Pelosi’s approval rating going down in flames. Oh, the humanity.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s popularity is tracing the trajectory of the Hindenburg.

According to a new Rasmussen Reports poll, 60% of likely voters now view her unfavorably. And that’s the good news. The bad news for Queen Nancy is that 42% give her a “very unfavorable” rating. The trend is not her friend, either. Her favorability score has plummeted 7% in just two weeks.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid doesn’t fare much better. 45% give Reid thumbs down, but only 23% approve of his performance.

According to Rasmussen’s analysis, “Congress is feeling voter anger over executive bonuses paid by AIG after it received a massive taxpayer bailout.”

But wait. It’s not just congressional Democrats who are polling poorly. Two-thirds of Americans think President Obama is likely to hike income taxes on people earning less than $250,000 a year.

We did our own poll. 67% said Pelosi is full of crap. 54% said she should cut down on the botox. 39% said, “Nancy Who?”

Source: Rasmussen Reports via NewsMax<.cite>

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