Michael Moore says the Pope told him capitalism is a sin

Michael Moore says the Pope told him capitalism is a sin. The Pope gave the lying documentary maker a private audience, they held hands, discussed their communist inclinations, and then the Pope asked Michael Moore to pray for him… which is like asking a Kodiak bear to clean your salmon for you.

Still crazy after all these years: Hugo Chavez says intelligent life on Mars destroyed by capitalism

We don’t know if capitalism destroyed life on Mars, but Chavez presents pretty good evidence that communism has destroyed all intelligent life in Caracas.

Hugo Chavez obviously thinks that Muammar Gadhafi’s days are numbered, because he’s now doing whatever it takes to officially replace the Libyan lunatic as world’s craziest leader.

Hugo "I'm crazier than Muammar Gadhafi" Chavez

Reuters has the demented details:

“I have always said, heard, that it would not be strange that there had been civilization on Mars, but maybe capitalism arrived there, imperialism arrived and finished off the planet,” Chavez said in speech to mark World Water Day.

Chavez, who also holds capitalism responsible for many of the world’s problems, warned that water supplies on Earth were drying up.

“Careful! Here on planet Earth where hundreds of years ago or less there were great forests, now there are deserts. Where there were rivers, there are deserts,” Chavez said, sipping from a glass of water.

He added that the West’s attacks on Libya were about water and oil reserves.

We don’t know if capitalism destroyed life on Mars, but Chavez presents pretty good evidence that communism has destroyed all intelligent life in Caracas.

Source: Reuters

North Korea abandons communism: What does
Kim Jong-il know that Barack Obama doesn’t know?

We have a president who bows to dictators, but the world’s dictators seem to be bowing to reality. The latest surprising addition to the “Socialism Doesn’t Really Seem to Work That Well Club” is North Korea’s Kim Jong-il.

Did you ever think you'd live long enough to see the words "Kim Jong-il" and "capitalist" together in the same sentence?

We have a president who bows to dictators, but the world’s dictators seem to be bowing to reality.

The latest surprising addition to the “Socialism Doesn’t Really Seem to Work That Well Club” is North Korea’s Kim Jong-il.

The Washington Post has news of the Nork dictator’s sudden economic enlightenment:

Continue reading “North Korea abandons communism: What does
Kim Jong-il know that Barack Obama doesn’t know?”

Socialist hypocrite Michael Moore to take Michigan tax credit he strongly condemned others for taking

Moore’s most recent effort, Capitalism: A Love Story, took aim at businesses that used shelters to avoid paying taxes and took government bailouts during the market crash. The thing is, Moore used similar tactics,

In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, all pigs are equal, but some pigs are more equal than others.

In the case of Michael Moore, some slobs are more equal than other slobs.

Moore’s most recent effort, Capitalism: A Love Story, took aim at businesses that used shelters to avoid paying taxes and took government bailouts during the market crash.

The thing is, Moore used similar tactics, taking advantage of a Michigan tax break to fund the making of his film–which raked in millions, by the way. Michigan taxpayers–already hit hard with the collapsing auto industry–were left holding the funny money bag for that one.

Maybe the taxpayers should pull together for the sequel, Socialism, a Fraud Story.

Source: Brietbart.tv

– Written by Sven Waring

Chavez wants Venezuelan TV to air socialist soap operas

Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez asked film producers to produce “socialist soap operas” because there’s just too darn much capitalism on television.

Lights! Camera! Action! Cue the Communist!

As his economy crumbles, Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez knows just what it needs.

He’s asked film producers to produce “socialist soap operas” because there’s just too darn much capitalism on television. He even offered to pony up some of those newly devalued Venezuelan bolivars to help spread the socialist message.

NewsMax.org has the details:

“A while ago, I was in Cuba and they broadcast soap operas there, not capitalist soap operas but with a social content, socialist” soap operas, Chavez told a group of filmmakers and scriptwriters guested on his weekly radio and television show, “Alo Presidente.”

“I’m going to ask that we make socialist soap operas (in Venezuela), instead of capitalist ones.”

The firebrand leftist leader offered government help to producers following his advice.

“We can also make good movies,” he added. “Not capitalist movies that are poison and incite our children to take drugs and even push them into crime.”

A little unsolicited advice, Hugo. Forget the expense of original productions. Just import Law & Order and save yourself some bolivars.

Source: NewsMax

Bring in the death panel: Michael Moore’s “Capitalism” is on life support

When a thoroughbred racehorse breaks a leg on the track, they rush out and quickly put the poor beast out its misery with a bullet to the head. Anyone have a spare round for Michael Moore’s “Capitalism?”

capitalism-poster When a thoroughbred racehorse breaks a leg on the track, they rush out and quickly put the poor beast out its misery with a bullet to the head. Anyone have a spare round for Michael Moore’s “Capitalism?”

This weekend’s results are in. Capitalism’s total box office receipts were a sad, sad $703,000. It’s total box office is a paltry $12,937,000 after five weeks of release. Five films brought in more than that this week alone.

Capitalism’s vital signs are extremely weak. Friends and family are gathered at its bedside. No heroic measures will be taken to keep it alive. Say your goodbyes. Bring in the priest and give the last rites. Order a casket and a hearse. Schedule a day at the cemetery.

And then pause and laugh your ass off at that fat bastard Michael Moore.

Source: BoxOfficeMojo.com

“Capitalism” (with a capital “C”) proves that capitalism (with a lower case “c”) works

Michael Moore may hate capitalism, but he’s learned a valuable lesson by making Capitalism. That is, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.

Hey, Michael, how’s the box office for your latest movie?
Hey, Michael, how’s the box office for your latest movie?

Michael Moore may hate capitalism, but he’s learned a valuable lesson by making Capitalism. That is, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. Or its Hollywood corollary, you can lead a whore to water, but you can’t make her drink. But we digress.

What Moore has learned is that no one wants to see a film that calls for the destruction of a system that made it possible for that film to be made.

The total box office for “Capitalism” dropped 39% this weekend despite playing in an additional 33 theaters. This weekend’s total box office was a mere $2,700,000 and the total two week take is just $9,095,000.

Think about it this way: At $10 per ticket, that means only 270,000 people saw “Capitalism” this weekend. That works out to 271 people per theater. Figure three showings per day Friday, Saturday and Sunday, that means a sad, sad average of 30 people paid to see each showing of Capitalism.

Of course, this is Hollywood. So a documentary that’s full of lies and distortions that no one want to see, well, that’s surefire Oscar material.

Source: BoxOfficeMojo.com

Capitalism dies. Michael Moore’s Capitalism, that is.

We regret being the bearers of bad news. Michael Moore’s latest “documentary” died a quick, but painful death this weekend. Virtually no one was with it when it expired.

We regret being the bearers of bad news. Michael Moore’s latest “documentary” died a quick, but painful death this weekend. Virtually no one was with it when it expired.

Total box office take for Capitalism’s opening Friday, Saturday and Sunday was a mere $4,850,000. That puts it in seventh place for the weekend, nestled between a movie called “Whip It” in sixth place and the latest remake of “Fame” in eighth. It was the fat filmmaker’s worst opening since 2002’s Bowling for Columbine.

By way of comparison, a comedy-horror film called “Zombieland” ended up in the top position with $25,000,000.

One of the beauties of capitalism (with a lower case “c”) is that people have the right to reject Capitalism (with a capital “C”). And they did.

Source: BoxOfficeMojo.com

Michael Moore’s new film unlike his previous ones. This one blames Reagan for everything, instead of Bush.

Director and “Biggest Loser” candidate Michael Moore is awfully damn happy with himself over his latest movie. Moore said “Having spent the last year and a half living pretty much under the radar and quietly putting together this movie for you, it is heartening, to say the least, to read the early reviews where Time Magazine called it ‘Moore’s magnum opus’

Michael Moore has a big opening. His film didn't have such a big opening.
Michael Moore has a big opening. His film didn't have such a big opening.

Director and “Biggest Loser” candidate Michael Moore is awfully damn happy with himself over his latest movie.

Writing in Huffington Post, Moore said “Having spent the last year and a half living pretty much under the radar and quietly putting together this movie for you, it is heartening, to say the least, to read the early reviews where Time Magazine called it ‘Moore’s magnum opus,’ the Los Angeles Times has declared it my ‘most controversial film yet,’ and Variety has said that Capitalism: A Love Story is ‘one of Moore’s best films.’ Wow. Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect, considering this film is an all-out assault against the racket polite people like to call ‘Wall Street.'”

Let’s see. Since Moore’s remarks that “Capitalism is both un-Christian and un-American, an evil that deserves not regulation but elimination,” we can kind of guess where this movie is going.

The Independent Eye, a blog committed to independent film review bemoans the fact that there are no conservative reviews of the film. We can’t understand why conservatives are not flocking to see it either, but we think it may have something to do with the fact that Moore is a fat idiot and his movies blow chunks.

Using his typical 1/4 truth documentary style, Moore again focuses on the misery of some to make his point (and his profits).

Now if he could just spare us the misery of another Michael Moore movie.

Source: Huffington Post, Independent Eye

– Written by Patrick Michael

Obama’s economic program suddenly begins to make sense

It’s clear the President Obama has absolutely no concept of how capitalism works. The private sector will be incentivized if you take some of the profit motive out?


Based on last Wednesday night’s press conference, it’s clear President Obama has absolutely no concept of how capitalism works.

“Having a public plan out there that also shows that maybe if you take some of the profit motive out, maybe if you are reducing some of the administrative costs, that you can get an even better deal, that’s going to incentivize the private sector to do even better.”

The private sector will be incentivized if you take some of the profit motive out?

2012 cannot arrive soon enough.

Howard Dean has had “quite enough of capitalism,” thank you

Thank God for politicians like Joe Biden and Howard Dean. Sometimes, the truth just slips out of their mouths, and when we are lucky, their words are recorded for the liberal media to ignore and conservative alternate media to shout out. Today, former Vermont governor and former DNC Charmain, Dean obliged.

We had CNBC on in the background as we were writing our IHTM stories this morning and heard Howard Dean telling talk show host Jason Lewis to “stop using his talk radio voice.” Our ears perked up and then we heard one of the most honest lines ever to come out of the mouth of a liberal lawmaker yet. Here’s what he said (minute 5:00):

“I think we’ve had quite enough capitalism in the last eight years.”

Remember when the media jumped all over McCain and Palin during the election for suggesting the left and Obama were socialistic? Well…

Conservative teaches liberal how the real world works

This is a very funny video. Liberals should consider it a life lesson. So should conservatives. It demonstrates perfectly that libs don’t understand how the real world works. They simply can’t comprehend that some people would rather pay more for a better product. Or more for a product that’s merely perceived as better.

Guy #1 in this video wants to give his product away for free. He doesn’t know how to cope when Guy #2 sets up business next door offering a better product at a higher price.

Next thing you know the Obama administration will get involved. They’ll say Guy #2 is guilty of unfair competition. They’ll force him to unionize. They’ll say that since he’s a highly-compensated capitalist, he should pay for health care for Guy #1. They’ll say that since Guy #2 is making money and Guy #1 isn’t, Guy #2 should pay higher taxes to subsidize Guy #1.

We wish it were a joke.

Source: InfidelsAreCool.com

Milton Friedman spanks Phil Donahue, sends him to his room without supper

Thanks to John Romano over at BigHollywood.com for digging out this old YouTube video of Milton Friedman teaching dumbfounded liberal Phil Donahue a few things about how capitalism and the real world work.

You can help but love the crestfallen look on Donahue’s face.

Source: BigHollywood.com

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