CEO of ACORN says, “Glenn Beck is my boyfriend and he’s going to have sex with my corpse.”

Consider this entire interview convincing evidence that Bertha Lewis, the former CEO of ACORN, is insane. She thinks Glenn Beck is into necrophilia. Metaphorically, we hope.

Consider this entire interview convincing evidence that Bertha Lewis, the former CEO of ACORN, is insane. She thinks Glenn Beck is into necrophilia. Metaphorically, we hope.

Discussing the death of ACORN, she said, “Now we’ve become political necrophiliacs. Not only did we kill this organization, but we’re going to dig ‘em up and we’re going to have all kinds of congress with the corpse. Over and over again. Political necrophiliacs like Beck, like Murdoch, like Fox, like Limbaugh, like Mr. Breitbart … My boyfriend, Glenn Beck, who seems to be obsessed with me … if he wants a date he should just ask.”

Did she mean congress or Congress? If she meant “congress” then she’s talking about necrophilia. But if she meant Congress, then we’re so screwed that we’ll all wish we were dead.

Sex with Lewis’ corpse may just be preferable to sex with a living Lewis. At least she wouldn’t talk.

Sad news! ACORN is limping along on a paltry $4,000,000 a year.

Bertha Lewis, the chief executive officer for the group, said ACORN was getting by on about $4 million annually rather than its one-time $25 million budget and had reduced its staff to four, down from between 350 and 600 employees.

ACORN bertha lewis
Bertha Lewis spends $4,000,000 for four employees. We'd say the organization sounds a little top heavy.

Bertha Lewis is dumb as a rock for admitting this. And we hope we haven’t offended any rocks with that statement.

Associated Press reports the details of the organization’s dollar deficit:

Bertha Lewis, the chief executive officer for the group, said ACORN was getting by on about $4 million annually rather than its one-time $25 million budget and had reduced its staff to four, down from between 350 and 600 employees.

“We’re still alive. We’re limping along. We’re on life support,” Lewis said in an interview just after a government lawyer asked a federal appeals court to temporarily block a judge’s ruling that it was unconstitutional for Congress to cut funding to ACORN.

A $4,000,000 budget with a staff of four?

Who said socialism doesn’t pay?

Source: Associated Press

Socialist ACORN CEO says the tea party movement is more like a bowel movement

Is ACORN corrupt? Undoubtedly. Socialist? Absolutely. Classy? Not so much. Bertha Lewis pretty much proves all three in this short video clip.

Is ACORN corrupt? Undoubtedly.

Socialist? Absolutely.

Classy? Not so much.

Bertha Lewis pretty much proves all three in this short video clip.

ACORN found not guilty and in a related story OJ demands a new trial

To sum this story up briefly, ACORN has just conducted an investigation into ACORN and has determined that ACORN is not guilty of any ACORN-like activities.

ACORN looked really hard and couldn't find any scandal here.
ACORN looked really hard and couldn't find any scandal here.

To sum this story up briefly, ACORN has just conducted an investigation into ACORN and has determined that ACORN is not guilty of any ACORN-like activities.

Former Massachusetts Attorney General Scott Harshbarger, who was selected to perform an investigation of ACORN despite his past ties to the organization, wrote in his report, “While some of the advice and counsel given by ACORN employees and volunteers was clearly inappropriate and unprofessional, we did not find a pattern of intentional, illegal conduct by ACORN staff; in fact, there is no evidence that action, illegal or otherwise, was taken by any ACORN employee on behalf of the videographers.

”ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis, predictably, was pleased with the report, which lays out nine steps for the group to take to ‘regain public trust shaken by the video controversy.’”

“The report is part vindication, part constructive criticism and 100% road map to the future,” Lewis said. “This evaluation shows even the low-level employees portrayed in the videos did not engage in any illegal activity or seek to encourage it.”

Based on this precedent, O.J. Simpson has demanded a retrial, stating that it was unconstitutional for him to be denied the right to serve and his own judge and jury.

Source: New York Daily News

– Written by Patrick Michael

ACORN soon to be as bankrupt financially
as it is morally

Times are tough at ACORN. In the wake of the organization’s pimp-and-whore corruption videos, Congress has cut off its funding, private donations have dried up and charitable grants have dwindled.

When Democrats said, "Do it for the children," no one knew they were talking about Salvadoran child prostitutes
When Democrats said, "Do it for the children," no one knew they were talking about Salvadoran child prostitutes

Times are tough at ACORN. In the wake of the organization’s pimp-and-whore corruption videos, Congress has cut off its funding, private donations have dried up and charitable grants have dwindled.

American Spectator has the sad details:

“They may have to file for bankruptcy if they don’t have several big pending grants approved or get emergency loans,” a highly placed ACORN source told me over the weekend. This information bolsters Rep. Darrell Issa’s (R-Calif.) claim last week that ACORN is in turmoil amidst internal power struggles and on the verge of bankruptcy.

Given that ACORN is a network of hundreds of affiliated nonprofits, it’s not exactly clear how a bankruptcy filing would work, but the idea is under serious consideration by ACORN’s leadership. It was discussed at length at the group’s most recent national board meeting…

The report continues:

As of Nov. 11, ACORN and its affiliates owed at least $2,328,596 in long overdue back taxes to all levels of government. Many of the tax liens, which are only issued by creditor tax agencies after a tax debt has become seriously delinquent, do not appear in the Nexis database, so the actual total may be much higher. ACORN has been negotiating with tax collectors to have interest on its tax debts waived and to have some of the debts partially forgiven.

The new tax lien data throw new light on why ACORN can’t sell its former headquarters at 1024 Elysian Fields Ave. in New Orleans. French Quarter Realty is asking $835,000 for the property, which is now weighed down by a whopping $1,278,862 in tax liens.

Of that nearly $1.3 million, $619,271 is owed to the IRS. It’s unclear why the Obama administration’s tax enforcers haven’t seized the property yet. Perhaps the president is extending a courtesy to his former employer.

Whores and pimps across the nation are in mourning.

Source: American Spectator via Bluegrass Pundit

Community organizers pray to Obama.
Not for Obama, but to Obama.

“Hear our cry, Obama! Deliver us, Obama.” Pardon the expression, but good lord almighty. Now community organizers are praying to Obama.

“Hear our cry, Obama! Deliver us, Obama.” Pardon the expression, but good lord almighty.

Now community organizers are praying to Obama. The Gamaliel Foundation goes way back with Barack Obama and helped organize his early work in Chicago’s poor neighborhoods.

Suddenly, the video clips of school kids singing the President’s praises seem almost innocent by comparison.

Hmmmmm. Did ACORN steal the election for Al Franken?

Shame on us. We’ve been thinking that the election of Al Franken proved that the people of Minnesota need massive psychiatric intervention. But maybe not if the Minneapolis Star-Tribune is to be believed.

Senator Al Franken (D-ACORN)
Senator Al Franken (D-ACORN)

Shame on us. We’ve been thinking that the election of Al Franken proved that the people of Minnesota need massive psychiatric intervention. But maybe not if the Minneapolis Star-Tribune is to be believed:

…ACORN does have a special place in its heart for at least one prominent Minnesota politician. Last year, it showered praise on Al Franken, endorsing his run for the U.S. Senate. Franken returned the esteem: “I’m thrilled and honored to receive this endorsement,” he gushed in a press release. He added that he was “more motivated than ever to work with ACORN.”

Fact is, ACORN may deserve the credit and the blame for Franken’s election. The scandal-plagued group claims it registered 75% of Minnesota’s 43,000 new voters. Since Franken’s margin of victory was a mere 312 votes, it seems reasonable to assume that ACORN’s dubious new voters were enough to swing the election in the Democrat’s direction.

Of course, Minnesota’s Democrat Secretary of State Mark Ritchie scoffs at that assertion and says there’s nothing to worry about because Minnesota’s voter verification system guarantees the integrity of the election. But you have to take that with a grain of salt because ACORN also endorsed Ritchie and helped get him elected.

Ritchie’s probably more motivated than ever to work with ACORN, too.

Source: Minneapolis Star-Tribune

New New York Times motto: Better late than never

For generations, the New York Times motto was “All the news that’s fit to print.” Things have changed. The Times official ombudsman commented on the paper’s cluelessness on the ACORN scandal and other recent stories.

The New York Times has a new motto <i>and</i> a new mascot
The New York Times has a new motto and a new mascot

For generations, the New York Times motto was “All the news that’s fit to print.” Things have changed.

The Times official ombudsman waddled in over the weekend (when most people don’t pay much attention to news) to comment on the paper’s cluelessness on the ACORN scandal and other recent stories thoroughly covered by Fox News and talk radio, but ignored the The Gray Lady.

In a mea culpa entitled, “Tuning In Too Late,” Times Public Editor Clark Hoyt admits, “The Times stood still.” What he should’ve said was that the paper stood still in its best ostrich imitation. Either that or its head was stuck deep where the sun never shines. And it wasn’t the first time.

Hoyt understatedly noted of the Times:

Continue reading “New New York Times motto: Better late than never”

Quote of the Day: Media Matters

“…the MediaMutters guys are also humorless. They haven’t even pointed out that the Mississippi Acorn office is located on Hooker Street.”
– James Taranto

“…the MediaMutters guys are also humorless. They haven’t even pointed out that the Mississippi Acorn office is located on Hooker Street.”
– James Taranto

Source: Wall Street Journal’s Best of the Web Today

Dinosaur media tries to avoid irrelevance, blames ACORN messengers

Woodward and Bernstein helped bring down a president in the 1970s. Now O’Keefe and Giles are helping to bring down both ACORN and the fourth estate with their series of Internet videos. And the press is taking it none too kindly.

Millions of years from now our descendents will fuel their world with oil produced from the bodies of today's dinosaur media
Millions of years from now our descendents will fuel their world with oil produced from the bodies of today's dinosaur media

Woodward and Bernstein helped bring down a president in the 1970s. Now O’Keefe and Giles are helping to bring down both ACORN and the fourth estate with their series of Internet videos. And the press is taking it none too kindly.

In response, they’re smearing the messenger instead of doing their job by spreading the message that ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Racketeering Now) is rotten to the core and that President Obama has a long history with the taxpayer-funded group.

The Washington Post once accepted anonymous revelations from a secret source known only as “Deep Throat” that proved damaging to the president of the United States in 1972. Yet now the same paper now questions the motives of two amateur reporters whose secretly filmed revelations are proving embarrassing to the current president.

Did the Post or any other news organization question Woodward and Bernstein’s motives back then? Of course not.

In a devastating piece, Dan Calabrese asks,

Why, exactly, do O’Keefe and Giles now have to defend themselves and their independence, when the result of their work clearly speaks for itself?

Part of the issue is obviously ideological bias. The mainstream media is far less happy to see a left-wing organization exposed as a criminal fraud, especially one so closely connected to the left-wing president in which they have so much invested.

But there is more to it than that.

O’Keefe and Giles represent the kind of new reality that threatens the very existence of media dinosaurs like the Washington Post.

Read it and weep, dinosaurs. Read it and weep.


Today Show won’t talk about ACORN, but tracks down ex-neighbor to about the Yale killer

The Today Show can’t find time to report on the ACORN scandal, but manages to track down and interview – get this – the ex-neighbor of suspected Yale killer Raymond Clark.

Sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day. For example, the Today Show can’t find time to report on the ACORN scandal, but manages to track down and interview – get this – the ex-neighbor of suspected Yale killer Raymond Clark.

Turns out the woman didn’t really know Raymond Clark. But she knows he had dogs. And he tried to stare her down. And he yelled at her kids once. And he was controlling with his girlfriend. And stuff. But that doesn’t mean he’s guilty or anything.

By the end of this idiotic interview, Viera looks as if she’d give anything for the chance to talk about ACORN’s pimps and prostitutes.

Source: Hippo’s Ass

Man bites dog! Jon Stewart turns on mainstream media!

“You mean to tell me that two kids from the cast of High School Musical III broke this story with a video camera and their grandmother’s chinchilla coat,” Stewart said, “and you’ve got nothing?”

ABC News anchor Charlie Gibson said the ACORN stings are better suited for “the cables,” but Jon Stewart disagrees.

“You mean to tell me that two kids from the cast of High School Musical III broke this story with a video camera and their grandmother’s chinchilla coat,” Stewart said, “and you’ve got nothing?”

What do you know. We agree with the smarmy, smirking Stewart for once.

That sound you hear is the frantic footsteps of Barack Obama running away from ACORN as fast as he can

“We’re just community organizers, just like the president used to be.” – Bonnie Greathouse, Acorn’s chief organizer in Nevada. With friends like this, who needs enemies? It was bad enough that the media refused to investigate Barack Obama’s background before the election, but absolutely unconscionable that they continue to look the other way.

“We’re just community organizers, just like the president used to be.”
Bonnie Greathouse, Acorn’s chief organizer in Nevada

With friends like this, who needs enemies? It was bad enough that the media refused to investigate Barack Obama’s background before the election, but absolutely unconscionable that they continue to look the other way.

Source: Wall Street Journal’s connection to the ACORN prostitution stings

Imagine the pride that’s welling up within’s editor today when as watches this video and sees that San Berdoo, his old hometown, is the latest stop in James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles’ series of ACORN prostitution stings.

Some people might not understand the pain associated with knowing your birthplace is one of the worst cities in America.

San Bernardino, California’s never been what you would call famous. Years ago, its biggest claims to fame were that it was home to the first McDonald’s and was the last town mentioned in the lyrics of “Route 66.”

But in recent years, it’s been become better known as “the methamphetimine capital of America” or “the murder capital of America” or “smog capital of the world” or “the political corruption capital of the west.”

Imagine the pride that’s welling up within’s editor today when as watches this video and sees that San Berdoo, his old hometown, is the latest stop in James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles’ series of ACORN prostitution stings.

Tears are welling up.


Which senators voted to continue funding voter fraud and child prostitution?

The Senate voted 83-7 vote to deny housing and community grant funding to ACORN as a result of the scandal surrounding the organization. Who were the seven senators who believe it’s appropriate to continue funding an organization that’s will to aid and abet child prostitution?

ACORN leaders consult with their former attorney, Barack Obama, back in his "community organizing" days
ACORN leaders consult with their former attorney, Barack Obama, back in his "community organizing" days

The Senate voted 83-7 vote to deny housing and community grant funding to ACORN as a result of the scandal surrounding the organization.

Who were the seven senators who believe it’s appropriate to continue funding an organization that’s under indictment for voter fraud in 13 states?

Who were the seven senators who believe it’s appropriate to continue funding an organization that’s will to aid and abet child prostitution?

Here they are:

Dick Durbin (D-IL)
Roland Burris (D-IL)
Robert Casey (D-PA)
Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

Please note that six of the seven are Democrats, and the seventh is a Socialist.

Also please note that it’s increasingly difficult to distinguish between the two.


Glenn Beck 3, Barack Obama 0

It’s been a good week for Glenn Beck. A very good week. First Van Jones “resigned” as Green Jobs Czar. Then Yosi Sergant was “reassigned” at the National Endowment for the Arts when down. Now the Census Bureau has fired ACORN.

glenn-beck It’s been a good week for Glenn Beck. A very good week.

First Van Jones “resigned” as Green Jobs Czar. Then Yosi Sergant was “reassigned” at the National Endowment for the Arts when down. Now the Census Bureau has fired ACORN.

Take the rest of the weekend off, Glenn.

After that 9/12 event, that is.

Incredible ACORN corruption caught on tape – tax evasion, prostitution, money laundering and more

Did you think Obama’s healthcare speech was going to be the big story of the day? You won’t after watching these hidden-camera videos catching ACORN advising an undercover aspiring congressman and prostitute on how to do all sorts of illegal behavior, including tax evasion, running a brothel, sex trafficking of underage girls, laundering money.

Did you think Obama’s healthcare speech was going to be the big story of the day? You won’t after watching these hidden-camera videos catching ACORN advising an undercover aspiring congressman and prostitute on how to do all sorts of illegal behavior, including tax evasion, running a brothel, sex trafficking of underage girls, and laundering money. As a bonus they learn some valuable lessons about hiding out from competing pimps.

Who ever said community organizing wasn’t worth the billions we spend on it?


ACORN to change its name because every knows the old one

We’re sad to report that the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now (ACORN) is changing its name to Community Organizations International (COI).


We’re sad to report that the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now (ACORN) is changing its name.

The organization’s leaders say its fine, upstanding reputation has been tarnished by 14 pesky investigations and indictments for voter registration fraud plus charges of financial mismanagement.

“We’ve known for many months now that the name ACORN is going to be retired,” said Marcel Reid, a former ACORN leader who has formed a breakaway group. “The name has been so damaged to the point where the leadership knows it simply can’t go on as it has with the ACORN label out front and center, especially after all of the reporting.”

Wade Rathke, ACORN’s founder, announced on his blog that ACORN International has officially changed its name to Community Organizations International (COI).

We suggest that COI should lengthen its name to Community Organizations International Terrorizing the United States (COITUS), because they’re screwing every single one of us.


Sneak preview of the first car developed by Obama Motors (formerly General Motors)

(Originally published three weeks ago, we felt today would be an appropriate day to rerun it)

It’s sleek. Powerful. And comes with a remarkably fuel efficient ethanol engine. It’s the 2010 Czar Car from Obama Motors.

obama_motorsDesigned by well-known automotive designer Barack Obama, the Czar Car simultaneously protects the environment and the President’s union constituents.

The Czar Car runs on ethanol and gets a million miles per gallon. Once a decade when your gas tank gets low, just pull into the cornfield in your neighborhood and say, “Fill ‘er up.”

The 2010 Czar Car is currently just a prototype, but you’ll soon see if being driven by members of ACORN as they travel around the country performing census duties and counting people who don’t exist in Democratic districts.

Best of all, the Czar Car comes with a lifetime guarantee supplied by the government of the United States of America.

And since it comes from the same people who brought you the Post Office and the Department of Motor Vehicles, we suggest you keep that warranty handy at all times.

Barney Frank supports ACORN’s freakin’ fraud

There are no red states. There are no blue states. There are only states where ACORN's already been indicted and states where they'll soon be indicted.
There are no red states. There are no blue states. There are only states where ACORN's already been indicted and states where they'll soon be indicted.

Naturally. Of course. Not surprised. Wouldn’t have expected anything less.

The same guy who led us down the primrose path on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is now out there as ACORN’s loudest supporter.

ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, may have pulled off the most widespread voter fraud in American history last year. They’re being investigated or have already been convicted in 14 states.

In response, Minnesota Congresswoman Michelle Bachman proposed an entirely reasonable amendment that would have barred any organization under federal indictment from receiving funds from the mortgage reform bill.

But blatantly Barney Frank, ACORN’s congressional sugar daddy, saw to it that the amendment was removed, defeated, condemned to the ash heap of history. Remarkably, ACORN will now have access to up to $8.5 billion (with a “b”) from President Obama’s various “stimulus” schemes.

Frank claims ACORN isn’t eligible for any of the moneyOf course, this is the same guy who defended Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and had a prostitution ring operating out of his condo.

Apparently the prostitution ring is still operating, but has moved its headquarters to Washington, DC.

Read the full details of the corrupt relationship between Frank and ACORN here.

Source: YidWithLid

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