Gays in the military: Barbara Boxer compares United States to Iran, North Korea and Pakistan

Oh, how proud California’s voters must be. Barbara Boxer, their recently-reelected United States senator, actually compared the United States to Iran, North Korea and Pakistan because none of those nations allow gays in their military.

Oh, how proud California’s voters must be. Barbara Boxer, their recently-reelected United States senator, actually compared the United States to Iran, North Korea and Pakistan because none of those nations allow gays in their military.

north korean army
Who's kidding who? If there are no gays in the North Korean army, why do they look so much like the Rockettes?

CNS News has the details:

Boxer likened the U.S.A. to the Communist regime in North Korea, the Islamic regime in Iran and the Pakistani government at a press conference in which she called for repealing the ban on homosexuals in the military during the lameduck session of Congress, which is taking place now before the new members elected on Nov. 2 can arrive in Washington, D.C. and replace the members who are retiring or who were defeated.

“We now stand with this rule with countries like Iran, North Korea and Pakistan in banning gays and lesbians from military service,” said Boxer. “Our brave young men and women fight alongside allies like Australia, the United Kingdom and others who allow gays and lesbians to serve openly. Let’s not stand with Pakistan and with North Korea and Iran.”

Barbara, honey, you seem to forget that being gay is a crime punishable by death in Iran and Pakistan. And just being a citizen of North Korea seems to be a crime punishable by death.

We have a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. They have a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Breathe” policy.

Source: CNS News

Sarah Palin’s Alaska inspires other politicians to pitch their own reality TV shows

Following the successful debut of “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” agents representing other politicians are rushing to Hollywood to pitch reality shows for their clients.

Few original ideas have ever been generated in Hollywood and even fewer have ever come from Washington, DC. The two towns were made for each other.

So following the successful debut of “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” (TLC reported a record 5,000,000 viewers for the premiere episode), agents representing other politicians are rushing to Hollywood to pitch reality shows for their clients.

So here are some other reality programs we’re looking forward to in the near future:

“Harry Reid’s Nevada”

Harry Reid Join the soon to be former Senate majority leader as he goes prospecting for gold on K Street. Visit his boyhood home in Searchlight, Nevada and learn how he became wealthy working in the private sector for a mere two years. Watch him give charisma lessons to other Democrats. Don’t miss a moment when Harry Reid’s Nevada premieres Sunday, Nov. 14 at 9/8C only on MSNBC.

“John Kerry’s Massachusetts”

John Kerry Deep in the wilds of a Massachusetts gated community, John Kerry faces the toughest decision of his life: where to dock his new yacht. The gang from Jersey Shore make a cameo to explain to Senator Kerry how lowering taxes can promote economic growth and result in more government revenues. Later, Kerry fights for wind power in someone else’s backyard. It’s “John Kerry’s Massachusetts” premiering Monday, November 22 at 9/8C on CNN.

“Barbara Boxer’s California”

Barbara Boxer Wham-Bam-Don’t-Call-Me-Ma’am. Barbara Boxer gets in a tiff with a barista at Starbucks who refuses to call her grande skinny latte a “Senator Grande Skinny Latte.” Join Barbara as she explores the California Aqueduct through the dried-up breadbasket of California’s Central Valley and all the way back to the spawning grounds of the endangered delta smelt, stopping, of course, at 5-star resorts along the way. “Barbara Boxer’s California” debuts Tuesday, November 23 at 9/8 Central on MSNBC.

“Elliot Spitzer’s New York”

eliot spitzer Experience New York like you never have before as Elliot takes you on a wild romp through the Empire State. Accompany him as he rides bareback through the canyons of the Adirondacks. Catch crabs with the former governor as he plunges his rod into the pristine waters of the Hudson. Bone up on you local history as he navigates the annals of the world’s oldest profession. “Elliot Spitzer’s New York.” Premiering next Friday at 9/8 Central only on IHTM-TV.

“Lisa Murkowski’s Alaska”

lisa murkowski Lisa Murkowski debates changing her last name to Smith to ease future write-in campaigns. A trip to the hairdresser ends in disaster when the resulting new doo looks “too modern, like something out of the nineties.” She decides to keep her 70s-inspired locks for additional coverage on the Drudge Report. “Lisa Murkowski’s Alaska.” Don’t miss this special premiere Monday, November 30 at 8/8 Central on Animal Planet.

“Dennis Kucinich’s Ohio”

Dennis Kucinich In this episode Dennis Kucinich plays Risk with two old high school chums, but opts out when the game becomes, “increasingly militaristic.” After accusing his old friends of imperialism, Kucinich breaks from the game to immediately build a peaceful agrarian community on his board. Noam Chomsky makes a guest appearance. “Dennis Kucinich’s Ohio” premieres Monday, November 29 at 9/8 Central only on Pravda TV.

“Barack Obama’s Kenya”

barack-obama-tv Travel back with the President as he returns to his homeland. Be with him as he makes the adjustment from the imperial opulence of the White House to the spartan furnishings of his brother’s one-room shack in Nairobi. Travel the land as he seeks out anyone who remembers his birth and pays them to forget it. Watch the dramatic premiere of “Barack Obama’s Kenya” this Sunday, Nov 28 at 9/8 Central only on IHTM-TV.

“Chuck Schumer’s New York”

Chuck Schumer This is the reality show in which the star is never off camera. He stars in all the commercials, voice overs and station breaks. Experience the seesaw excitement as Chuck demeans Wall Street bankers one minute, then strong arms them for campaign contributions the next. Don’t miss “Chuck Schumer’s New York,” premiering November 24 at 8:00 p.m. on PBS.

“Maxine Waters’ South Central”

Maxine Waters Yo, what you looking at, honky? Turn your damn TV off. This show is for black people only because you white people have had your own TV shows for too damn long. Co-stars Demond Wilson from “Sanford & Son” and “Rodney King from Can’t We All Just Get Along?” “Maxine Waters’ South Central” debuts November 24 at 8/9 Central on BET.

“Al Franken’s Minnesota”

Al Franken Al Franken, Minnesota’s favorite son, shows you the highways and byways and underhanded ways of the Land of Ten Thousand Missing Votes. Visit comedy clubs across the state in search of someone who finds him funny. Discover that the Al Franken persona is an act, but the Stuart Smalley persona is real. Don’t miss the series premiere of “Al Franken’s Minnesota,” November 24 at 8/9 Central following the season premiere of Prairie Home Companion on PBS.

Yes, maam! Barbara Boxer provides more evidence that she is the dumbest person in the United States Senate

Wolf Blitzer asks Barbara Boxer about her record on tax cuts and the California Democrat’s answer is so preposterous that the CNN host realizes he can’t just stand by and let her get away with it.

Wolf Blitzer asks Barbara Boxer about her record on tax cuts and the California Democrat’s answer is so preposterous that the CNN host realizes he can’t just stand by and let her get away with it.

And that’s when the fun begins. Boxer starts throwing out numbers, retracting numbers, correcting numbers, revising numbers, stuttering and stammering.

Good lord, this woman is’s senator. We’re doomed. Absolutely friggin’ doomed.

Of course, Barbara Boxer is in favor of illegal immigration. Where else will she find campaign workers?

Republican Carly Fiorina was debating Barbara Boxer at wacko left wing radio station KPCC. An interesting thing happened when a citizen journalist began interviewing sign-holding Boxer supporters –- he found out they were day laborers who didn’t even know who Boxer is.

Republican Carly Fiorina was debating Barbara Boxer at wacko left wing radio station KPCC. An interesting thing happened when a citizen journalist began interviewing sign-holding Boxer supporters –- he found out they were day laborers who didn’t even know who Boxer is.

Where’s Gloria Allred? Shouldn’t she be out there signing u[ these guys as clients like she signed up Meg Whitman’s housekeeper.


Über liberal San Francisco Chronicle won’t endorse Boxer, but can’t bring itself to endorse Fiorina

The mystery is why Barbara Boxer is ahead of Carly Fiorina in the California polls when even the liberal San Francisco Chronicle can’t work up any enthusiasm for California’s dimwitted Senator.

The mystery is why Barbara Boxer is ahead of Carly Fiorina in the California polls when even the liberal San Francisco Chronicle can’t work up any enthusiasm for California’s dimwitted Senator.

This non-endorsement of Fiorina is a harsh condemnation of Boxer’s 18 years in Washington, DC:

The Chronicle hates one, but can't bring itself to love the other

Californians are left with a deeply unsatisfying choice for the U.S. Senate this year. The incumbent, Democrat Barbara Boxer, has failed to distinguish herself during her 18 years in office. There is no reason to believe that another six-year term would bring anything but more of the same uninspired representation. The challenger, Republican Carly Fiorina, has campaigned with a vigor and directness that suggests she could be effective in Washington – but for an agenda that would undermine this nation’s need to move forward on addressing serious issues such as climate change, health care and immigration.

It is extremely rare that this editorial page would offer no recommendation on any race, particularly one of this importance. This is one necessary exception.

Boxer, first elected in 1992, would not rate on anyone’s list of most influential senators. Her most famous moments on Capitol Hill have not been ones of legislative accomplishment, but of delivering partisan shots. Although she is chair of the Environment and Public Works Committee, it is telling that leadership on the most pressing issue before it – climate change – was shifted to Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., because the bill had become so polarized under her wing.

For some Californians, Boxer’s reliably liberal voting record may be reason enough to give her another six years in office. But we believe Californians deserve more than a usually correct vote on issues they care about. They deserve a senator who is accessible, effective and willing and able to reach across party lines to achieve progress on the great issues of our times. Boxer falls short on those counts.

Boxer’s campaign, playing to resentment over Fiorina’s wealth, is not only an example of the personalized pettiness that has infected too much of modern politics, it is also a clear sign of desperation.

In past elections, Boxer has had the good fortune of having Republican opponents who were inept, underfunded, on the fringe right – or combinations thereof. Her opponent this time, Fiorina, is proving to be articulate, well-funded and formidable.

The Chronicle may not have noticed, but that same sense of desperation is spreading across the fruited plains. If Fiorina loses, she’ll be the exception come November.

Source: San Francisco Chronicle

Barbara Boxer out to prove she’s the stupidest member of congress, compares life in congress to life in military

Now the dimwitted United States senator from California has compared serving in Congress to serving in the military.

There’s plenty of competition for the title of Biggest Moron in Congress, but Barbara Boxer seems to be committed to snatching the title in perpetuity.

Now the dimwitted United States senator from California has compared serving in Congress to serving in the military.

“We know that if you have veterans in one place where they can befriend each other and talk to each other. You know when you’ve gone through similar things you need to share it. I don’t care whether you are a policeman or a fireman or a veteran or by chance a member of Congress,” the California senator said. “[Democratic Rep.] Maxine [Waters] and I could look at each other and roll our eyes. We know what we are up against. And it is hard for people who are not there to understand the pressure and the great things that go along with it and the tough things that go along with it.”

Might we point out, Babs, that members of the military have to go through Basic Training, but members of congress need no training whatsoever.

And it shows.

Boxer down for the count?

Every day’s a bad hair day for Barbara Boxer, but Thursday was also a bad poll day for the embattled California Democrat.

Every day’s a bad hair day for Barbara Boxer, but Thursday was also a bad poll day for the embattled California Democrat.

Reuters reports the remarkable turnaround for Republican candidate Carly Fiorina:

Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer’s edge over Republican challenger Carly Fiorina has dwindled to 3 points as she seeks re-election in November, with more Californians now holding an unfavorable view of the three-term senator, a poll released on Thursday showed.

Boxer, who once held a 30-point lead over Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett Packard and a political novice, is now ahead by a margin of only 47 percent to 44 percent, the Field Poll found.

What’s even more surprising is that Fiorina has moved up so quickly while still remaining relatively unknown to California voters. Of course, we may be looking at that from the wrong perspective, because it may well be that Boxer has moved down because she isn’t unknown to the voters.

Remarkably, the brilliant Ms. Boxer decided to launch her campaign with a speech touting job creation in a state with a 12.4% unemployment rate, third highest in the nation.

Her days of telling people to call her “Senator” may be numbered.


Military genius Barbara Boxer says carbon dioxide will be the leading cause of war in the next 20 years

The way we understand her gibberish, veterans are returning from we don’t know where – Afghanistan? Iraq? Korea? Germany? – and pleading with Boxer to save the world from future wars by stopping that damned carbon dioxide stuff.

See if you can figure out what the hell Barbara Boxer is saying in this clip.

The way we understand her gibberish, veterans are returning from we don’t know where – Afghanistan? Iraq? Korea? Germany? – and pleading with Boxer to save the world from future wars by stopping that damned carbon dioxide stuff.

Every time this woman opens her mouth, she creates another commercial for Carla Fiorina.

Mickey Kaus lists three bribes Obama can offer to make him drop out against Barbara Boxer

Mickey Kaus, seeming a bit insulted that Obama hasn’t yet offered him a Joe Sestak-like bribe, he listed the three jobs with which the President could induce him to drop out of the race.

Mickey Kaus is a lot funnier than Barbara Boxer. But then, so is herpes.

Damn, we love Mickey Kaus, the guy who’s running against Barbara Boxer in California’s Democrat primary on Tuesday.

First, he proudly announced that he was most qualified for Boxer’s job because he hadn’t been endorsed by the L.A. Times. Then he ran one of the cleverest political commercials we’ve ever seen.

Now, seeming a bit insulted that Obama hasn’t yet offered him a Joe Sestak-like bribe, he listed the three jobs with which the President could induce him to drop out of the race.

The Los Angeles Times reveals what they are:

  • Head of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement to push for an actual physical fence on the Mexico border to stop illegal immigrants and to end the “anointed incumbent…Boxer’s obsessive talk of amnesty, sorry, ‘a path to citizenship'” that actually acts as a powerful lure for even more illegal immigrants.
  • Second, Kaus kindly offers, Obama could put him on the National Labor Relations Board so he could thwart “Big Labor’s attempt to add to their dwindling memberships by avoiding secret ballots in union organizing drives.”
  • Finally, Kaus offered to accept an administration job offer to the Department of Education to write “a scathing report” on California teachers’ unions and their deleterious impact on the state.

Unfortunately, the odds of California Democrats voting for a guy who makes this much sense are slim and who are you kidding?

Source: Los Angeles Times

L.A. Times shocker: Barbara Boxer not the sharpest bulb in the knife drawer

“On the Democratic side, we find that we’re no fans of incumbent Barbara Boxer. She displays less intellectual firepower or leadership than she could…..”

Barbara Boxer LA Times no endorsementt
"Really. How did I get here in the first place?"

In a surprising turn of events, the Left Anarchist Los Angeles Times has declined to endorse any candidates for governor or senator in the upcoming June primary elections.

All four people who still read the Times were baffled, one even proclaiming; “No hablo Inglés.”

The Times editorial said:

On the Democratic side, we find that we’re no fans of incumbent Barbara Boxer. She displays less intellectual firepower or leadership than she could. We appreciate the challenge brought by Robert “Mickey” Kaus, even though he’s not a realistic contender, because he asks pertinent questions about Boxer’s “lockstep liberalism” on labor, immigration and other matters. But we can’t endorse him, because he gives no indication that he would step up to the job and away from his Democratic-gadfly persona.

The woman has represented California in the United States Senate since 1992 and the state’s major newspaper is just now figuring out that Barbara “Call Me Senator” Boxer displays less intellectual firepower or leadership than she could?

That gives rise to the obvious question, “Who’s dumber? Barbara Boxer or the Los Angeles Times editorial board?”

Source: Los Angeles Times

Obama heckled by gay rights advocates. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

The President says “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” needs to be repealed, but what sounds like a substantial group of gay rights activists don’t seem to believe it.

The President says “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” needs to be repealed, but what sounds like a substantial group of gay rights activists don’t seem to believe it.

“When you got an ally like Barbara Boxer and you’ve got an ally like me who are standing for the same thing,” President Obama said in a hopeless attempt to quiet the protesters, “then you don’t know exactly why you have to holler because we already hear you.”

We suggest that the gay community ask Great Britain, Israel and Germany what kind of ally Barack Obama is.

Babs Boxer tells supporters, “I need you to be as excited as the tea partiers.”

Barbara Boxer needs suppoerters to be like Tea Partiers. Hey, wait just a darn minute, Babs. We thought the tea partiers were violent. Racist. Evil. Nasty. Vile. Homophobic.

Hey, wait just a darn minute, Babs. We thought the tea partiers were violent. Racist. Evil. Nasty. Vile. Homophobic.


Global warming causes more snow. Except when it causes less snow. And that’s a scientific fact.

Always remember that whatever it is, it’s caused by global warming. For example, here are two video clips. In the first one, we’re told that global warming causes more snow. In the second one, we’re told that global warming causes less snow.

Always remember that whatever it is, it’s caused by global warming.

For example, here are two video clips. In the first one, we’re told that global warming causes more snow. In the second one, we’re told that global warming causes less snow.

We haven’t found it yet, but we’re sure there’s a video out there somewhere claiming that global warming causes exactly the same amount of snow.

“Woe is me! Global warming causes more snow!” – Dylan Ratigan

“Woe are we! Global warming causes less snow!” – Barbara Boxer, et al

Source: The Big Feed

Barbara Boxer working hard to prove to California voters that she’s just as stupid as people say

Barbara “Dumb As A Box of Rocks” Boxer actually stood up before the television cameras and asked the following question:…For community banks to lend, can you do that by executive order, because my understanding is that you can use some of the TARP funds that were paid back or use those funds that have not been used. Can you use that to get this going by executive order or do you need us to put that program into a jobs bill.

Barbara “Dumb As A Box of Rocks” Boxer actually stood up before the television cameras and asked the following question:

“I want to ask you about small business. We all know they’re the job creators. 64% of new jobs over the last 15 years came from small business. Your new proposal, which does mirror a couple of people…I look at a …Senator Merkley, I know, Senator Warner and others, we’ve worked hard on this. For community banks to lend, can you do that by executive order, because my understanding is that you can use some of the TARP funds that were paid back or use those funds that have not been used. Can you use that to get this going by executive order or do you need us to put that program into a jobs bill. And second are you using your influence as much as you can to get the big banks to lend? They’ve dropped lending by $12 billion over the last year. So I wonder if you can give us an update on that?”

Translation: Where do I sign up to abdicate my constitutionally-mandated powers to the executive branch.

What are the odds that California voters will do the right thing in November?

Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Harry Reid and Barney Frank have sexual fantasies about Scott Brown

New Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown showed up on Saturday Night Live this weekend. Sort of. Actor Jon Hamm of AMC’s Mad Men portrayed Brown as a sexy, gyrating, and stripping senator who comes to life in Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Robert Byrd, Barbara Boxer, and Barney Frank’s sexual fantasies.

New Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown showed up on Saturday Night Live this weekend. Sort of.

Actor Jon Hamm of AMC’s Mad Men portrayed Brown as a sexy, gyrating, and stripping senator who comes to life in Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Robert Byrd, Barbara Boxer, and Barney Frank’s sexual fantasies.

“Thank goodness I like a good laugh,” the new senator told National Review Online. “That was pretty funny. I wish I could host SNL some day. I’ve been watching it since I was young. Jon Hamm is great.”

Source: Mediaite

Expert officially determines that Barbara Boxer is angry, miserable and rude

What do you think about Sen. Barbara Boxer being addressed as “ma’am” rather than as “Senator” by a U.S. brigadier general during a Senate hearing? Was this really a breach of protocol?

Miss Manners explained it Wednesday in her syndicated newspaper column. For god’s sake, man, how much more official can it get?

Dear Miss Manners:

What do you think about Sen. Barbara Boxer being addressed as “ma’am” rather than as “Senator” by a U.S. brigadier general during a Senate hearing? Was this really a breach of protocol?

Let us not go looking for insults — or assume stupidity, which it would be for anyone to insult a senator at a senatorial hearing.

Miss Manners assures you that “ma’am” is, like its masculine equivalent, “sir,” a highly respectful form suitable for addressing any female, including a president, a monarch and your own mother.

Just one thing, Miss Manners. Leave our mothers out of this. They worked very hard to earn that title.

Source: Washington Post

Alford-Boxer Part II: “She assumed that I’m going to be some little ignorant jigaboo”

Black Chamber of Commerce Leader Harry Alford isn’t done with Barbara Boxer. Not by a long shot. Alford called Boxer a racist, obnoxious and caustic. He said, “She assumed that I’m going to be some little, ignorant jigaboo.”

Black Chamber of Commerce Leader Harry Alford isn’t done with Barbara Boxer. Not by a long shot.

During an interview with John Ziegler on KGIL/Los Angeles, Alford called Boxer a racist, obnoxious and caustic. He said, “She assumed that I’m going to be some little, ignorant jigaboo.”

If you look back at the Senate hearing where Barbara Boxer and Harry Alford went at it, you might add vacuous and condescending. And if you’re really on a roll, you might add that she’s desperately in need of Nancy Pelosi’s botox dealer.

But that would be catty and totally beneath us.

Update 7/24/09: Dennis Miller interviews Harry Alford:



Black business leader calls Barbara Boxer condescending and racial

Black Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Harry Alford accuses the dimwitted Senator Boxer of making condescending remarks, racial remarks, and was undoubtedly thinking, stupid remarks.

We are shocked, absolutely shocked, that anyone would accuse California Senator Barbara Boxer of being condescending. She doesn’t know the meaning of the word.

No, seriously, we don’t think she knows the meaning of the word. She doesn’t know the meaning of a lot of words.

In this exchange, Black Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Harry Alford accuses the dimwitted Senator Boxer of making condescending remarks, racial remarks, and was undoubtedly thinking, stupid remarks.

Can’t really blame Alford. Boxer talks to him as if he got to the hearings on the short bus. He showed her every bit of respect she deserved, which was none.

Boxer looks baffled. But what the hell, she normally looks baffled.

Update 7/24/09: Dennis Miller interviews Harry Alford:

Starring Barbara Boxer as “Senator Evil”

Aspiring California Senator Chuck DeVore reveals evidence that Barbara Boxer may actually be Dr. Evil in drag. You never see the two of them together. And as one YouTube comment points out, Barbara Boxer didn’t spend six years in evil Democrat school to be called “Ma’am,” thank you very much.

Aspiring California Senator Chuck DeVore reveals evidence that Barbara Boxer may actually be Dr. Evil in drag. You never see the two of them together. And as one YouTube comment points out, Barbara Boxer didn’t spend six years in evil Democrat school to be called “Ma’am,” thank you very much.


Barbara Boxer is a Senator, damn it, and don’t you forget it

This clip teaches us two things: Brigadier General Michael Walsh is an officer and a gentleman. And Barbara Boxer is a grouchy old bitch senator.

This clip teaches us two things: Brigadier General Michael Walsh is an officer and a gentleman. And Barbara Boxer is a grouchy old bitch senator.

Barbara Boxer more interested in the floor of her house than the floor of the Senate

barbara_boxerWe generally hate the media. But we love it when they actually do their job. For example, Roll Call’s Heard on the Hill column nailed Barbara Boxer for one of her recent actions.

Picture this. Al Gore is on the floor of the senate, rattling on endlessly about global warming and how the timebomb is ticking. Boxer stands up and walks out.

Did she leave to protest Gore’s vision of doom and gloom? To attend a vital committee meeting? To confer with the President about saving the nation’s economy? Continue reading “Barbara Boxer more interested in the floor of her house than the floor of the Senate”

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