Blago’s a small thinker

Disgraced Illinois governor Rod Blagojeviich 1Disgraced Illinois governor Rod Blagojeviich has been all over today’s morning news shows telling the world he considered giving Barack Obama’s open senate seat to Oprah Winfrey.

For god’s sake, Rod, that’s a big idea. Work with it. Develop it to its full potential. Why the hell stop with Oprah when you have a very impressive roster of Chicago celebrities to choose from.

Appoint David Soul as Police Commissioner. Make Jennifer Hudson First Minister of Music. Name Michael Jordon Director of Hoopolgy. Jenny McCarthy can be your Secretary of Education. And Robin Williams would do a bang-up job as Press Secretary.

Now that we’ve done you a favor, maybe you can do one for us. Can you get us a phone number for Jamie Gertz?” We’ve always been kind of hot for her.

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