33 remarkable bits of wisdom revealed through anagrams

An anagram is a word or phrase created by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. The ancients believed the results often revealed hidden truths. And, Dan Brown’s best seller The Lost Symbol demonstrated the importance of the number 33,

"I'm a macho belle" (Can even the most skeptical among us still doubt the wisdom of anagrams?)
"I'm a macho belle" (Can even the most skeptical among us still doubt the wisdom of anagrams?)

An anagram is a word or phrase created by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. The ancients believed the results often revealed hidden truths. And, Dan Brown’s best seller The Lost Symbol demonstrated the importance of the number 33, which makes it even more astonishing that we come up with not 32, not 34, but exactly 33 modern day anagrams. What are the odds?

We normally don’t buy into that kind of mystic claptrap, but by God, it works.

Seeing is believing:

  1. “Joe Biden” = “I Need Job”
  2. “Copenhagen” = “Enhance GOP”
  3. “Stimulus” = “It Slums Us”
  4. “ObamaCare” = “A Arab Come”
  5. “Climate Change” = “Am Elegant Chic”
  6. “President Obama” = “I Resent A Bad Mop”
  7. “Salman Rushdie” = “Read, Shun Islam”
  8. “Hope And Change” = “Had Copenhagen”
  9. “Hope and Change” = “Dang, He No Cheap”
  10. “Nancy Pelosi” = “No Spy Can Lie”
  11. “Michelle Obama” = “I’m A Macho Belle”
  12. “Vladimir Putin” = “A Livid Imp Runt”
  13. “Al Sharpton” = “Halt, Parson”
  14. “Progressive” = “Serve GOP, Sir”
  15. “Statue of Liberty” = “Built to Stay Free”
  16. “Osama Bin Laden” = “Is A Banal Demon”
  17. “Chris Matthews” = “Chatters Whims”
  18. “New York Times” = “Monkeys Write”
  19. “David Letterman” = “Nerd Amid Late TV”
  20. “Hussein Obama” = “Is A Humane SOB”
  21. “President Obama” = “Not A Bad Premise”
  22. “Cap And Trade” = “Can Adapt Red”
  23. “George Bush” = “He Bugs Gore”
  24. “Albert Arnold Gore” = “Aberrant Droll Ego”
  25. “Bill Ayers” = “Be Sly, Liar”
  26. “Barbara Walters” = “A Rare Wart Blabs”
  27. “Huffington Post” = “Huffing Snot Pot”
  28. “John Kerry” = “Horny Jerk”
  29. “Rahm Emanuel” = “Anal Here, Mum”
  30. “Saved Or Created” = “Advocates Erred”
  31. “William Clinton” = “I’m It, An Ill Clown”
  32. “Ahmadinejad” = “Named A Jihad”
  33. “I Hate The Media” = “A Hit Theme Idea”
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