West Point cadets don’t think Obama’s funny.
It’s Bush’s fault.

As you can see in the video above, Obama told the same joke that Bush did during his 2002 West Point commencement address last weekend. Bush tells joke, cadets roar. Obama tells same joke, cadets respond with, shall we say, restraint. We blame Dick Cheney.

In George W. Bush’s 2002 West Point commencement address, he said:

West Point is guided by tradition, and in honor of the “Golden Children of the Corps”, I will observe one of the traditions you cherish most. As the Commander-in-Chief, I hereby grant amnesty to all cadets who are on restriction for minor conduct offenses. (Applause.) Those of you in the end zone might have cheered a little early. (Laughter.)

Because, you see, I’m going to let General Lennox define exactly what “minor” means. (Laughter.)

As you can see in the video above, Obama told the same joke during his West Point commencement address last weekend.

Bush tells joke, cadets roar. Obama tells same joke, cadets respond with, shall we say, restraint. We blame Dick Cheney.

Source: American Thinker

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