Salon’s Joan Walsh compares Barack Obama to Ronald Reagan. Michael Steele laughs his ass off.

Joan Walsh showed up with Michael Steele on the Chris Matthews show and hilarity ensued.

Joan Walsh has done a remarkable job of making herself look completely unqualified to work on network television. She’s racking up a series of idiotic quotes that, if continued, will merit her a personalized section in Roget’s Thesaurus.

She showed up with Michael Steele on the Chris Matthews show and hilarity ensued. Well, Steele was, admittedly, the only one who found Walsh’s comments funny, but he found them very funny.

Walsh: Well, right. Well, Reagan was very much a conservative, and I didn’t agree with him on much, but he was a pragmatist and a compromiser. And the fact of the matter is, Chris, I heard my friend Michael talk about the Constitution and the Tea Party likes to talk about the Constitution and the Founders, but the fact is the Founders didn’t agree on very much at all.
Steele: Right.
Walsh: The Founders argued about a lot of things, and they created a system in which we had to talk to one another and had to compromise. This President, President Obama, who I don’t always agree with either, is actually the Reagan figure here.
Steele: [Laughs]
Walsh: He is the person saying…
Matthews: Why are you laughing?
Walsh: …you know what, I’m going to disappoint some folks.
Steele: Okay. [Continues laughing]
Walsh: Please don’t laugh at me, Michael. I didn’t laugh at you.
Matthews: Why are you laughing, Michael?
Steele: When you say something funny, I’m going to laugh.
Matthews: Why’s it funny?
Walsh: Why’s it funny?

This exchange explains the theory behind in a nutshell: The left can’t stand being laughed at.

In this case, we can’t figure out which they like least: Being laughed at or being unable to figure out why they’re being laughed at.


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