A-Rod leaves Madonna for A-Rod

"I want you. I need you. I must have you. You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."
"I want you. I need you. I must have you. You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."

Based on the really strange photos in the April issue of Details magazine, Alex Rodriguez has found his one true love. And it turns out to be none other than Alex Rodriguez.

Now we realize this guy has never been mistaken for a genius. And we realize that some people think Madonna looks like she’s been rode too hard and put away wet (did that line reveal too much about the childhood years we spent on the farm?). And we realize the baseball season is long and arduous and a man can get lonely on a two-week road trip to Detroit, Cleveland, and Baltimore.

But putting all that aside, what the hell was this Rodriguez thinking when he posed for these photos?

Ahh, we just realized the problem. We mistakenly thought there was thought involved. But then we remembered this was A-Rod.

Or as he’s now known in New York, A-Hole.

Source: Details

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