Andrea Mitchell and Cokie Roberts: NPR needs money so rednecks and Indians can hear the news

NPR doesn’t appeal merely to liberal, big city elites. Heaven forbid. No, according to this line of reasoning, the very people liberal elites disdain the most are NPR’s most ardent fans.

In the wake of James O’Keefe’s devastating NPR sting, the mainstream media has apparently reached the “throw it up against the wall and see if it sticks” point. Its arguments in favor of continued funding are getting more desperate and less rational.

Cokie Roberts tried a novel approach on This Week last week:

Roberts: Well, there are not 14,000 radio stations in rural areas, which is where most of the federal funding goes. Most of those stations are the ones that NPR gets hardly any money from the federal government, and the big stations get hardly any money. But the little, tiny, rural stations that, where there’s nothing else on the air, get a lot of money and they would go dark.

"Sure it's a stupid argument, but it's the only one I have."

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell took that line of reasoning a step or two further when she interviewed Majority Leader Eric Cantor last Wednesday:

Mitchell: I just want to point out that NPR and the radio stations are saying that the elimination of federal funding for public broadcasting would be extraordinarily damaging to the services that they provide in rural America, on Indian reservations. Not in the big cities, perhaps, as much where other kinds of fundraising is possible, private fundraising, but in a lot of poor communities, it’s their only news service.

Based on this argument, one can only assume that rednecks listen to “All Things Considered” as they drive their pickups around looking for black and gay men to lynch. And Native Americans listen to “Car Talk” while hand-grinding what we call corn, but they call maize.

In other words, NPR doesn’t appeal merely to liberal, big city elites. Heaven forbid. No, according to this line of reasoning, the very people liberal elites disdain the most are NPR’s most ardent fans.

Unfortunately, the network’s own website offers audience stats that put the lie to this inane argument.

So NPR’s audience is older, far richer and far more educated than the average American. Yet Roberts and Mitchell would have you believe that it’s poor, uneducated rural Americans who value NPR the most.

As NPR’s supposed redneck audience would say, “Bullshit.” As it’s supposed Native American audience would say, “Heap big bullshit.” And as it’s actual audience would say, “Please pass the Grey Poupon, Th0urston.”

Source: NPR, LexisNexis

Reassuring news: Obama never talked to half a dozen members of his cabinet

John Heilemann of New York magazine tells Andrea Mitchell that his investigation uncovered the truly remarkable fact that President Obama never spoke to six members of his cabinet during his first two years in office. Not once.

Why speak to mere cabinet members when you have czars out the wazoo?

John Heilemann of New York magazine tells Andrea Mitchell that his investigation uncovered the truly remarkable fact that President Obama never spoke to six members of his cabinet during his first two years in office. Not once.

Not a single “Hey, how are the wife and kids.” Not one “How ’bout those wacky Iranians.” Nary a “Hey, got any ideas on the economy?”

If we had to make a wild guess, we’d say Secretary of Defense was one of the cabinet members Obama hasn’t spoken to.

Andrea Mitchell runs into tax rate buzz saw: Judd Gregg

Poor Andrea Mitchell. She must be sorry she ever interviewed Senator Judd Gregg. Instead of playing nice and playing along with her liberal line of questioning, the outgoing Republican Senator taught Mitchell a thing or two about taxes.

Poor Andrea Mitchell. She must be sorry she ever interviewed Senator Judd Gregg. Instead of playing nice and playing along with her liberal line of questioning, the outgoing Republican Senator taught Mitchell a thing or two about taxes.

Gregg: We don’t believe that if you go out and earn a living that the money that you earn is our money. That’s your money.
Mitchell: But…but…but…

Good lord, man, has this woman really slept with Alan Greenspan all these years without learning anything but the Butterfly Maneuver?

Pot, meet kettle. Chris Matthews calls Obama an elitist.

Chris Matthews really is schizophrenic these days. One day he still feels that special tingle up his leg at the merest mention of Obama’s name and the next day he lurches into brief moments of clarity.

Chris Matthews really is schizophrenic these days. One day he still feels that special tingle up his leg at the merest mention of Obama’s name and the next day he lurches into brief moments of clarity.

Monday was a clarity day. He told Andrea Mitchell that America voted for the patriotic and inclusive Obama and now he’s become an elitist.

And Mitchell just sits there looking as if this liberal blasphemy is going to give her a major stroke.

Andrea Mitchell covers Democrat’s ass when he talks about vote buying

Democrat Congressman Robert Brady put his foot deep into his mouth on MSNBC on Monday, but trusty leftist apologist Andrea Mitchell came to the rescue.

Democrat Congressman Robert Brady put his foot deep into his mouth on MSNBC on Monday, but trusty leftist apologist Andrea Mitchell came to the rescue.

Mitchell: What is the secret here to turn-out? In the old days, in the old machine days, it used to be what we called “walking around money,” handing out money to get people to the vote. Is it still the case? What do you do? What is the magic of the Democratic machine in Philadelphia?”

Brady: We still have the street money and we’re very knowledgeable.

The meaning seems clear. Brady’s admitting that the Democrats buy votes in Philadelphia. In fact, it seemed so clear that Mitchell revisited the issue five minutes later just to give Brady a way to explain away his previous statement.

Does anyone doubt that the producer was in the booth screaming, “Andrea! Go back and give this moron some cover.”


Andrea Mitchell admits that Harry Reid is a dead man walking

It doesn’t take a genius to look at the polls and figure out that Harry Reid will soon be the former senator from the great state of Nevada. That’s why opportunists like Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin are already angling for Reid’s job as Senate Majority Leader.

It doesn’t take a genius to look at the polls and figure out that Harry Reid will soon be the former senator from the great state of Nevada.

That’s why opportunists like Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin are already angling for Reid’s job as Senate Majority Leader.

As if anticipating the inevitable, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell confessed, “There’s been no funeral yet. The body is still warm. But they do want to each jockey for position.”

These two make Reid seem warm and likeable. Not an easy task to accomplish.

H/T: Bluegrass Pundit

Andrea Mitchell pulls out her pom poms and leads cheers for President Obama

Well, let’s give Andrea Mitchell credit. She says what she thinks and thinks what she says. Of course, she oozes liberalism, which sounds horribly unpleasant.

Here’s a quick clip in which the so-called reporter openly shills for ObamaCare with Congressman Elijah Cummings because, well, just because the President needs it, damn it.

Well, let’s give Andrea Mitchell credit. She says what she thinks and thinks what she says. Of course, she oozes liberalism, which sounds horribly unpleasant.

Here’s a quick clip in which the so-called reporter openly shills for ObamaCare with Congressman Elijah Cummings because, well, just because the President needs it, damn it.

Mitchell: Bottom line, what happens if you don’t get health care for this president is, this is really all-or-nothing for the sense of his power, his legacy, he’s invested so much in this, in this first year. You’ve got to get this for him.

Cummings: Andrea, I agree with you a million percent.

“Gimme an O, gimme a B, gimme an A, gimme an M, gimme an A. What does it spell? Bankruptcy.”

Chris Matthews predicts the end of the Democrat party

Andrea Mitchell and Chris Matthews are discussing the ObamaCare Summit.
She said, “You’re asking the House members to vote on something on the bet that the Senate will follow through.”

“It’s more than a bet,” Matthews replied, “because if the Senate doesn’t do it, it’s the end of the Democratic Party.”

Andrea Mitchell and Chris Matthews are discussing the ObamaCare Summit.
She said, “You’re asking the House members to vote on something on the bet that the Senate will follow through.”

“It’s more than a bet,” Matthews replied, “because if the Senate doesn’t do it, it’s the end of the Democratic Party.”

Oh, my god, we’re not embarrassed to admit that we have tingles running up our legs.


Andrea Mitchell can’t hide her contempt for Sarah Palin. Well, actually, she didn’t even attempt to hide it.

Please allow us to amend our headline. The word “can’t” implies that Andrea Mitchell actually attempted to hide her contempt for Palin. No such attempt was made.

Please allow us to amend our headline. The word “can’t” implies that Andrea Mitchell actually attempted to hide her contempt for Palin. No such attempt was made.

So much for any pretense of impartiality. Mitchell was so over the top that even the occasionally even-handed Chuck Todd had to come to Palin’s defense.

Rachel Maddow brought back to reality by Andrea Mitchell

Our hearts go out to Rachel Maddow. She starts this report by attempting to glorify the accomplishments of President Obama in Copenhagen, but ends it shaken by the reality of a report of Obama’s failures by Andrea Mitchell.

Our hearts go out to Rachel Maddow. She starts this report by attempting to glorify the accomplishments of President Obama in Copenhagen, but ends it seeming almost shaken by reality.

What caused the sudden change of heart? A report by NBC Foreign Correspondent Andrea Mitchell, who gives a remarkably honest review of Obama’s failures at the Copenhagen circle jerk.

It’s no wonder Maddow was surprised. Because there’s certainly no reason to think Obama would fail in Copenhagen when he’s been so successful in everything else he’s done.

Oh, my god, sometimes we just crack ourselves up.

Beauty and the Beast: Andrea Mitchell tries to ambush Sarah Palin

Funniest damn series of photos ever. News hag Andrea Mitchell desperately wants to waylay Sarah Palin to get a comment about Newsweek’s sexist cover photo, but police won’t let her through.

Funniest damn series of photos ever. News hag Andrea Mitchell desperately wants to waylay Sarah Palin to get a comment about Newsweek’s sexist cover photo, but police won’t let her through.

Mitchell: Sarah! Sarah! Can I get your autograph? Sign it, “To Alan, with love, Sarah.”




Andrea Mitchell feels Tom Daschle’s pain

UPDATE: Our apologies. Turns out this is actually a photo of Al Capone, a completely different tax cheat.
UPDATE: Our apologies. Turns out this is actually a photo of Al Capone, a completely different tax cheat.

Andrea Mitchell feels badly for tax-dodgin’ Tom Daschle. She really does.

“I just got off the phone with Tom Daschle,” she said sympathetically on MSNBC. “And it was an emotional conversation…it sounded as though he were tearful, overwrought.”

When Republican Senator Jim DeMint contended that Democrat support for Daschle’s nomination had wavered, Mitchell was clearly upset. “You can say that the Democrats were uncomfortable as well,” Mitchell lectured, “but they were all supporting him publicly.”

“So this does read to the public as though the Republicans went after this man,” she wondered aloud, “someone that the President very much wanted, and brought him down.”

Like opposing the confirmation of a felonious tax cheat is a bad thing?

Gays Ga-Ga Over Andrea Mitchell. No, seriously.

Andrea Mitchell feeling gay!
Andrea Mitchell feeling witty, oh so witty, oh so witty and pretty and gay

Believe it or not, veteran NBC News reporter Andrea Mitchell is an icon within the gay community.

(We’ll pause here for a moment to let you reflect upon that last sentence. Perhaps you may even want to re-read it for fear that you misread it the first time).

To repeat, veteran NBC News reporter Andrea Mitchell is an icon within the gay community.

“She’s the Golden Girls rolled into one,” one gay reporter noted. “The body of Sophia, the sassiness of Dorothy and probably a sex kitten like Blanche, and most likely from the Midwest like Rose.”

Pick whatever icons you want. But for god’s sake, guys, this woman is a thousand years old, has a grating voice, and her face looks like a pillow case that was left in the dryer too long.

Isn’t one Barbara Streisand enough for the gay community?

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