Former Congressman Christopher Lee’s top ten CraigsList pick up lines

Our team of intrepid investigative reporters reveals Republican Congressman Christopher Lee’s 100% guaranteed-to-work CraigsList pick-up lines.

christopher lee

Brainless, shirtless, and jobless. Republican Congressman Christopher Lee suddenly, unexpectedly resigned from Congress after his CraigsList embarrassment. But our team of intrepid investigative reporters reveals Lee’s 100% guaranteed-to-work Craigslist pick-up lines.

Christopher Lee wasn't a Blue Dog Democrat, but he was a horndog Republicans

1. “Do you support the Second Amendment? Then check out these guns.”

2. “I’d like to gerrymander your district.”

3. “What’s your campaign sign?”

4. “I’m Christopher Lee and I approve this massage.”

5. “Lets put it to an up and down vote.”

6. “Come back to my place and I’ll introduce you to my caucus.”

7. “If I said you had a deliberative body would you hold it against me?”

8. “The Chair recognizes the gentle lady from my dreams.”

9. “How’d you like a position on my staff?”

10. “My armed forces sub committee is studying the feasibility of a quick withdrawal from Iraq … so how’d you like to help me perfect the art of pulling out?”

Plus this special bonus pick-up line used only on special occasions and on very special women:

11. “Look at me. Now look at your man. I’m the Congressman your man could smell like.”

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