Biden Responds to Howard Dean’s Comments on Older Dems: ‘I Can Take Him Physically’

Biden Responds to Howard Dean’s Comments on Older Dems: ‘I Can Take Him Physically.’ This could be the cage match of the century. Possibly the first time we’d use pay-per-view. They should have defibrillators on-site though.

There’s nothing Howard Dean loves more than a good war. A good Democrat war, that is.

Howard Dean told Joe Klein the difference between Bush’s war and Obama’s war. As you might expect, Dean approves of Obama’s war.

On Morning Joe, former Presidential candidate and former head of the DNC Howard Dean told Joe Klein the difference between Bush’s war and Obama’s war. As you might expect, Dean approves of Obama’s war.

howard dean
"And then we're going to South Dakota and Oregon and Libya. Arrrrggggghhhhh!"

Even lefty Klein didn’t buying the spin.

Dean: I don’t think you stay out of these things. You can’t if you’re the most powerful country in the world . . . You have to take chances.
Klein: That’s not what you were saying in 2003!
Dean: That’s because we were lied to about what we were doing . . . we were lied to about the WMD.
Klein: We had the same situation as we do now, which is insufficient information.

This Libya thing is like going to a freak show starring anti-war Democrats as contortionists who shock the audience by twisting their beliefs in unimaginable ways.


“Every day the right wing runs anything is a day we are stepping backwards as human beings”

Bat shit crazy Howard Dean went to Austria and said conservatives can’t run anything. How about November 2, Howard. That’s the day we run Barack Obama and his band of socialist sociopaths out of Washington, DC, Howard?

Bat shit crazy Howard Dean went to Austria and said conservatives can’t run anything.

How about November 2, Howard. That’s the day we run Barack Obama and his band of socialist sociopaths out of Washington, DC, Howard?

That seems like a step forward to us.

H/T: WeaselZippers

Well-known conservative extremist Howard Dean comes out against Ground Zero mosque

Uh-oh. Looks like Nancy Pelosi’s campaign to investigate those who are against the Ground Zero mosque won’t be getting any support from former DNC head Howard Dean.

Uh-oh. Looks like Nancy Pelosi’s campaign to investigate those who are against the Ground Zero mosque won’t be getting any support from former DNC head Howard Dean.

“I gotta believe there has to be a compromise here,” Dean told WABC Radio. “This isn’t about the rights of Muslims to have a worship center or Jews or Christians or anybody else to have a place to worship anywhere near Ground Zero. This is something we ought to be able to work out with people of good faith. And we have to realize that it is a real affront to people who lost their lives – including Muslims. That site doesn’t belong to an particular religion. It belongs to all Americans and all faiths. So I think a good, reasonable compromise could be worked out without violating the principal that people out to be able to worship as they see fit…I think another site might be a good idea.”

In other words, move the mosque.

H/T: Gateway Pundit

Chris Wallace exposes Howard Dean as a liar, Howard Dean exposes Howard Dean as a moron

One-time Presidential hopeful Howard Dean guested on FOX News Sunday and accused the network of racism for its coverage of the Shirley Sherrod and Black Panthers stories. That’s when Chris Wallace came out swinging.

President. Howard. Dean. Pardon us while we shudder at the mere thought of the combination of those three words.

One-time Presidential hopeful Howard Dean guested on FOX News Sunday and accused the network of racism for its coverage of the Shirley Sherrod and Black Panthers stories.

That’s when Chris Wallace came out swinging, pointing out that Sherrod had been fired by the White House before Fox News ever aired the woman’s name.

“Facts be damned,” Dean seemed to say, “I have a liberal meme to communicate here.”

The video is a classic.

(Read all of our Shirley Sherrod stories, and we have a lot of them.)

Now the truth can be told: Howard Dean admits ObamaCare is all about redistribution of wealth

Coming soon! They admit Van Jones is a communist. They admit that “comprehensive immigration reform” really means amnesty. They admit cap-and-trade is just one giant tax. And who knows? Maybe they’ll even admit that Obama was born in a manger in Bethlehem.

Coming soon! They admit Van Jones is a communist. They admit that “comprehensive immigration reform” really means amnesty. They admit cap-and-trade is just one giant tax. And who knows? Maybe they’ll even admit that Obama was born in a manger in Bethlehem.

H/T: Bluegrass Pundit

Howard Dean apologizes to both Bushes, Dick Cheney and John Ashcroft, calls them “great”

Howard Dean was last seen racing frantically from cable news network to cable news network on Sunday, defending former Green Jobs Czar Van Jones, and inadvertently apologized to some of his enemies.

Howard Dean was last seen racing frantically from cable news network to cable news network on Sunday, defending former Green Jobs Czar Van Jones.

“I think he was brought down,” Dean told Fox News Sunday, saying he just spoke to Jones. “I think it’s a loss for the country.” Dean pointed to Jones’ “credentials as a Yale Law School graduate and best-selling author.”

Dean’s statement, coupled with the fact that it is a holiday weekend and we were bored, sent us scurrying for evidence that Yale graduates exist on a higher plane than we lesser beings and deserve greater respect and deference than mere mortals. Although we could find no scientific research to verify Dean’s assertion, we feel obligated to submit to the superior intellect of the former head of the Democratic National Committee.

Dean’s implied apology and the their elevation to near god-like status will undoubtedly be gratefully accepted by Yale graduates George Bush, George W. Bush, John Ashcroft, and the left’s poster boy of ultimate evil, Dick Cheney.

“Hey, wait just a darn minute,” Dean reportedly thought to himself, “I don’t think that’s quite what I meant to say.”

Source: Fox News

– Written by Patrick Michael

Howard Dean suffers an embarrassing moment of honesty

Howard Dean is going to watch this video and ask himself, “What was I thinking?” For that matter, the rest of the Democrat party is also going to wonder why Den thought it was a good idea to come clean about the iron grip trail lawyers have on the Democrat party’s testicles.

Howard Dean is going to watch this video and ask himself, “What was I thinking?”

For that matter, the rest of the Democrat party is also going to wonder why Den thought it was a good idea to come clean about the iron grip trail lawyers have on the Democrat party’s testicles.

“This is the answer from a doctor and a politician. Here’s why tort reform is not in the bill. When you go to pass a really enormous bill like that, the more stuff you put in it, the more enemies you make, right? And the reason that tort reform is not in the bill is because the people who wrote it did not want to take on the trial lawyers in addition to everyone else they were taking on. And that is the plain and simple truth.”

Can’t wait for Howard’s next speech. Maybe he’ll admit Obama’s a socialist.

Howard Dean has had “quite enough of capitalism,” thank you

Thank God for politicians like Joe Biden and Howard Dean. Sometimes, the truth just slips out of their mouths, and when we are lucky, their words are recorded for the liberal media to ignore and conservative alternate media to shout out. Today, former Vermont governor and former DNC Charmain, Dean obliged.

We had CNBC on in the background as we were writing our IHTM stories this morning and heard Howard Dean telling talk show host Jason Lewis to “stop using his talk radio voice.” Our ears perked up and then we heard one of the most honest lines ever to come out of the mouth of a liberal lawmaker yet. Here’s what he said (minute 5:00):

“I think we’ve had quite enough capitalism in the last eight years.”

Remember when the media jumped all over McCain and Palin during the election for suggesting the left and Obama were socialistic? Well…

Howard Dean says, “Don’t call a sitting president a Fascist.” Keith Olbermann says, “Uhhh, not so fast.”

It’s not easy to make Keith Olbermann look more absurd than he makes himself look. But Howard Dean managed to do it without even trying. As an added bonus, he also made himself look absurd. Bingo! Two for the price of one.

Dean appeared on Olbermann’s MSNBC show the other night and was horrified – horrified, we tell you – that some people have called President Obama a Fascist. Olbermann nodded gravely and agreed in his most serious, most reporterish tones.

Thanks to some great research and brilliant editing by Olbywatch, this video intercuts those comments with numereous clips from earlier times of Olbermann calling President Bush a – you guessed it – Fascist.

Let’s go to the videotape.

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