California Governor Jerry Brown has cancer removed from nose, allows cancer in state to continue growing

They may have removed the cancer from Jerry Brown’s nose, but the cancer of socialism is still growing unchecked in the state of California.

brown nose

It’s been said that Jerry Brown was born with a nose for politics. Maybe so, but he has a little less of that nose today.

CBS Sacramento has the proboscis particulars:

Gov. Jerry Brown has undergone surgery to remove a cancerous growth on his nose, his office said Saturday.

Brown nose: They're still ignoring the real cancer in the state of California

The governor’s office said in a statement that Brown, 73, had the procedure under local anesthetic Friday, after tests revealed the presence of basal cell carcinoma, a common, slow-growing form of skin cancer, on the right side of his nose.

“All of the basal carcinoma cells were removed, but some reconstructive surgery to the nose was required as a result of the procedure,” his office said. “Governor Brown is at home and has continued to conduct state business today.”

They may have removed the cancer from Jerry Brown’s nose, but the cancer of socialism is still growing unchecked in the state of California. Everyone knows this ugly growth is killing the patient, but no one is willing to cut it off. In fact, Brown’s solution to the state’s budget crisis is – no surprise – more taxes.

This is one of those cases where the cause of death is known in advance and the obituary is written long before the patient actually dies.

Source: CBS Sacramento

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