Clinton invades Biden’s turf, screws up twice in one day

Poor Joe Biden. Just when the verbally-challenged vice president thought he had secured his position as the administration’s buffoon-in-chief, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called his bluff.

Clinton gave Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov a present today that was meant to symbolize President Obama’s promise to “press the reset button” on Russo-American relations.

When Lavrov unwrapped the gift, he found a big, red push button imprinted with a Russian word “peregruzka.”

“We worked hard to get the right Russian word,” Clinton joked. “Do you think we got it?”

“You got it wrong,” Lavrov said. He told Clinton the word on the button actually meant “overcharge.” 

Hilarity ensued. Clinton cackled her phoniest demonic laugh and Lavrov laughed the rich, full laugh of a used car dealer about to unload a lemon at full retail.

“Damn it,” Hillary thought to herself, “I wonder how you say ‘$%#& Obama’ in Russian.”

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