For sale: ObamaCare exemption, $20,000 or best offer?

You’ve probably seen the news that 733 companies or unions and 2,189,636 workers have been exempted from ObamaCare. We wondered how one gets one of those coveted exemptions.


You’ve probably seen the news that 733 companies or unions and 2,189,636 workers have been exempted from ObamaCare. We wondered how one gets one of those coveted exemptions.

The Sieben Polk law firm got an ObamaCare exemption. And we're positive that it had absolutely nothing to do with Michael Sieben's $20,000 Obama Victory Fund contribution

Well, this story from clears it all up:

… So, how does one obtain an exemption to Obamacare? Is it all based upon the stated criteria, or are there other factors left unwritten? A cynic might conclude there could be some political favors being handed out, when you see the number of unions in the list.

If you browse through the list, you’ll find the names quite interesting. On one hand, there are huge groups like the 19,000 workers belonging to the “Communications Workers of America, Local 1180 Security Benefits Fund.” But on the other hand, there are some small companies like the Sieben Polk Law, a firm of personal injury lawyers in Minnesota …

Not that I would suspect anything out of the ordinary, but I thought I’d look more closely at Sieben Polk, just for the heck of it, since it seems like such a small company to be on this list. Just the curious blogger that I am, looking through public information.

In my searching of the web, one of the first things Google showed me was a political contributions page for partner Michael Sieben. I pulled it up, and golly, It showed that he donated over $20,000 to the Obama Victory Fund.


But I don’t know why I really even bothered to mention this insignificant, and I’m certain, unrelated tidbit. I’m sure the Sieben Polk Law firm has a good reason to have an approved exemption from the landmark healthcare program passed into law by the president to whose 2008 campaign fund partner Michael Sieben donated $20,000.

If you’ve never visited, give it a try. It has lots of information that will either piss you off or scare you to death. Or both.

H/T: Economic Collapse

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