Vanity Fair asks Rachel Maddow about fart fetishes. And other sophisticated stuff.

rachel maddow closeupConservatives are constantly told how unsophisticated they are. That they’re rubes. Bumpkins. Recent refugees from turnip trucks.

Well, listen here, you liberal city slickers. You can keep your sophistication, if that’s what they call it over at Vanity Fair magazine these days.

The current issue features an interview with MSBNC host Rachel Maddow. It’s probably the most bizarre interview ever conducted by a major publication. We’ll just tease you with this bizarre exchange:

Vanity Fair: Miss “Cable Queen,” as Vogue calls you, do you suffer from any paraphilia?
Maddow: Paraphilia?
Vanity Fair: Listen to this saucy pedant. Paraphilia is having a rare erotic fetish. Perhaps you may indulge in eproctophilia?

Maddow: Duh?
Vanity Fair: Darling! Eproctophiliacs are those sexually turned on by farts and farting!
Maddow: That word actually exists?

As you can see, we are simply not smart enough, not sophisticated enough, not freakin’ loony enough to be good leftists.

Bumpkins of the world unite!

Source: Vanity Fair

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