All you need to know about Shirley Sherrod can be gleaned from her children’s names

We don’t know if Shirley Sherrod is a racist or not. But we know something else about her based on nothing more than what she named her children.

It’s pretty common for people to name their kids after people and places that are important to them. You name your son after your favorite uncle or your daughter after the place she was conceived. At least that’s what normal people do.

We don’t know if Shirley Sherrod is a racist or not. But we know something else about her based on nothing more than what she named her children.

kenyatta russia shirley sherrod
Shirley Sherrod named her son after a corrupt African dictator and her daughter after America's greatest enemy

She and her white-hating husband Charles Sherrod named her son “Kenyatta”. (In case you’re too young to remember, Jomo Kenyatta was the corrupt, authoritarian ruler of Kenya from 1964-78.

They named her daughter “Russia.” (In case you’re too young to remember, Russia was the largest republic in the USSR, the world’s original communist dictatorship and America’s greatest enemy of the 20th century).

How much more do you need to know about Shirley Sherrod and what she believes?

(Read all of our Shirley Sherrod stories, and we have a lot of them.)

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