Ahhh, the fresh breeze of civility and tolerance wishes 40 percent of America were dead

Attack the ideas, they tell us, not the person. Just ask uber-liberal and gay sex advice columnist Dan Savage.

Liberals tell us that we must work and live together to create a better nation. We must learn to treat one another – even those of a different political philosophy – with respect. Attack the ideas, they tell us, not the person.

Just ask uber-liberal and gay sex advice columnist Dan Savage.

In a heated exchange about the debt-ceiling debate on the HBO’s Real Time, Savage, in the spirit of this new political civility, said of Republicans, “I wish they were all fucking dead.”

The funny thing: No one really in the panel called him on it. It’s as if they agreed with the statement that it’s OK to wish forty percent of their fellow Americans dead and – if truth be told – they probably wished those deaths were not peaceful slides off the mortal coil. We’re just supposing, though.

Could it be that civility works one way? Could it be that liberals think that any time one of their ideas or leaders is criticized that this is being “uncivil” and they can threaten and curse against their opponents all they like.

Civility, it seems, is a one-way street where everyone drives on the left.

H/T: NewsBusters.org

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