Helping the Obama administration practice obfuscation reality enhancement

The Obama administration speaks fluent obfuscation
The Obama administration speaks fluent obfuscation

When President Obama promised “change,” no one knew he wanted to change the names of things that are clearly understood to names that are…well…clearly not understood.

“Global War on Terror” became “overseas contingency operation.” “Terrorism” became “man-caused disaster.” Now the Treasury wants “toxic assets” to be called “legacy assets” name and the CDC wants “swine flu” to be called “H1N1.”

Unfortunately, no one’s buying these names. Not even the biased liberal media. When was the last time you heard Katie Couric report an overseas contingency operation?

Eric Swartz, the San Francisco-based TaglineGuru, wants to help. So he came up with some ideas to help the Obama administration rebrand other policy terms. Some of his suggestions:

Detainees: Custodial informants
Terrorists: Improvised ideologues
Deficit: Long shortfall (or inverted surplus)
One trillion dollars: Nth power financing
Border violence: Territorial imperative
Torture: Non-verbal questioning
Taxes: Income tweaks

We like it. Or as they might say in the Obama administration, it’s favorability enhanced.


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