Obama says, “Lift the Gaza blockade.” Palestinian Authority President Abbas says, “Hey, not so fast.”

President Obama flexed his sinewy diplomatic muscles and declared that Israel’s Gaza blockade cannot be sustained and must be lifted. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said no way.

obama abbas Israel Gaza Hamas
"Lift that blockade and I'll break your friggin' hand, Hussein." Or words to that effect.

President Obama flexed his sinewy diplomatic muscles and declared that Israel’s Gaza blockade cannot be sustained and must be lifted.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said (and this is a very loose translation), “Hold your horses, Hussein.” He knows lifting the blockade will strengthen Hamas.

Haaretz reports the latest Mid East diplomatic dust-up:

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is opposed to lifting the naval blockade of the Gaza Strip because this would bolster Hamas, according to what he told United States President Barack Obama during their meeting at the White House Wednesday. Egypt also supports this position.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu once more put off announcing the creation of a committee of inquiry into the naval commando raid on the Gaza Strip flotilla, and the matter will not be brought before the cabinet for a vote this morning.

Netanyahu and his advisers had hoped to announce the establishment of a committee of inquiry as early as yesterday evening for a vote in the cabinet today. Nonetheless, the Prime Minister’s Bureau said yesterday evening that the conditions have not matured for such an announcement “due to political reasons.”

Unfreakinbelievable. We’re left with the remarkable spectacle of the Israel agreeing with the “moderate” terrorists and the our President siding with the “radical” terrorists.

Barack Hussein Obama. Mmm, mmm, mmm.

Source: Haaretz via Bluegrass Pundit

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