Revise the tourist maps: PETA wants to rename San Francisco’s Tenderloin district

Just as we were thinking, “You know, we haven’t heard anything stupid from PETA lately,” the animal rights wackos have plumbed new depths of inanity.


Just as we were thinking, “You know, we haven’t heard anything stupid from PETA lately,” the animal rights wackos have plumbed new depths of inanity.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (which technically, should be PFTETOA, not PETA) sent a letter to the mayor of San Francisco requesting that the city’s Tenderloin District be renamed the “Tempeh District.”

How about if they called it Homeless Town or Shopping Cart City or Result-of-Liberal-Policies-ville?

In case you’re as unfamiliar with tempeh as we were, Mrs Editor confidently states that it’s a traditional Indonesian soy dish. (Looks like all those hours watching the Food Channel have finally paid off.)

NBC Bay Area has the letter and the story:

“I am writing on behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and our more than 2 million members and supporters, including thousands in the Bay Area, with an idea that could help revitalize the struggling Tenderloin district: rename it the “Tempeh District.” By discarding an outdated moniker that evokes the horrors of the meat trade, you’ll be sending a strong message to progressive businesses and health-conscious residents that this neighborhood is ready for a fresh start.”

The letter goes on to explain how tempeh is healthier and cruelty-free, while tenderloin is full of suffering.

Reiman goes on to offer other suggestions if Tempeh doesn’t have the right ring to it,

“If Tempeh doesn’t excite you, how about Granola Flats or Seitan’s Lair? You could even run a contest to choose a veggie moniker.”

We’d open this contest up to our readers, but we’re pretty sure you lunatics would all come up with names like “Tube Steak Town.”

We’re not gonna go there.

H/T: CO2Insanity


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