Good lord: Kathleen Sebelius incoherently compares ObamaCare to owning a television

We are not religious here at Not at all. But we had to say a little prayer for our nation after watching this clip of Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius explaining why ObamaCare is constitutional.

We are not religious here at Not at all. But we had to say a little prayer for our nation after watching this clip of Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius explaining why ObamaCare is constitutional.

Sebelius: Well, I think that the…I…let me begin by saying I’m not a lawyer. And I’m leaving those arguments to our legal team from the department of justice. But I think there are certainly lots of talented Constitutional lawyers who feel that the Commerce Clause very much is broad enough to cover the interstate commerce of healthcare and that we have a unique product because people access services of healthcare whether or not they have insurance. What they’re choosing not to do is actually pay for those services. So it isn’t like if I don’t have a 27-inch TV for the Super Bowl I can’t demand that they have the Super Bowl that somebody deliver that TV because I have a right to it. On the other hand, if I don’t have insurance and I come to the door of an emergency room I get treated and get cared for and somebody else picks up that tab. And I think it’s that framework for a layperson that the two judges who have ruled who find that this law is constitutional found to be well within scope of the commerce clause.

“Dear Lord, save us from these lunatics who pass laws no one wants and who babble incoherently when they attempt to explain those laws and who have hands that wave around in a manner that seems completely unrelated to anything they’re saying. Amen. Let’s eat.”

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