Obama’s been President for 16 months. How’s that “troops out of Iraq in 16 months” pledge working out?

Everyone knew this guy was making crap up as he went along and that he knew he could never pull the troops out in 16 months. But we’re still waiting for the anti-war protestors to condemn President Obama for his blatant lie.

Everyone knew this guy was making crap up as he went along and that he knew he could never pull the troops out in 16 months. But we’re still waiting for the anti-war protestors to condemn President Obama for his blatant lie.

But there’s something else in this clip that we never noticed before. “As Commander in Chief,” Obama said, ”I would be setting strategy.”

Say what? A community organizer with no real world experience is going to set the strategy for a difficult foreign war?

If that’s true, we can save a lot of money by firing all those highly-paid generals. Just don’t need ‘em anymore now that The Greatest President In History is setting the strategy.

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