Focus group agrees that Obama’s speech stunk up the joint

Frank Luntz did a focus group after Obama’s Tuesday night Oval Oil Office speech. It didn’t go well.

Frank Luntz did a focus group after Tuesday night’s Oval Oil Office speech. It didn’t go well.

It’s kind of like the situation the Japanese faced in 1944. We were kicking their asses all across the Pacific and their leaders kept telling themselves, “If we can just get the Americans into one final, decisive battle, we can still win this thing.”

Obama’s people see themselves getting their asses kicked in all the polls and they keep telling themselves, “If we can just get the Big Guy to deliver one final, decisive speech, we can still win this thing.”

We aren’t speaking Japanese. And Obama and the Democrats aren’t speaking a language Americans want to hear anymore.

Is it November yet?

H/T: Ace of Spades HQ

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