Break out the tin foil hats: Rep. Barbara Lee calls debt ceiling issue a manufactured crisis

Barbara Lee says House Republicans are engaged in a reprehensible canard meant to convince the gullible citizens that the fact that their country has run out of money is a “crises.”


Call Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. Representative Barbara Lee of California has stumbled upon the greatest conspiracy of our era. An insidious plot that makes the faked moon landing look like the work of a high school AV club and that JFK business mere child’s play.

According to Lee House Republicans are engaged in a reprehensible canard meant to convince the gullible citizens that the fact that their country has run out of money is a “crises.”

Barbara Lee. Or maybe Sugar Ray Leonard in drag. We're not sure which.

The truth is out there. And CNS brings it to us:

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) released a statement Monday saying the “debt crisis” has been “manufactured by House Republicans” who are “attempting to advance an extremist agenda.”

“The current, so-called ‘debt crisis’ has been completely manufactured by House Republicans attempting to advance an extremist agenda.

This should be a simple vote to allow the US Treasury to fund all of the programs and obligations of the entire federal government that are already in the law,” said Rep. Lee in a statement handed out to reporters before a Democratic press conference on jobs at the Capitol.

Rep. Lee has called for Congress to increase the debt limit with no strings attached like spending cuts.

It is clear to us now that our Republic is in good standing so long as there are public servants out there like Lee. Brave souls willing to defend this country against that nefarious and extremist agenda of fiscal sanity and sound economic policy.

Representative Lee, we salute you.

Written by Kip Hooker at

Source: CNS News

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