CNN’s Cafferty compares Pelosi to Chinese dictator

mao_posterizedCNN’s Jack Cafferty, referencing Nancy Pelosi’s plan to spend hundred of millions of dollars on contraceptives as a as an economic stimulus has compared her to infamous Chinese Communist dictator Mao Zedong.

“What exactly did she mean,” Cafferty asked. “Are millions of dollars for contraception supposed to stop people from having babies? [That’s] starting to sound a little like Chairman Mao.”

For the sake of historical accuracy, we feel compelled to point out the vast differences between Mao and Pelosi.

Number One – Mao killed more than 20,000,000 of his countrymen. Pelosi merely annoys hers.

Number Two – Mao never had plastic surgery. Pelosi has gone under the knife so often that she can no longer blink.

Number Three – Mao led his followers in the 10,000 Mile March. Pelosi couldn’t lead a horse to water.

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