The Religion of Peace in name only

An 8-year old child was caught stealing bread in an Iranian market. He is about to be punished “in the name of Islam” by having his arm crushed under a car.


UPDATE: We were duped and we apologize for the screw-up. Turns out these guys are common street hustlers, 21st century fakirs. But as TDK, the reader who alerted us to the fraud said, “There is plenty of direct evidence of (Muslim) stonings of women, hanging of opponents from cranes, locking girls in a burning school because they weren’t dressed ‘appropriately’, to need supplementing by grey evidence like this.” OK, that sentence may have been a bit convoluted, but TDK’s point is clear and valid.

The background story: An 8-year old child was caught stealing bread in an Iranian market. He is about to be punished “in the name of Islam” by having his arm crushed under a car.

These people are still living in the Dark Ages. For those liberal lunatics who want to pigeonhole us racists, let’s make it clear that we’re not condemning all Muslims. But we are condemning the ones who condone actions like this and the ones don’t speak out against it, just as we condemn those Muslims who condone terrorism and the ones who don’t speak out against it.

When you see photos like this, you must realize that turning a blind eye to the dark side of Islam is no longer an option.





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