Police confirm that President Obama is on euphoria-inducing stimulants and hallucinogens

Law enforcement officials have confirmed that the President’s face, which has graced everything from comic books and action figures to paintings and chia pets, is now found embossed and printed on illegal street drugs, usually Ecstasy.


Before you say, “That explains a lot,” please allow us to clarify.

Law enforcement officials have confirmed that the President’s face, which has graced everything from comic books and action figures to paintings and chia pets, is now found embossed and printed on illegal street drugs.

The Obama drugs – usually Ecstasy – have been seized from drug dealers in cities across the United States. The illicit pharmaceuticals come in a range of colors and typically sell for about $20 a pop.

According to Answers.com, ecstasy (also called XTC or X), “is a derivative of the amphetamine family and a relative of the stimulant methamphetamine. Taken in pill form, it has a chemical relationship to the psychedelic drug mescaline.”

A little artificially-induced euphoria may be exactly what Democrats need as the President’s poll numbers stagger even lower.

Perhaps it’s even covered under ObamaCare.

Source: TheSmokingGun.com

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