Prince Charles named King of Hypocrites

Can you imagine how embarrassed the Queen of England must be every time her dullard son opens his mouth?

Now the King of Hypocrites has enlisted a bunch of celebrities – including Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, the Dalai Lama, and soccer legend Pele – for a YouTube commercial that promotes Prince Chuck’s campaign to save the rainforest.

They all get together in a 90-second celebratory circle jerk to raise awareness for the need to stop tropical deforestation.

Just as this campaign was being launched, Prince Chuck, the lovely Duchess of Cornwall and their 14-person entourage flew a chartered private jet on a 16,400 mile round trip to Chile, Brazil and Ecuador to check out the rainforest for themselves. The whole shebang cost more than $450,000.

Hypocritical? No, no, no, no, no. Prince Chuck says he’s buying carbon offsets.

Anybody know where we can buy $450,000 worth of bullsh*t offsets?

Source: Earthlink

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