Vile cripple Larry Flynt claims he’s had more women than vile stroke-victim Hugh Hefner

larry flint tmz videoIn a battle between a vile hardcore porn publisher and a vile softcore porn publisher, wheelchair-bound Larry Flynt claims he’s had more women than Hugh Hefner. “

To tell the truth, we don’t care about either of these guys. They’re both living in the past.

But based on longevity, we’d give the nod to Hefner. As far as we can tell, the guy invented sex and most of the primary positions associated with it. He’s been doing it since dinosaurs roamed the earth. He drew the first centerfolds on the wall of a cave. The first issue of Playboy was a big seller in Sodom and Gomorrah.

This video shows just how wacky Flynt is. The TMZ reporter says, “How you doin’ tonight, sir.” Flynt’s entirely disconnected response is, “I’ve had more women than Hefner.”

Would someone please take the demented old codger home, wipe up his drool, and put him to bed.

Source: TMZ

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