Council. Not happy at all.

“Well, it’s just amazing to me,” Dever said. “Course, I have about as much regard for the U.N. as I do the vermin that hides in the rocks around my house here and reaches out and tries to bite me every now and then.”

President Bush blew off the U.N. Human Rights Council as a joke because its members included consistent human rights violators like China, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Russia, Cuba, Pakistan, Tunisia and Egypt.

But the Obama administration, in its infinite wisdom, couldn’t wait to join up, claiming that U.S. efforts could improve the organization.

Instead, we’re now ignoring those nations human rights violations and making up human rights violations our own states are supposedly committing.

Of course, they’re vermin. But as the scorpion said to the turtle in the punch line of that old joke, “You knew what I was when you found me.”


Obama reports Arizona to the UN Human Rights Council, Arizona governor responds

The Obama administration submitted a report to the United Nations Human Rights Council last week and among the many American sins for which it apologized was Arizona’s anti-illegal alien law.

china human rights
Chinese official having a spirited civil rights debate with Chinese citizen

The temptation to openly laugh at the United States must be getting stronger and stronger.

The Obama administration submitted a report to the United Nations Human Rights Council last week and among the many American sins for which it apologized was Arizona’s anti-illegal alien law.

Keep in mind that the beacons of brotherhood who sit on the UN Human Rights Council include Angola, Egypt, South Africa, Bangladesh, China, Jordan, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and believe it or not, Cuba.

Let’s just say that Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is less than pleased. She wrote an angry letter to the President condemning the report, demanding its withdrawl and calling it “downright offensive”.

The Associated Press has the details:

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer demanded Friday that a reference to the state’s controversial immigration law be removed from a State Department report to the United Nations’ human rights commissioner.

The U.S. included its legal challenge to the law on a list of ways the federal government is protecting human rights.

In a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Brewer says it is “downright offensive” that a state law would be included in the report, which was drafted as part of a UN review of human rights in all member nations every four years.

“The idea of our own American government submitting the duly enacted laws of a state of the United States to ‘review’ by the United Nations is internationalism run amok and unconstitutional,” Brewer wrote.

Of course, the members of the Human Rights Commission listed above are confused by the concept of building a wall to keep people out. Their human rights records are all they need to do the job.

Source: Associated Press

Arizona sheriff wants to show Obama how to secure border

Sheriffs in Arizona seem to grow cojones the size of Yuma watermelons. Paul Babeu, the Sheriff of Pinal County, Arizona, has a message for President Obama:

Sheriffs in Arizona seem to grow cojones the size of Yuma watermelons. Paul Babeu, the Sheriff of Pinal County, Arizona, has a message for President Obama:

“If the president gave me a half hour,” Babeu said, “I am confident that I could convince him and to show him the way that he can personally secure the border, and he would be the hero of everybody that truly transcends bipartisan politics and secures that border. I believe that if a leader truly wanted to do that we have the means and the resources necessary to secure our border and to protect America once and for all, and then we can get to the point in the future, only after the border is secure, that there is some type of discussion about what do we do with the approximate 13 million people who are here illegally.” 

Pinal County, located in Southern Arizona is a major route for smugglers bringing narcotics and illegal aliens across the Mexican border.

C’mon, President Obama, you visited Afghanistan in an effort to pretend you care about that war. Don’t you owe it to the people of Arizona to at least fake it for them, too?


Eric Holder’s next target: Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio

If you’re the Obama administration and you look at the polls and see that a huge majority of Americans support Arizona’s anti-illegal alien law and would support similar laws for their own states, what do you do?

If you’re the Obama administration and you look at the polls and see that a huge majority of Americans support Arizona’s anti-illegal alien law and would support similar laws for their own states, what do you do?

You’d double down and sue the popular sheriff in Arizona’s biggest county, that’s what you do.

The Washington Post has the details of the latest federal foul-up:

arpaio joe Arpaio
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has some pink underwear that will fit Eric Holder perfectly

A federal investigation of a controversial Arizona sheriff known for tough immigration enforcement has intensified in recent days, escalating the conflict between the Obama administration and officials in the border state.

Justice Department officials in Washington have issued a rare threat to sue Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio if he does not cooperate with their investigation of whether he discriminates against Hispanics. The civil rights inquiry is one of two that target the man who calls himself “America’s toughest sheriff.” A federal grand jury in Phoenix is examining whether Arpaio has used his power to investigate and intimidate political opponents and whether his office misappropriated government money, sources said.

The standoff comes just weeks after the Justice Department sued Arizona and Gov. Jan Brewer (R) because of the state’s new immigration law, heightening tensions over the issue ahead of November’s midterm elections. The renewed debate has focused attention on Arpaio, a former D.C. police officer who runs a 3,800-employee department, and a state at the epicenter of the controversy over the nation’s estimated 12 million illegal immigrants.

Maybe when we get these guys out of office, Sheriff Joe can put them in pink underwear and feed them peanut butter sandwiches every day while they serve out their sentences in his outdoor jail.

Source: Washington Post

Oneupsmanship: Florida attorney general proposes anti-illegal alien law even tougher than Arizona’s

There’s a rebellion brewing in state houses across the country. To paraphrase Network, people are mad as hell about illegal aliens and they aren’t going to take it anymore.

There’s a rebellion brewing in state houses across the country. To paraphrase Network, people are mad as hell about illegal aliens and they aren’t going to take it anymore.

Now Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum, who’s running for governor, has proposed an anti-illegal alien law that’s even tougher than Arizona’s.

Reuters reports the anti-illegal immigration information:

bill mccollum florida illegal alien
Wimpy-looking guy introduces tough bill

“Florida will not be a sanctuary state for illegal aliens,” McCollum, who was accompanied by state Representative Will Synder, said in a statement that also gave details of the proposed law.

The legislation would require law enforcement officials to check a suspected illegal immigrant’s status in the course of a stop, or a violation of another law.

This goes beyond the existing situation in the state where officers are allowed to check for immigration status, but not required to.

Florida, especially its southern portion, is a major U.S. migration destination for nationals from the Caribbean and Latin America, making it a cultural and racial melting-pot.

McCollum’s office said the proposed Florida immigration legislation goes “one step further” than a similar law recently introduced in Arizona, which has triggered protests and a constitutional challenge from President Barack Obama’s administration.

The Major League Baseball Players union has protested the Arizona law and some players say they may boycott next Sumer’s all-star game in Phoenix. They may want to rethink this, because at the rate states are proposing Arizona-like laws, they may run out of places to play.

Source: Reuters

Surprise, surprise! Troops that were supposed to be on the border two weeks ago may not be there for months

In what may be the least surprising announcement made in months, Janet Napolitano revealed Thursday that the troops she promised Arizona and other border states won’t be in place for weeks. Maybe months.

In what may be the least surprising announcement made in months, Janet Napolitano revealed Thursday that the troops she promised Arizona and other border states won’t be in place for weeks. Maybe months.

Arizona lawmakers asked for National Guard troops on the border and Napolitano promised to have them in place by August 1, but it looks like Tucson’s just going to have to wait a little longer. Or a lot longer.

“The first began arriving, or the command and control elements began arriving, on the 1st of august. They should all be there within, I would say, 30 to 60 days,” said Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano.

Napolitano went on to say, “Or 90 days. Or maybe 120 days. Or maybe not at all. You know what I love about my job? The more you lie, the easier it gets.”

Source: Fox 11

Just when you thought Rick Sanchez couldn’t say anything more stupid, he goes and fools you

Rick Sanchez, the poster boy for CNN’s ratings problems, once said Iceland was too cold for volcanoes. He once read the words “ad lib a tease” straight off the teleprompter. And he once asked a guest how long nine meters is in English. But he may have topped himself last week.

Rick Sanchez, the poster boy for CNN’s ratings problems, once said Iceland was too cold for volcanoes. He once read the words “ad lib a tease” straight off the teleprompter. And he once asked a guest how long nine meters is in English. But he may have topped himself last week.

That’s when he looked an Arizona state representative Rick Murphy in the eye and said, “What is your beef with illegal immigration?”

Feel free to watch the clip several times to savor the stupendous Sanchez stupidity.


Racial busing returns! Unions ship people of color to Arizona.

In an effort to rid California of the millions of illegals who sap the state’s dwindling coffers, SEIU, AFSCME and Teamsters union bosses have loaded people of color onto buses and sent them to Arizona. Their hopes are to not only help the Late Great State out of debt, but also to assist in promoting Arizona tourism.

In an effort to rid California of the millions of illegals who sap the state’s dwindling coffers, SEIU, AFSCME and Teamsters union bosses have loaded people of color onto buses and sent them to Arizona. Their hopes are to not only help the Late Great State out of debt, but also to assist in promoting Arizona tourism.

We salute you! Workers of the world unite!

THIS JUST IN: The preceding story was somehow misreported. We have learned that the Unions were shipping protesters to march against Arizona. Our mistake.

Source: Los Angeles Times

Build it and they won’t come: 68% of American voters want a border fence

Nicely done, President Obama. Well played, Attorney General Holder. Since the court decided in your favor on the Arizona illegal alien law, support for your position has skyrocketed. And by skyrocketed, we mean plummeted.

Nicely done, President Obama. Well played, Attorney General Holder.

Since the court decided in your favor on the Arizona illegal alien law, support for your position has skyrocketed. And by skyrocketed, we mean plummeted.

Rasmussen reports that a remarkable 68% of American voters now want a friggin’ fence:

One more thing, President Obama: If you're not really going to fight to win the war in Afghanistan, how about bringing the troops home and putting them on the border, too

Support for the building of a fence along the Mexican border has reached a new high, and voters are more confident than ever that illegal immigration can be stopped.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 68% of U.S. voters now believe the United States should continue to build a fence on the Mexican border. That’s up nine points from March when the Obama administration halted funding for the fence and the highest level of support ever.
Just 21% oppose the continued building of the border fence.

Support for the fence is strong across all demographic groups. But while 76% of Mainstream voters think the United States should continue to build the fence, 67% of the Political Class are opposed to it.

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

Source: Rasmussen

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