Chuck Schumer gives tap dancing lessons in the Senate

ABC’s Jake Tapper really does ask some tough questions. But he’s just no match for Chuck Schumer, widely acknowledged as the senate’s finest tap dancer. Watch how deftly Schumer tap dances around this question without actually answering it

ABC’s Jake Tapper really does ask some tough questions. But he’s just no match for Chuck Schumer, widely acknowledged as the senate’s finest tap dancer. Watch how deftly Schumer tap dances around this question without actually answering it:

Tapper: The Israeli newspaper Yedioth Achronoth quoted an anonymous confidante to Prime Minister Netanyahu calling President Obama “The greatest disaster for Israel, a strategic disaster.” I’m sure you have some constituents who share those views and perhaps those concerns. Do you think that the White House has behaved toward Israel and the prime minister of Israel as you would want them to?

Schumer: Well. let me say this. I think everybody here in the United States, virtually everybody, and the vast majority of Israelis, want peace. They’re willing to accept a two state solution. The best way to bring about that peace is let the two sides negotiate and bring them together. I think one of the problems we have faced in the Middle East is that too many of the Palestinians, they elected Hamas, sworn to Israel’s destruction, don’t really believe in peace. And I do believe that you have to let the two parties come together. If the United States imposes preconditions, particularly on the Palestinian and Arab side, they’ll say we won’t come and negotiate.

If we’re not mistaken, Schumer just did a beautiful job of executing the ol’ keep-talking-until-they-forget-what-the-queston-was maneuver.

Dance, Senator Schumer, dance.

Source: National Review

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