Greta Van Susteren bitch slaps Gloria Allred for the second time in a week

After getting slapped around a few days ago, Gloria Allred decided – incorrectly, as it turned out – that it would be a good idea to go back on Greta Van Susteren’s Fox News show.

Far as we can tell, the phrase “bitch slap” was created with Gloria Allred in mind. It’s not easy to degrade the legal and media professions any further, but she is able to accomplish both tasks singlehandedly.

After getting slapped around a few days ago, Allred decided – incorrectly, as it turned out – that it would be a good idea to go back on Greta Van Susteren’s Fox News show.

There are a lot of great moments in this clip, but our favorite is Greta saying, “I think she would have been a lot smarter to talk to a lawyer who worried about whether she would be deported than some sort of public statement on someone running for office … You know what, Gloria? The first thing for a lawyer to do is to protect the client, not throw the client out to the wolves. If you can’t protect the client you shouldn’t do the job….”

Anyone think Gloria will stagger back into the studio for round three?

H/T: Gateway Pundit

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