Drunk. Screaming. Stupid. Would you expect anything less from Charlie Rangel’s Deputy Chief of Staff?

Geoffrey Eaton, Charlie Rangel’s Deputy Chief of Staff, was dining at Chez Lucienne in Harlem when he freaked out when he couldn’t find his umbrella.

geoffrey eaton

Geoffrey Eaton, Charlie Rangel’s Deputy Chief of Staff, was dining at Chez Lucienne in Harlem Thursday night when a rainstorm hit. He freaked out when he couldn’t find his umbrella and was eventually escorted out by the police.

Geoffrey Eaton wants his umbrella, damn it. He knows you have his umbrella and he wants it back.

The New York Post has the inebriation information:

“He yelled at everyone, even the customers,” said the manager on duty, who asked not to be named. “We said, ‘We’ll give you another umbrella.’ Other people offered . . . we said, ‘If that’s not enough, we’ll pay for your cab home.’ Because I know him, I let him stay for a while. I talked to him nicely, as I do with all of my customers. We tried to calm him down. I have never seen him that way. Maybe something went a little wrong.”

BET.com contributor Bevy Smith, who was dining separately at the bistro, told us, “He cursed out the entire waitstaff, and everyone was trying to appease him. He was like, ‘Bleep that, I want a bleeping umbrella, why the bleep can’t you find it?’ ”

“I said, ‘Shhhh.’ He yells at me, ‘Bleep you, and mind your own bleeping business . . . you’re a disgrace to our race.’ ”

After 15 minutes of Eaton’s ranting and raving, the manager called cops to escort him out. A source told us employees later found his umbrella in a corner. Eaton was not arrested and left in a huff.

Smith, a former fashion director for Vibe and Rolling Stone, said, “I was appalled that someone who is a president at the NAACP and works with Charlie Rangel could behave like that in a public place and towards women. He was clearly intoxicated.”

He wasn’t intoxicated, Bevy. He was drunk with power.

Source: New York Post

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