The human side of Charlie Manson

The human side of Charlie Manson. OK the LA Times jumped the shark with this piece of stupidity. Human side? Manson was a piece of shit who should have been executed decades ago save for Governor Moonbeam’s California Supreme Court appointee Rose Bird. Sorry dummies, he was WAY different from the rest of us.

Manson, though, was no devil but a human being, as his death makes clear. I don’t say that to soften or absolve him. But I don’t believe in demons; people are frightening enough. Indeed, to accept Manson as a person, to see him through the filter of his humanity, is to acknowledge what we resist: that he was perhaps not so utterly different from the rest of us.

LA Times: Obama is so smart that his mouth can’t keep up with his brain

You cannot make this stuff up. Well, we can’t make it up, but Los Angeles Times columnist Meghan Daum can. She can even, we assume, make herself believe it.

You cannot make this stuff up. Well, we can’t make it up, but Los Angeles Times columnist Meghan Daum can. She can even, we assume, make herself believe it.

We’ve all see numerous cases of the President stuttering and stammering when he attempts to speak without his Teleprompter. Well, you’ll be glad to know it’s not really a stutter. No, it’s merely an “intellectual stammer” caused by the fact that he’s so smart that his big mouth can’t keep up with his giant brain.

It’s not that Obama can’t speak clearly. It’s that he employs the intellectual stammer. Not to be confused with a stutter, which the president decidedly does not have, the intellectual stammer signals a brain that is moving so fast that the mouth can’t keep up. The stammer is commonly found among university professors, characters in Woody Allen movies and public thinkers of the sort that might appear on C-SPAN but not CNN…

Yo, Meghan. Does this explain Joe Biden’, too?

Source: Los Angeles Times via

LA Times skews report of its own poll, says California voters “closely divided” on Arizona’s illegal alien law

Those intrepid, unbiased reporters at the Los Angeles Times have done it again. They call a 7% difference in opinion on the Arizona law “closely divided”, but heralded Barack Obama’s identical 7% margin a “decisive victory”.

los angeles times obama decisive victory Those intrepid, unbiased reporters at the Los Angeles Times have done it again. And we quote:

California voters are closely divided over the crackdown on illegal immigration in Arizona, with sharp splits along lines of ethnicity and age, according to a new Los Angeles Times/USC poll.

Overall, 50% of registered voters surveyed said they support the law, which compels police to check the immigration status of those they suspect are in the country illegally, while 43% oppose it. That level of support is lower than polls have indicated nationwide.

So now the Times calls a 7% difference “closely divided”, but heralded Barack Obama’s identical 7% margin a “decisive victory.”

Of course, the Times poll surveyed registered voters, so we can safely assume that a poll of likely voters would have skewed even more conservative and increase the margin of support for Arizona’s law.

Interestingly, the staff and management here at is “closely divided” on the Los Angeles Times. 50% of us think it should be used to wrap fish, but 43% think it should be used to line bird cages.

But please keep in mind that we only surveyed registered voters, not likely voters.

Source: Los Angeles Times

Boxer’s Democrat opponent proudly announces that he hasn’t been endorsed by the LA Times

Mickey Kaus, a blogger, political gadfly and Barbara Boxer’s dark horse Democrat opponent in the California primary election, is proud to announce that he hasn’t been endorsed by the Los Angeles Times.

mickey kausr
California could go from a Mickey Mouse senator to a Mickey Kaus senator

Mickey Kaus, a blogger, political gadfly and Barbara Boxer’s dark horse Democrat opponent in the California primary election, is proud to announce that he hasn’t been endorsed by the Los Angeles Times.

The Times reports Kaus’ comments on its comments:

Kaus e-mailed reporters Friday morning with an “L.A. TIMES ENDORSEMENT SHOCKER!” The paper did not endorse him, but, “amazingly,” he said, it didn’t endorse Boxer either. The Times editorial board wrote Friday that Boxer “displays less intellectual firepower or leadership than she could” and didn’t endorse any primary candidate in the Senate or governor’s race. It said it would issue endorsements in the general election.

Kaus turns the tables on Boxer with this unusual perspective:

“The point is,” he wrote, “the paper got a look at both of us and decided not to endorse the three-term incumbent over the blogger.”

If the Times polled its readers, we suspect that Boxer would defeat Kaus by a 10-to-1 margin. Of course, that’s based on the wildly optimistic belief that all eleven remaining Times readers would vote.

Source: Los Angeles Times

L.A. Times shocker: Barbara Boxer not the sharpest bulb in the knife drawer

“On the Democratic side, we find that we’re no fans of incumbent Barbara Boxer. She displays less intellectual firepower or leadership than she could…..”

Barbara Boxer LA Times no endorsementt
"Really. How did I get here in the first place?"

In a surprising turn of events, the Left Anarchist Los Angeles Times has declined to endorse any candidates for governor or senator in the upcoming June primary elections.

All four people who still read the Times were baffled, one even proclaiming; “No hablo Inglés.”

The Times editorial said:

On the Democratic side, we find that we’re no fans of incumbent Barbara Boxer. She displays less intellectual firepower or leadership than she could. We appreciate the challenge brought by Robert “Mickey” Kaus, even though he’s not a realistic contender, because he asks pertinent questions about Boxer’s “lockstep liberalism” on labor, immigration and other matters. But we can’t endorse him, because he gives no indication that he would step up to the job and away from his Democratic-gadfly persona.

The woman has represented California in the United States Senate since 1992 and the state’s major newspaper is just now figuring out that Barbara “Call Me Senator” Boxer displays less intellectual firepower or leadership than she could?

That gives rise to the obvious question, “Who’s dumber? Barbara Boxer or the Los Angeles Times editorial board?”

Source: Los Angeles Times

Cannibalism: NY Times attacks LA Times over ads disguised as news

There's nothing more fun than watching the media devour themselves.
There's nothing more fun than watching the media devour themselves.
This may be a case of the pot calling the kettle black, but the truth-challenged New York Times has attacked the Los Angeles Times for disguising advertisements as news stories.

One day after catching holy hell for disguising a front age ad for a new TV show as a news story, the LA Times did it again.

An ad in Sunday’s Calendar entertainment section ran alongside a four-page ad for a new movie called “The Soloist.” The four pages are designed to look like a news.

A Paramount Pictures spokesperson said the Times approached them with the idea. The complete advertising package included an online contest and promos that ran on KTLA, which is a Times sister company.

“You dress an ad up to look like editorial content precisely because you think it will make it more valuable,” said Geneva Overholser of the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication. “Fundamentally, that’s an act of deception.”

This is shocking. No, not the deception on the part of the Los Angeles Times. Everyone knows that. What’s shocking is that Overholser seems surprised by it.

Source: New York Times

LA Times sells front page ad, disguises it as news story

Click to Enlarge

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Click to enlarge image

Readers of the L.A. Times know the paper sometimes slants the news and other times reports it very selectively, but now they’re guilty of completely fraudulent news.

The front page of today’s Los Angeles Times features what appears to be a major feature story on a rookie LAPD cop named Ben Sherman. The story breathlessly reports his first day on the job.

Only one problem. Sherman doesn’t exist. He’s the lead character in a new NBC-TV program called “Southland” that premieres tonight. And the article isn’t really an article – it’s a paid advertisement.

The ad isn’t in the Times normal typeface and it’s subtly labeled as an “Advertisement.” But how many readers of the Times will notice the difference?

The Times has come under heavy criticism in the past for blurring the line between editorial and advertising. The decision to adorn the front page with a faux news story that can easily be confused for actual reportage will undoubtedly elicit howls of protest once again.

The Los Angeles Times. All the fiction that’s fit to print.


LA Times writer challenges liberals to listen to Limbaugh

We apologize in advance for using the words “brilliant” and “Los Angeles Times” in the same sentence. However, there’s a brilliant op-ed piece by Andrew Klavan in last Sunday’s Los Angeles Times.

If you are reading this newspaper, the likelihood is that you agree with the Obama administration’s recent attacks on conservative radio talker Rush Limbaugh. That’s the likelihood; here’s the certainty: You’ve never listened to Rush Limbaugh.

Oh no, you haven’t. Whenever I interrupt a liberal’s anti-Limbaugh rant to point out that the ranter has never actually listened to the man, he always says the same thing: “I’ve heard him!”

On further questioning, it always turns out that by “heard him,” he means he’s heard the selected excerpts spoon-fed him by the distortion-mongers of the mainstream media. These excerpts are specifically designed to accomplish one thing: to make sure you never actually listen to Limbaugh’s show, never actually give him a fair chance to speak his piece to you directly.

Klavan concluded:

The mainstream media (a.k.a. the Matrix) don’t want you to listen to Limbaugh because they’re afraid he’ll wake you up and set you free of their worldview. You don’t want to listen to him because you’re afraid of the same thing.

Don’t believe me? Well, then, gird your loins. Gather your courage. Accept the Limbaugh Challenge. See what happens.

I dare you.

Today, Rush Limbaugh. Tomorrow, Fox News. You never know where this could end up.

Source: Los Angeles Times

LA Times calls the kettle black, says “Conservative talk radio on the wane in California”

The Los Angeles Times looked through a keyhole this week and surveyed the landscape of conservative talk radio in California.

They made gross generalizations, told lies of omission, and distorted reality to prove a point that’s unsupported by the facts. The story would have been far more accurate had it been headlined, “Local radio on the wane in California.”

“The economy’s downturn has depressed ad revenue at stations across the state, thinning the ranks of conservative broadcasters.”

In order to be more accurate, the Times should have said, “The economy’s downturn has depressed ad revenue at stations across the state, thinning the ranks of all local broadcasters and all formats.”

The Times continued:

“(B)ut for all the anti-tax swagger and the occasional stunts by personalities like KFI’s John and Ken, the reality is that conservative talk radio in California is on the wane. The economy’s downturn has depressed ad revenue at stations across the state, thinning the ranks of conservative broadcasters.”

To be more accurate, it should have read, “The economy’s downturn has depressed ad revenue at stations across the state, thinning the ranks of all local broadcasters.””

“For that and other reasons, stations have dropped the shows of at least half a dozen radio personalities and scaled back others, in some cases replacing them with cheaper nationally syndicated programs.”

“Casualties include Mark Larson in San Diego, Larry Elder and John Ziegler in Los Angeles, Melanie Morgan in San Francisco, and Phil Cowen and Mark Williams in Sacramento.”

Oops. Ziegler did leave conservative powerhouse KFI, but was immediately replaced by Kennedy & Suits, two other local conservative talkers.

Contrary to what the Times would have its readers believe, conservative talk radio is faring better than the struggling radio industry in general and certainly better than floundering libtalk radio.

Take the Los Angeles market, for example.

KFI-AM, Rush Limbaugh’s conservative Southern California affiliate, is the dominant talk station in the region. The January 2009 ratings show KFI with a 4.3 share, higher than even its pre-election ratings. It is now the third highest-rated station in the market. It features 11 hours per day of local talk programming and its local morning and afternoon shows have tremendous ratings.

KTLK-AM, Los Angeles’ libtalk station, has a barely measurable 0.6 share, its lowest in the last four months. Far as we can tell, KTLK’s entire schedule is nationally-syndicated.

Let’s review: Conservative talk is booming. Lib talk is evaporating. Local conservative talk radio is booming. Local lib talk radio is non-existent.

We’re used to seeing the liberal Los Angeles Times putting its wagons in a circle to protect its own, but this story would have been more appropriate in the comic section.

Perhaps, just perhaps, this boils down to a case of jealousy on the part of the Times. After all, its circulation has dropped from a peak of 1,100,000 to a current anemic 739,000. It’s shedding sections, pages, employees, and prestige at a remarkable rate.

Which seems to indicate it’s actually liberal media that’s struggling.

Source: Los Angeles Times

LA Times letter: Pope was trained by Hitler

If we ran a story as vile as the following letter that ran in the LA Times today, we’d be hounded off the internet. And rightfully so. Here it is:

“The Jesuits have a saying, ‘Give me the boy until he is 7, and I will give you the man.’ You can now add, ‘Give Adolf Hitler the boy until he is 7, and he will give you the pope.’”

– Ralph Wetterhahn, Long Beach

The Times is obviously suffering from social schizophrenia. On one hand, its reporting seems to be virulently anti-Catholic. On the other hand, it supports illegal aliens at every turn, despite the fact that they are assumed to be overwhelmingly Catholic.

Must be like the war in Iraq. They support the troops, but not the mission.

Bad times at the LA Times. Will the last one out the door kindly turn out the lights?

And the story hits home for the LA Times
And the story hits home for the LA Times

Does anyone remember when the Los Angeles Times was a great newspaper? Nah, we didn’t think so.

The paper has announced yet another round of lay-offs. This time it’s cutting 300 more jobs and will shrink the number of daily sections from five to four.

Democrats breathed a big sigh of relief when the Times announced that no cuts will be made to its slanted, irresponsible reporting.

“We owe it to the community to maintain our high level of biased reporting,” a Times spokesperson could have said. “For more than 100 years, Los Angeles has depended on The Times as its source for half-truths, blatant lies, and innuendo. That’s a responsibility we take very seriously.”

LA Times thinks Obama = Hitler?

omaba_hitler_croppedhitler arm out smallThe internet is abuzz with commentary about the photo used on the cover of the LA Times post election issue. Why would they select a photo in which Obama appears to be giving a Nazi salute?

The editorial board here at is even split between those who were raised Catholic and those who were raised Methodist.

Our Catholic contingent thinks the Times’ photo was chosen to make a visual comparison between Obama and Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel painting of God’s hand reaching out to Adam.

Our Methodist contingent says it reminds them of the end of the church service when Methodist ministers traditionally raise their arms toward their flocks and give the final benediction.

But we all agree that anyone who compares Obama to Hitler is way out of line.

He’s actually far more like Lenin.

First Obama carried 28 states. Now he’ll carry your lunch.

Barack Obama L.A. Times toteFirst we had the Obama ninja action figure. Now we have the LA Times Obama tote bag. Who needs a stimulus program when our new president is single-handedly bringing the economy back from the edge of disaster?

This patriotic tote bag proudly displays the front page of LA Times from the day after Obama’s victory. The manufacturer says it “will be a daily reminder of the historic election of Barack Obama. Covered in soft, durable water resistant laminate with double straps and velcro closure, this eye-catching bag is perfect as a large purse, grocery bag or carry-on. Handmade in Los Angeles.”

The front of the bag features the cover of the LA Times and the back of the bag features a photo of Michelle and Barack Obama. And it’s a bargain, my friends, at $64.00.

The way things are going at the LA Times, this may be the only way they can pick up new readers.

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