Chris Matthews freaks out, wants Obama to “get rid of that damn Teleprompter”

According to Chris Matthews, Obama could solve all his problems if he would just dump his trusty Teleprompter. That’s the key to communicating with the American people and selling his message.

According to Chris Matthews, Obama could solve all his problems if he would just dump his trusty Teleprompter. That’s the key to communicating with the American people and selling his message.

“I really support the President on a lot of his views, in fact all of them almost,” Matthews complained, “but I got to tell you something, Michael, if he doesn’t get rid of that damn Teleprompter, it’s like an eye test. He’s just reading words now. It’s separating him from us.”

“You got to a meeting with him I’m told, if businessmen are invited to meet him at the White House, he hauls out the damn Teleprompter and he reads to them. Well, why even bring people into the room? Just have the damn Teleprompter. I sense it’s getting between him and us. And I thought that speech last night was a terrible, well, a great example rather of him using the Teleprompter instead of his heart and his mind.”

You’re right, Chris. It’s all the Teleprompter’s fault. Obama’s not a socialist, the Teleprompter’s a socialist. Either that or the Teleprompter is a Republican plant. It’s forcing him to read its words. He’s a helpless victim of the Teleprompter, damn it. It’s not his fault.

H/T: Bluegrass Pundit


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