Turks create craziest reality TV show ever: Conversion or No Conversion

Tovbekarlar Yarisiyor pits a Muslim imam, Catholic priest, Jewish rabbi and Buddhist monk against each other in an attempt to convert 10 atheists to their religion.

"I'll take 'Suicide Vests" for $2000, Alex."
“I’ll take ‘Suicide Vests” for $2000, Alex.”

The lucky winner of a new reality show on Turkish TV and you win the biggest prize ever: eternal salvation.

“Tovbekarlar Yarisiyor” (“Penitents Compete”) pits a Muslim imam, Catholic priest, Jewish rabbi and Buddhist monk against each other (like that hasn’t been done for thousands of years) in an attempt to convert 10 atheists to their religion.

If you thought that was odd, wait until you hear the prize. The winning contestants will be given a pilgrimage to their new faith’s most sacred site —Mecca for Muslims, Jerusalem for Jews, Tibet for Buddhists, or the Vatican for Catholics.

What makes this show so remarkable is that it’s the first time in the history of television that network executives have thought of worshipping anything other than the almighty buck.

Source: Andrew Bolt

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