Freudian Slip-a-rama: Chris Matthews calls Obama “President Carter” and says he doesn’t work

Chris Matthews committed two Freudian slips in one paragraph this weekend. And we’re pretty sure he’d like to take both of them back if he could.

chris matthews

Out of the mouths of boobs: Chris Matthews committed two Freudian slips in one paragraph this weekend. And we’re pretty sure he’d like to take both of them back if he could.

Matthews: If the Republicans get a real opportunity next year because President Carter, President – there’s a mistake – President uh, uh, Obama doesn’t seem to have a grip on it, he doesn’t seem to be able to pull the economy back. He’s not, it’s not working. Who would be the best to exploit that situation? Because that’s the person who would win.

Freudian Slip #1: Calling President Obama “President Carter.”

A completely understandable error. The two Presidents are now united by such equally inept foreign and domestic agendas that anyone could easily mistake one President for the other.

Freudian Slip #2: “He’s not…it’s not working.”

No, he’s not working. He’s attending parties and playing golf and voting present and showing absolutely no leadership on any issue.

Consider this proof that the only time you get the truth out of Chris Matthews is when he makes a mistake.


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