Tafari Campbell’s drowning death is deemed an accident but Massachusetts police are STILL withholding basic information about Barack Obama’s personal chef under the guise of an ‘ongoing investigation’


Tafari Campbell’s drowning death is deemed an accident but Massachusetts police are STILL withholding basic information about Barack Obama’s personal chef under the guise of an ‘ongoing investigation.’ We have read claims that the chef was bruised up, that Obama was on the phone with his wife trying to talk her out of an autopsy and we’ve seen a photo showing Obama (above) with bandaged hands and looking like someone roughed him up. Fact-checkers report that “Obama has been bandaging his hands to play golf for years.” We Googled “Obama playing golf” and find no photos of him playing golf with bandaged hands.

The Daily Mail claims:

Authorities are rejecting requests for the identity of the sole witness and the 911 caller, citing an exemption that allows police to withhold information

Now we get silence. Watch it disappear from the MSM soon. Is this the new Obamagate?

Author: CO2Insanity

Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

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