Salman Rushdie issues fatwah against Slumdog Millionaire

salman-rushdieOne would think a novelist would understand the concept of “creative license.” But not Salman Rushdie. He’s offended that Slumdog Millionaire contains scenes that (gasp) aren’t realistic.

The Indian-born author recently told an audience at Atlanta’s Emory University that the Academy Award-winning film “piles impossibility on impossibility.”

Rushdie, who gained more fame for hiding than he ever did for writing, spent years cowering in a closet after Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwah against him in 1989.

The author of “The Satanic Verses” was in a tizzy that the “Slumdog Millionaire” scene at the Taj Mahal is, in reality, more than 1,000 miles from where the previous scene took place.

Why stop there, Salman? How about the fact that “The Wrestler” showed Mickey Rourke with an attractive woman, “Benjamin Button” aged in reverse, and “Milk” depicted Sean Penn as rational.

Source: Atlanta Journal-Constitution

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