Hell freezes over: Newsweek editor who called Obama god-like now says Republicans were right

Oh, sure, now he tells us. Evan Thomas, who once waxed poetically about Barack Obama being god-like, has lost his religion. Cover your ears, because his words are blasphemous.

Oh, sure, now he tells us. Evan Thomas, who once waxed poetically about Barack Obama being god-like, has lost his religion. Cover your ears, because his words are blasphemous.

The Daily Caller has the undeified details:

Newsweek columnist Evan Thomas, once an editor at the magazine with a long track record of having liberal positions (even once having likened President Barack Obama to a deity), noted the modest improvement in the unemployment number reported on Friday. However, nearly a year after Obamacare was passed and signed into law, he admitted Republicans were right for voicing their opposition of it.

“It ain’t because of Congress,” Thomas said. “The unemployment will go down a little bit but the game in Washington will still be this unreal game. Health care though – I got to say, is one place where I think where Republicans are right.”
Back in November 2009, Thomas admitted the health care reform bill had flaws, but still voiced his support for it. Now he has proclaimed it a failure.
“The health care bill is a disaster,” Thomas continued. “We’re sort of slowly learning – it’s not working. It’s interesting – they’re implementing it and it’s not working out at all as people anticipated. There’s all sorts of wildly wrong projections. As it’s being practiced – it’s failed.”

As we used to say when we were kids, “No shit, Sherlock. Where’d you get your first clue?”

Source: Daily Caller

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