FTTTTTW: Fred Thompson’s Top Ten Tweets of the Week

Fred Thompson is becoming the 21st century’s answer to Will Rogers with him homespun Twitter commentary on politics and the world. We love the guy.


Fred Thompson is becoming the 21st century’s answer to Will Rogers with his homespun Twitter commentary on politics and the world. We love the guy.

A sense of humor must have helped Thompson survive his years in Washington, DC

Obama to help pay off Biden campaign debts. Would that be considered a bailout or a stimulus?

Russia’s Putin gets puppy, holds online contest to name it. Cheating suspected, but so far gotten 10M votes for “Bristol Palin”

Colin Powell:Obama did “good job” on economy. Well, Powell’s Army, where good job often means destroying everything in your path

That Rangel trial… it’s just AMAZING how fast they can get something done when it suits ’em, ain’t it?

Obama interacts w/ robots in Japan. Described experience as “like hanging out with Joe Biden, except with an ‘off’ switch”.

New Obama kids book features short biographies of 13 Americans. Must’ve been hard to not write about himself 13 times in a row.

Bill Maher: “America’s like a dog”. Yup, Dems know. if you kick it long enough, it’ll turn around and bite you.

Post Office loses $8B. The big question: if PO goes bankrupt, who’s gonna deliver the bankruptcy notices to their creditors?

Obama on deficit: “we have to tell the truth”. Not his strong suit. Might need to appoint a Truth Czar. I’m guessing Blago.

Obama at G20 predicts members will reach “a broad-based consensus”. He was right. They all agree Obama’s economic policies stink

Source: @FredThompson

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