Senate votes against new witnesses in Trump impeachment trial

Senate votes against new witnesses in Trump impeachment trial. Of course, Senators Mitt “John McCain Junior” Romney (R-Utah) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) voted for more witnesses and dumpsters full of garbage documents. Senate Leader Mitch McConnell won 51-49 anyway.

House votes along party lines to impeach Trump

House votes along party lines to impeach Trump. What everyone predicted would happen, did. Tulsi Gabbard voted present. One Republican initially voted for impeachment but changed the vote to no. Meanwhile, Trump could GAF and gave one helluva rally in Michigan.

Trump blasts impeachment effort in fiery letter to Pelosi


Trump blasts impeachment effort in fiery letter to Pelosi. We’re waiting for Nancy’s head to explode after reading this. The letter.

Schiff: ‘I Had No Idea FBI Was Committing Serious Abuses When I Said All That Stuff’

Schiff: ‘I Had No Idea FBI Was Committing Serious Abuses When I Said All That Stuff.’ He should have stopped at ‘no idea.’

James Comey: ‘I was wrong’


James Comey: ‘I was wrong.’ Mr. Smug issues his mea culpa. Perhaps he should substitute ‘criminal’ for ‘wrong.’

After previously saying the FBI was vindicated by the Justice Department inspector general’s findings on the origins of the Russia investigation, former FBI Director James Comey said Sunday that he was “overconfident” in defending the FBI’s use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act in the investigation.

Democrat Congressman Leaving Party Over Impeachment, Becoming Republican

Democrat Congressman Leaving Party Over Impeachment, Becoming Republican. Seriously, who in their right mind would want to be associated with people like Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler? Maybe he’ll start a trend.

New Jersey Democratic Congressman Jeff Van Drew, who has strongly opposed the Democrats’ impeachment efforts, is leaving the Democratic Party and becoming a member of the Republican Party after meeting with President Donald Trump.

“Van Drew’s congressional and campaign staff were informed he was planning to switch parties on Saturday, according to Democratic sources,” Politico reported.

Hank Johnson wants to impeach Trump for being too tall

Hank Johnson wants to impeach Trump for being too tall. It’s been almost ten years since this man proved his other-worldly stupidity (or senility) (or both) by worrying out loud during a congressional hearing about the island of Guam tipping over… and he is still in office!?

House Judiciary Committee passes articles of impeachment against President Trump

President Trump Rips 'Do Nothing Democrat Savages'

House Judiciary Committee passes articles of impeachment against President Trump. Well, it looks like Fat Boy Nadler and Pencil Neck Schiff have all but guaranteed Trump will be reelected and the House will go back to being run by the Republicans.

Jim Jordan Makes BOMBSHELL Discovery – Trump Has Been Alerted

Jim Jordan Makes BOMBSHELL Discovery – Trump Has Been Alerted. “Oh! What a Tangled Web We Weave, When First We Practice to Deceive!” There’s no shortage of deceivers in this government.

Buried deep in the 434-page report is an explosive piece of information that Democrats have lied about for years.

Jordan revealed the FBI spied on at least four individuals serving on Trump’s 2016 campaign — not the “two” that were originally reported.

Jordan sounded the alarm on the Obama administration spying on at least four members of the Trump campaign, raising serious questions about a violation of their civil liberties.

Tucker unearths video of Pamela Karlan’s anti-white male rant: ‘This lady needs a shrink’

Tucker unearths video of Pamela Karlan’s anti-white male rant: ‘This lady needs a shrink.’ Perhaps a rubber room and a straight-jacket?

Yovanovitch committed perjury at impeachment hearing

Former ambassador Yovanovitch committed perjury at impeachment hearing yesterday. And the perjury was exposed under questioning by Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik. Now, coming as it did on the same day that Roger Stone was found guilty in a court of law for basically THE VERY SAME THING, it’s fair to ask why perjury laws never seem to apply to Democrats.

House rejects Trump impeachment resolution after Dem Rep. Al Green forces vote

House rejects Trump impeachment resolution after Dem Rep. Al Green forces vote. Impeaching Trump is so difficult even a caveman can’t do it.

All signs, including road signs, bad for Obama

The hacked electronic sign at the intersection of Unionville-Indian Trail and Ridge roads in Union County was changed to read “Impeach Obama.”

Forget the bogus polls produced by the media fellators – when road signs turn against a politician, he’s cooked.

No matter how many of those “This waste of money courtesy of American Non-recovery and Malinvestment Act” signs Obama bought, none of them mean as much as one honest electronic sign.

Consider it a sign of the times has the story of a sign of the times:

A Department of Transportation electronic road sign was apparently hacked into and the road warning changed over the weekend.

Hacked? We can hear Jay Carney now babbling something about GW Bush’s secret computer skills.

The sign at the intersection of Unionville-Indian Trail and Ridge roads in Union County was changed to read “Impeach Obama.”

The sign was corrected Sunday night, officials said.

Good thing they fixed it. Impeachment is a long drawn-out process and the Democrat weiners in the Senate would never convict him. Better to vote Barry out of office in 2012 and then procescute him.

Electronic road signs were also hacked several months ago in Rock Hill. Instead of displaying political messages, those signs warned of zombies, hunters and tanks in the roadway ahead.

We beg to differ. Zombies and tanking pretty much ARE political messages in the age of the greatest presidential failure ever. All the signs were there before the last election, and even more of them are visible now.

– Written by Bonfire of the Absurdities

Source: WSOC-TV

Joe Biden believes President Obama should be impeached over Libyan war

In this interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, Joe Biden clearly states his position that a President should be impeached for launching an attack on a nation that hasn’t attacked the United States.

In this interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, Joe Biden clearly states his position that a President should be impeached for launching an attack on a nation that hasn’t attacked the United States.

Of course, the tough-talking Biden was only a Senator when this interview took place and he was speaking of President Bush, but one would hope that his argument remains consistent.

“I was chairman of the Judiciary Committee for 17 years or its ranking member. I teach separation of powers in Constitutional law. This is something I know. So I got together and brought a group of Constitutional scholars together to write a piece that I’m going to deliver to the whole Unites States Senate pointing out the President has no Constitutional authority to take this nation to war against a country of 70 million people unless we’re attacked or unless there is proof that we are about to be attacked. And if he does, if he does, I would move to impeach him. The House obviously has to do that, but I would lead an effort to impeach him. The reason for my doing that, and I don’t say it lightly, I don’t say it lightly….”

Perhaps the three words no American wants to hear: President Joe Biden.

A lunatic, but a very consistent lunatic: Ralph Nader wants to impeach Obama

Ralph Nader wanted to impeach George Bush for the Iraq War and now you can add his name to the list of libs who want to impeach Barack Obama for the Libyan War

Ralph Nader wanted to impeach George Bush for the Iraq War and now you can add his name to the list of libs who want to impeach Barack Obama for the Libyan War … or incursion … or situation … or whatever we’re calling it.

We gotta give the guy credit for consistency.

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